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本论文研究了不同喷雾干燥血粉含量的等能等蛋白饲料饲喂中华鳖稚鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)的效果。将稚鳖随机分为5组,分别饲喂血粉含量为0%(饲料1)、1%(饲料2)、2%(饲料3)、4%(饲料4)和8%(饲料5)的饲料,测定了中华鳖的摄食、生长、能量收支和氮收支等。试验共进行60d,分为两个阶段,第一阶段40d,第二阶段20d。
     6、整个试验期间,不同饲料组间中华鳖的氮收支模式有显著差异,各饲料组间中华鳖的氮收支为:饲料1: 100C = 33.67G + 11.54F + 54.80U饲料2: 100C = 32.85G + 12.07F + 55.08U饲料3: 100C = 29.06G + 10.88F + 60.06U饲料4: 100C = 31.06G + 11.39F + 57.55U饲料5: 100C = 28.93G + 10.40F + 60.67U
     各饲料组间中华鳖的能量收支模式为:饲料1: 100C = 12.50F + 4.85U + 56.11R + 26.54G饲料2: 100C = 12.84F + 4.74U + 56.54R + 25.88G饲料3: 100C = 11.66F + 5.28U + 59.83R + 23.23G饲料4: 100C = 12.43F + 4.97U + 58.39R + 24.22G饲料5: 100C = 11.41F + 5.40U + 61.09R + 22.10G
An experiment had been conducted to evaluate feeding value of spray-dried blood meal (SDBM) for juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle. Chinese soft-shelled turtles were divided into five groups stochastically and fed with five diets which contain SDBM 0% (diet 1), 1% (diet 2), 2% (diet 3), 4% (diet 4) and 8% (diet 5) respectively and the feed consumption, growth, energy budget, nitrogen budget, et of the turtles were mensurated. This trial was divided into two periods, the first period lasted 40 days and the second period 20 days.
     The main results were as follows:
     1. In the first period, with the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the feeding rate (FR) and the feed coefficient (FC) of the turtle tended to increase, while the protein efficiency ratio (PER) tended to decrease and there were significant differences among different groups. In the second period, there was no significant difference in FR, FC and PER among different groups.
     2. In the two periods, there was no significant difference in weight gain (WG) and specific growth rates (SGR) of Chinese soft-shelled turtles among different groups.
     3. The digestibility coefficient (DC) of carbohydrate was significantly higher in turtles fed diet 2 than that of fed diet 5, while there was no significant difference of DC among other groups. The DC of other nutrition materials was not affected significantly.
     4. No significant difference was found in body composition among turtles fed with different diets.
     5. The length of digestive tracts was increased with the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, while there was no significant difference of the weight of digestive tracts among different groups.
     6. In the whole experiment period, there was significant difference in the nitrogen budget among different groups. The nitrogen budgets of every group listed as follows: Diet 1: 100C = 33.67G + 11.54F + 54.80U Diet 2: 100C = 32.85G + 12.07F + 55.08U Diet 3: 100C = 29.06G + 10.88F + 60.06U Diet 4: 100C = 31.06G + 11.39F + 57.55U Diet 5: 100C = 28.93G + 10.40F + 60.67U
     From the nitrogen budget above we know that with the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the ratio of urine nitrogen significantly increased while the nitrogen growth efficiency significantly decreased.
     7. There was significant difference in the energy budget among different groups. The energy budgets of every group were listed as follows: Diet 1: 100C = 12.50F + 4.85U + 56.11R + 26.54G Diet 2: 100C = 12.84F + 4.74U + 56.54R + 25.88G Diet 3: 100C = 11.66F + 5.28U + 59.83R + 23.23G Diet 4: 100C = 12.43F + 4.97U + 58.39R + 24.22G Diet 5: 100C = 11.41F + 5.40U + 61.09R + 22.10G
     The urine energy and metabolism energy significantly increased with the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, and there was no difference in growth energy among different groups. With the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the ratio of urine energy, metabolism energy and the assimilation efficiency of energy were significantly improved, while the energy growth efficiency significantly decreased.
     Analyzing the results above, it can be concluded as following:
     1. Adding SDBM to the diets will increase FR, metabolism rate, urine gestion and FC of the Chinese soft-shelled turtles, while the growth rate will not increase significantly. This indicated that there is no need to add blood meal to the diets of turtle.
     2. In the first period, with the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the utilization of the turtles to diets significantly decreased; in the second period, there were no significant differences of utilization of the turtles to diets among different groups. This indicated that the turtles would have adaptability to the diets containing SDBM after a long time of feeding.
     3. For 60 days of breeding, there were no differences of DC of nutrition materials except carbohydrate among different groups. With the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the length of digestive tracts increased and thus improved the DC to nutrition materials.
     4. With the increase of content of SDBM in the diets, the ratio of urine nitrogen, urine energy and metabolism energy improved, which wasted the resources and polluted the water.
     5. We should improve the productive method of blood meal and increase their feeding value.
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