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Venture investment which refers to a type of investing pattern is also called venture capital or fund for work of innovation. Under this investing way the investors put their capital to the projects which are either quite original, never applied to probation or with high indefinite as long as the future is concerned in the forms of stock holding rights and permits or share hold with additional conditions. These investors are willing to provide managing or operation service for the projects or enterprises, by which they will obtain a long-term interest as long as the project can reach a high growing rate and the investors can sell the property rights in some way. In the modern world venture investment, as the incentive for the development of high -tech is still in its initial phase in China. In order to speed up the industrializing process of our new and high technology, consummate the investing systems of small and medium-sized companies, promote the capital market and the healthy、 stable、 sustainable development of the risky investment in China. This thesis conducts an in-depty and systematic research on the venture capital in China.Starting with a comprehensive illustration, a comprehensive comparison among the venture investing development in US、 Japan and European countries is made; a systematic analyses on the present developing conditions of venture investment in China is made theatrically and practically, which the author lays a profound basis for the study of the development of the venture capital in China.The author makes a further research based on the logic: governing mechanism→running pattern→withdraw mechanism→developing analyses and strategies. In the thesis the author makes a thorough study on the governing mechanism in venture investing industry, dissects the reasons for the appearance of partnership venture invest Co.Ltd & venture enterprisers; the managing structure in that type of enterprise and the related law and regulations are also
    discussed in this paper.On the basis of the research on the running key elements &development, the author builds up the model of running elements structure & the running condition function, as well as the selecting &evaluating pattern; make a study on the running & trading mechanism; sets up a BP nerve network analyzing model to analyze the venture in the investment. Hence. It offers a pattern reference for the operation of Chinese venture capital.Further more, the withdraw mechanism of venture investment is comprehensively analyzed in the paper together with its motive, reasons and function. The interactive relationship between market construction featured by pioneering work and the market construction on the venture invest development. From the aspects of offering capital attracting irrigating for small & medium sized enterprises, consummating the withdraw mechanism and the managing system in the venture capital.Finally making use of the rank-ordered and blurred comprehensive analyzing method, the author analyzes the developing level of Chinese risky investment industry. The future developing scale is also predicted with the method of gray forecast. Above all these, the author researches to the systematic strategic propositions for the development of the venture capital industry in China.
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