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In the period of globalization, the interaction of international and domestic institutes has required the improvement and reformation of the theories of international and domestic politics. In the international society without a central government, the global governance through international institutes and regulations is of special significance. With the vision of global governance, this dissertation demonstrates that the changing process of discourse power of international politics and economy to which the change of the power contrast between developed countries and the emerging economies leads reflects the flux from unilateral mode to multilateral one in the global governance.
     In global governance, practice is prior to theory, while the institutionalization process of multilateral mode in the global governance is not parallel to that of the reestablishment of international relation structure. G20 materializes the transference process of international politics and economy, while the transference of politics is not parallel to that of economy. That the international status of the emerging economies and developing countries, to be accurate, the discourse power of the emerging countries, is becoming more and more important is due to their ascending capability of economy. The realization of the discourse-power validity needs a long-term period, i.e. the transference in which developed countries demise their authority to lead the whole word will realize, only if the balanced strength between the emerging economies lasts for a long time.
     The main part of this dissertation consists of eight parts, their contents can be generalized as follows:
     Chapter One, the Necessity of the Theory of Global Governance, Its Practice and the Change of Its Modes. After the cold war, along with the deepening development of globalization as well as the adjustment of the structure of international politics and economy, the global governance is not only a pure theory of international politics, but also an urgent issue of practice in the contemporary international politics. Whether the global governance can show its importance in the structure of international politics depends on the possibility and extent of which the international institute and the domestic one is adjacent to each other. The current problem of international politics consists in that the growing number of the public problems challenges the effectivity of the existed domestic institute and the stability of domestic order. These problems which are beyond the governance of nation-state prevail in the international social space without governance. The successful international governance requires the close cooperation between different countries, and avoids the conflicts of international world. Therefore, the global governance faces dual challenge, i.e. to assure the justice and equality of the arrangement of international institute and to assure that the various domestic institutes can be restricted by international institutes. The inclination to globalization, the global problems and the process of democracy require that more countries with great influence participate the global governance, and give their support to the change of governance mode.
     Chapter Two, The Global Governance of G7 or G8 mode. After the disintegration of Bretton Woods system, to deal with the depression of capitalistic economy in 1970s, the Western countries establish the system of G7 which is a unilateral mode and which focus on the economic interest of Western countries. The global agenda which it constitutes is the external forms which is helpful for the western countries to realize its material interest. The participation of Russia into G7 changes the G7 which consists of only developed countries. Russia also participates the global agenda, thus break the unilateral mode of G7. Although Russian has not much influence on the agenda of global governance, the establishment of the multilateral mode begins.
     Chapter Three, The Financial Crisis and the Establishment of G8. In this chapter, the author elucidates the beginning of G20, its constitution, the qualification of its member, its task, function and operation mechanism, and demonstrates the formation and quick development of the multilateral mode of governance. Asian financial crisis makes the international society realize that the solution of international financial problems require the participation of not only western countries but also the emerging developing countries, Thus, a systematic and informal dialogue mechanism between important countries within the Bretton Woods system, G20 emerges. It is the formation of multilateral mode of global governance. Global financial crisis changes the structure of international politics, it is the acceleration of multilateral mode of global governance.
     Chapter Four, The Multilateral Governance Mode of G20. The real significance of global financial crises lies in that it changes in a real sense the discourse hegemony of western democracy which came into being since the capitalism established. A real diversification of economic and cultural modes in the world appears in a higher level. The leading power is not just in the hand of G7 countries which are in the control of USA, but also the G20 countries. While the function of the emerging countries power becomes important, the new international structure embodies the new mode of multilateral global governance. The diversity of issues and the leader summits makes G20 the primary forum in the international cooperation, and exhibits its function of multilateral global governance.
     Chapter Five, The Shortcoming of G20. As a new mode of governance, G20 should deal with the global problems which emerge from the change of international structure, and establish new agenda, solve the problem of the re-balance of global economy in the post-crisis period. G20 is not a global governance institute which represents the interest of all countries over the world. It cannot avoid getting into the trouble of the lack of flexibility and representativeness. Therefore, G20 can search the break point in its mechanism and formation. The break point consists of four aspects: comprehensively think about the long-term problems and short-term problems, search for the interest balance between western developed countries and the emerging economic powers, define the relation between G20 and the United Nations, and treat well with the problem of relation between G20 members and non-G20 members.
     Chapter Six, G20 Mode and The Rise of China. The rise of Chinese economy and international status requires China to gain the appropriate discourse power in the system of international economy and politics. G20 provides a stage for the ascending China to participate into the international dialogue, enlarge the international vision of China, is helpful for China to put forward its interest claims, and is advantageous to China to participate in the construction of international regulation and global order.
     Chapter Seven gives a conclusion of this dissertation on the basis of the analysis in the previous chapters, and orients the further study in the future.
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    2 Andrew Cooper and Thomas Fues,“L20 and ECOSOC Reform:Complementary Building Blocks for Inclusive Global Goverance and a More Effective UN”,Briefing Paper 6/2005.
    3 Paul Martin,Speaking Notes for the Right Honourable Paul Martin:Annual Meeting of the Development and Peace Foundation,June 8,2006,www.sef-bonn.org/download/veranstaltungen/2006_sd_drdsden_martin_speaking_ notes.pdf.
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    10 Putnam,Robert D.and Nicholas Bayne:Hanging Together:Cooperation and Conflict in the Seven Power Summits,Harvard University Press,1987.
    11 Nicholas Bayne,Hanging in There:The G7 and G8 Summit in Maturity and Renewal,Aldershot:Ashgate,2000.
    12 Nicholas Bayne,Staying Together:The G8 Summit Confronts the 21st Century,Aldershot:AShgate,2005.
    1 Andrew Bake,The Group of Seven:Finance Ministers,Central Banks and Global Financial Governance,London and New York:Routledge,2006.
    2 C.Fred Bergsten and C.Randall Henning:Global Economic Leadership and the Group of Seven, Institute for International Economics;Washington,D.C.,1996.
    3 Cesare Merlini and G.Garavoglia:The Future of the G7 Summits,Special Issue of The International Spectator 29,April-June 1994.
    4 Silvestri,Stefano.:“Between Globalism and Regionalism:The Role and Composition of the G-7.”In“The Future of the G-7 Summits,”The International Spectator 29,No.2(April/June 1994),Special Issue,PP.27-48.
    5 Gill Hubbard and David Miller,eds.,Arguments against G8,London:Pluto Press,2005.
    6 http://www.library.utoronto.ca/g7/governance/index.htm.
    7 Kirton,John J.:“New Directions in Twenty-First Century Governance:Prospects for the 2000 Okinawa Summit”. Presentation to the London School of Economics and Political Science Forum,Nippon Press Center,Tokyo,July 13,2000.
    8 Von Furstenberg George M.and Jianjun Wei.:“The Chinese Crux of Monetary Union in East Asia.”Paper to be delivered at a G8 Research Group Conference Calgary,June 22,2002.
    9 Garavoglia Guido and Pier Carlo Padoan:“The G-7 Agenda:Old and New Issues.”,“The Future of the G-7 Summits,”The International Spectator 29,No.2(April/June 1994),Special Issue,PP.49-45.
    2 Von Furstenberg George M.,and Joseph P.Daniels.:"Can You Trust G-7 Promises?",International Economic Insights 3(September/October 1992),PP.24-27.
    1 Michael Artis and Sylvia Ostry,International Economic Policy Coordination, London:Routedge and Kegan Paul,1986.
    2 Steohen Krasner,“Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes as InterveningVariables”, in Stephen Krasner ed.,International Regimes, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983, p.2.
    3 Robert Keohane,Judith Goldstein,Miles Kahler and Anne–Marie Slaughter,“Introduction:Legalization and World Polics”,International Organization,Vol.54,No.3,2000,pp.385-400;Kenneth Abbott and Duncan Snidal,“Hard Law and Soft Law in International Governance”,International Organization,Vol.54,No.3,2000,pp.421-456.
    2罗西瑙:《没有政府统治的治理》(Governance without Government:Order and Change in World Politics),第5页等,剑桥大学出版社,1995;《21世纪的治理》(Governance in the Twenty-first Century),《全球治理》杂志1995年创刊号。
    3罗茨:《新治理:没有政府的管理》(The New Government:Governing without Government),《政治研究》1996年第154期。
    1 J.N.Rosenau.Governance in the Twenty-first Century[J].Global Governance,1995,Vol 1(Winter):12-18.
    2 [英]戴维·赫尔德:《全球大变革》,社会科学文献出版社2000版,第13页。
    2 IMF的治理架构中,主要是三级:理事全——执行董事会——总裁及工作人员,理事会是最高权力机构,各成员国委派本国的财长或央行行长担任,IMF共有184个成员国,故理事会的构成有184个成员,执行董事会(简称执董会)负责处理日常业务,由24名执董组成,其中8名由份额多的国家委派,其他16名由成员国按地区选举产生,总裁是行政首脑,负责在执董会指示下处理具体事务。在这种架构中,理事会过于庞大,执董会级别又不够,因而在1972年7月,IMF理事会决定再单独成立一个“国际货币制度改革及相关问题委员会”,简称“二十国委员会”(C20)。1974年二十国集团又改革为临时委员会,由24个部长级官员组成,后来到1999年,临时委员会又改革成现在的“国际货币与金融委员会”(IMFC)。参见Peter Ken,et al.,International Economic and Financial Cooperation:New Issues,New Reponses,Center for Economic Policy Research,2004,p.20.
    1 Hisashi Owada, A Japanese Perspective on the Role of the Future of the G7.
    2 Hisashi Owada, A Japanese Perspective on the Role of the Future of the G7.
    3 Nicholas Bayne, History Of The G-7 Summit: The Importance Of American Leadership.
    1 http://www.library.utronto.ca/g7/governance/index.htm./
    2 John Kirton,“The Diplomacy of Concert:Canadc,the G7 and the Halifax Summit”,Canadian Foreign Policy, Vol.3,No.1,1995,pp.63-80.
    3 John Kirton,“A Summit of Significant Success:the G8 at St.Petersburg 2006”,p.6.Http:www.g8.utoronto.ca/ evaluations/2006tspetersburg/kirton_perf_060719.pdf.
    1 Tom Barry,“G8/G7 and Global Governance”,Foreign Policy In Focus July 2000.Vol. 5,No.23.
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    2 Nicholas Bayne.“Changing Patterns at the G7 Summit”,G7 Governance,No.l(May l997) http://www.library utoronto.ca/g7/governance.
    3关于“新兴大国”(emerging powers)、“形成中的大国”(would-be great powers)、“金砖四国”(BRICs)即巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国,或者加上南非和墨西哥的“B(R)ICSAM”的全球影响的文献不断增多(参见Hook 2001;Wilson and Purushothaman 2003;hurrell 2006;Shaw et al.2007;Cooper et al.2006;Kaplinsky and Messner 2008;Subacchi 2008)。
    1 John J.Kirton,Ella Kokotsis,and Diana Juricevic,The 2001 G8 ComPliance Report,July7,2001,P4;John J.Kirton,Ella KOkotsis,and the University of Toronto G8 Research Group,Keeping Genoa’s Commitments:The 2002 G8 Research Group Compliance Report[R].June 2002,p.2:Ella Kokotsis,John J.Kirton and The G8 Research Group, 2002 Kananaskis Final Compliance Report[R].May 2003,p.4;吕有志,林小芳,查君红:《八国集团与中国》,浙江大学出版社2006版,第50~51页。
    2 Injoosohn,“Asian Finaneial Cooperation:The Problem of Legality,many in Global Financial Governance”,Global Governance II,2005,PP.487。
    3 Wang Zaibang.“Principal Contradictions and Changes.”Contemporary International Relations (September , 2006).
    1 G22,Summary of Reports on the International Financial Architecture,Washington,D.C.,1998,p.1,www.inf.org/external/np/g22/summary.pdf.
    1 International Monetary Fund,A Guide to Committees,Groups,and Clubs:Factsheet,IMF,Washing,DC,2006,www. imf,org/external/np/exr/facts/groups.htm.
    2 Roy Culpeper,“Systemic Reform at a Standstill: A Flock of‘Gs’in Search of Global Financial Stability”, in Albert Berry and Gustavo Indart,eds.,Critical Issues in International FinancialReform, London , New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, pp.203-236;Gerald Helleiner,“Market,Politics and Globalization:Can the Global Economy Be Civilized?”, Global Governance,VOL. , 7 No.3,2001,pp. 243-263; Jhon Kirton,“From G7 to G20: Capacity, Leadership and Normative Diffusion in Global Financial Governance”, Paper presented for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Honolulu, March 1-5, www.g8.utoronto.ca/scholar/kirton 2005/kirton_isa 2005.pdf; Tony porter,‘The G7, the Financial Stability Forum, the G20, and the Politics of International Financial Regulation’, paper prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, March 15,2000,www.g8.utoronto.ca/g20/g20porter/index.html.
    3 G20由美国、英国、日本、法国、德国、加拿大、意大利、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、中国、巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥、韩国、印度尼西亚、印度、沙特阿拉伯、南非、土耳其等19个国家以及欧盟组成。
    1一种既不过冷也不过热的平衡的增长态势,是所有经济体努力追求的理想增长状态,表现为“高增长、低通胀”。经济学家曾以“金发经济”(Goldilocks Economy)来形容美国1990年代经历的这种健康经济状态。
    1 Georg S.rensen, What kind of world order? The international system in the new millennium, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago September 2-5, 2004.
    2 Dreaming with BRICS: The path to 2050, Global Economics Paper No. 99.
    1 Eduard Helmore,‘Peer review’breakthrough expected from G20.
    2 Leaders' Statement: The Pittsburgh Summit, September 24– 25, 2009.
    1 Daniel McDowell, Pittsburg G20 summit favor“the Rest”over the West, World Politics Review, September 29 , 2009.
    2 Regaining their balance:A new chapter for the world economy, maybe,The Economist, September 26, 2009.
    1 G20由这里列出的除西班牙以外的19个国家组成,第20个位置由欧盟作为一个整体占据,无论是在2008年11月会议还是在2009年4月会议,西班牙有一个单独的“谈判席位”因为法国和后来的英国放弃了额外的席位,他们中的每一个本将作为欧盟代表团的领导各自出席会议。
    1 Jae-Young Lee, "Korea: Growth Recovery and Exit Strategy".
    1从1920年代到二战,这种转移的日期仍然十分具有争议,参与Barry Eichengreen, "The Rise and Fall of the Dollar, or When Did the Dollar Replace Sterling as the Leading International Currency?", National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), working paper 14154, July 2008.
    2参见A. Benassy-Quere (2009), "The Dollar: Unsafe Haven", La Lettre du CEPII, No 989, July.
    3参见查尔斯?金德尔伯格:《1929年—1939年世界经济萧条》,承先、洪文达译,上海译文出版社1986年版;B. Eichengreen (1987), "Hegemonic Stability Theories of the International monetary system", NBER Working Paper 2193.
    1 J. Pisani-Ferry (2009), "China and the world economy", Bruegel.
    2 Eichengreen,B., and F.Ghironi, 1996.European Monetary Unification and International Monetary Co-operation, University of California at Berkeley,April.Photocopy.
    1 2009年4月G20部长级会议公报的非抱负性特点正说明了这方面的事实。
    1 David Vines (Oxford University and CEPR),“The Financial Crisis, Global Imbalances, and the International Monetary System”.
    2 Gian-Maria Milesi-Ferretti (IMF, with Olivier Blanchard),“Global Imbalances: Past, Present and Future”; Ted Truman (Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington),“Comments on Milesi-Ferretti and Vines”.
    3 He Fan(CASS, Beijing),“Comments on David Vines and Gian-Maria Milesi-Ferretti”.
    1 Min Tang ,“Emerging Trade Protectionism: A Case in China”;Natalya Volchkova (New Economic School and Center for Economic and Financial Research, Moscow),“Cross-Border Trade and Finance: Emerging Protectionism”.
    2 Jean-Joseph Boillot (CEPII’s Business Club, Paris and Euro-India Economic Business Group),“Economic Balance of Powers after the crisis”.
    2自2009年3月1日起,发展中国家宣布的贸易及贸易相关的措施约占总数的78%。参见Peter Draper (South African Institute of International Affairs),“Cross-border trade and emerging protectionism”.
    1 Shigeo Kashiwagi (Policy Research Institute, Japanese Ministry of Finance),“Don’t let globalization go into reverse”.
     1 1974年2月22日,毛泽东在会见赞比亚总统卡翁达时全面提出了划分“三个世界”的观点。
    1 Wang Yizhou, ed., Construction within Contradiction, (Beijing: China Development Publishing House, 2003).
    2 Li Dongyan《,A Chinese Perspective of UN Security Council Reform》,in Wang Yizhou, ed., Construction within Contradiction, (Beijing: China Development Publishing House, 2002), p. 101.
    1 Wang Jisi(2005),“China’s Search for Stability with America.”Foreign Affairs(September/October,2005).
    1 John Kirton,“The G7 and China in the Management of the International Financial System”, Department of Political Science, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.
    2 John Kirton,“The G7 and China in the Management of the International Financial System”, Department of Political Science, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.
    1 Yu Yongding(2005).“The G20 and China:A Chinese Perpective.”China and World Economy 13(1): 3-14.
    2 Nina Hachigan,Winny Chen and Christopher Beddor.“China’s New Engagement in the International System”, Center for American Progress,November 6,2009,available at:http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2009/11/pdf/ chinas_new_engagement.pdf.
    1 G4(四国集团财经论坛)始于2003年,是由中国、印度、巴西和南非组成的国际经济论坛。该机制是一个背靠背(Back to Back)的论坛,是在G20召开之际进行对话的机制,用以协调四国集团在某些议题中的立场。在中国,G4是由财政部主导、中国人民银行共同参与的机制,已经成为中国积极参与全球经济议题讨论的一个比较重要的机制。
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