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     设计、合成了六种新的含硫识别基团的蒽类荧光分子探针。通过金属离子滴定试验,发现该类探针对Cu~(2+)和Hg~(2+)离子具有明显的识别作用。特别是在此基础上设计的9,10-二(4-硝基苄硫甲基)蒽对Hg (Ⅱ)离子络合促进荧光增强429倍,该探针具有高度的专一性,是典型的PET体系。
     在以上研究的基础上,设计、合成了两个新的由不同识别基团相连接的双芘环荧光团的荧光探针。发现以3,6-二硫杂-1,8-辛二胺为连接基团和识别基团的含双芘环荧光团分子探针对Cd~(2+), Cu~(2+), Ag+和Hg~(2+)具有选择性识别作用。
As an important component of the supermolecular chemistry, the fluorescence molecular switch has developed rapidly and become interest of the chemists. In this dissertation the functional design and the molecular recognition of anthracene fluorescent receptors were studied deeply according to the trend in this field.
     A fluorescent probe with two anthracene groups linked by diphenyl sulfone was designed. It was found that this probe exhibit fluorescence enhancement response to Hg~(2+) and fluorescence quenching to Cu~(2+).
     In order to recognize the transition and the heavy metal ions, six of anthracene fluorescent probes with sulphur containing receptors were synthesized. The titration experiments indicated that the fluorescent probes are highly selective to Cu~(2+) and Hg~(2+). As a result, 9,10-bis(4-nitrobenzylthiomethyl)anthracene was designed and a 429-folds fluorescence enhancement response to Hg~(2+) was found. It was proposed that the enhancement mechanism is a typical PET-suppressed process.
     Two fluorescent probes with each having two dithiocarbamates groups as receptors were designed. The titration experiment indicated that these probes are highly selective to Hg~(2+), which shows a pronounced fluorescence enhancement. It was also found that the response to Hg~(2+) is a typical PET-suppressed process.
     Seven of bisanthracene fluoresent probes linked by different heterochain receptors were designed. The titration experiment indicates that only the sulfur containing fluorescent probes show evident fluorescence quenching upon additional Cu~(2+) and Hg~(2+). The stoichiometry of the probe-metal ion complex was estimated to be 1:1 by a nonlinear curve fitting of the fluorescence titration.
     Two heterochain linked bispyrene fluorescent probes were synthesized. It is found that when 3,6-dithia-l,8-diaminooctane is used as spacer and acceptor, the probe can recognize Cd~(2+), Cu~(2+), Ag+ and Hg~(2+) respectively.
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