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Thanks to the Chinese reform and openness policy, the economy in our country has been growing rapidly. Meanwhile, the typical extensive high-cost growth pattern characterized as more input and consumption, yet lower efficiency, resource restraints and all kinds of social contradictions become more and more obvious. Every year, more than 30 thousand pieces of scientific and technological achievements were produced at present, but the contribution rate of the science and technology to economy is far lower the western developed countries. Even compare with the developing countries, the contribution rate in our country is inferior. The huge waste of the scientific and technological innovating resource is one of the significant causes of the economic extensive growth. The contribution of scientific and technological progress to the economic growth shows as the achievements of science and technology transforming into real productivity at a certain degree. Under the background of the knowledge economy and the integration of world economy, based on the view of scientific development and the idea of the green gross domestic product (GGDP), focusing on the problem situation of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and economic growth, from the macroscopic aspect and microscopic aspect, this paper applies the theories and methods of economics, management and modern mathematics to analysis the mechanism of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in theory according to our national fundamental situation. Then the internet structure model and dynamic equilibrium model of the risk mechanism were established. It is concluded that profit driving is the fundamental driving force of formalization and development of current transformation of the achievements. It is also clear that the co-operation under the principle of investment, risk distribution and returns sharing of all sides of the transformation of achievements can efficiently decrease the risk of transformation. The support and correct guidance of the government is the key to the successful implementation of transformation of achievements. At the same time, the low-cost economic growth theory model fitting to our national situation is derived with macroscopic production function. Mathematical model of efficient distributing mechanism of the returns between the co-operative partners is established in the process of transformation of achievements. Based on the theory of grey relational degree, the effects of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to economic growth were analyzed by applying economic-metrics. As to the positive and negative effects of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to the economic growth, this paper has made a deep analysis and research by applying the related principles of economics and put forward the innovative idea of going along the path of sustainable transformation of science and technology achievements and realizing green progress of science and technology. Through the analytical methods of positive analysis, standardization, quality, quantity, comparison etc, it is deducted that only through technology innovation, management innovation and institution innovation, folly playing the special role of the scientific and technological achievements transforming into real productivity, we can promote the whole macroscopic production function to move up and countervail the effect of marginal return descending, continuously elevate the reward of the whole macroscopic economy, which equals to the effect of marginal return increasing, further to promote the economic of our country to increase continuously, healthily and stably.
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