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  • 英文题名:Research on Pollution and Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater Using GIS-Mapping Method in Changchun City, People Republic of China
  • 作者:Hamadoun ; Bokar
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:环境科学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:汤洁
  • 学科代码:083001
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 答辩委员会主席:邓伟
    来源,因此废物填埋场周围监测井中的NO3 、总Fe及Mn2+要比其他地方高。城市地表
    水体中BOD5、高锰酸盐指数、NO3 、总Fe和Mn2+也比较高。地表监测资料表明,远
    型:1)HCO3 -Ca2+水和HCO3 -Ca2+, Mg2+水或 HCO3 -Mg2+, Ca2+水; 2) SO4 -Ca2+水和
     - - - 2-
    SO4 -Ca2+, Mg2+水; 3) Cl- -Ca2+水; 4) CO3 - Na+水。因为Piper三线图没有反映任何地理
     对1991-1998年的双变量统计分析表明,无论在浅层还是在深层地下水中,NO3 与
    大多数离子,尤其Ca2+, Cl- 和 TDS有很强的正相关性。由于相关性分析仅揭示了离子
    分析的方法辅助解释数据的水文地球化学特性。要素分析法表明,Ca2+, Cl-, NO3 ,
    Mg2+, TH和TDS为“污染要素”,它们在大多数情况下产生的变异作用可以占到总污
    域, 1996年为35%,1997年为24%,1998年竟高达71%,而同比位于该水域的深层监
     笔者运用ArcView GIS空间分析的方法建立了评估长春市地下水污染脆弱度的两
The Changchun City, capital of Jilin Province, is situated in the central part of
    Northeast Plain of China. The population is about 6×106. The City has witnessed
    a rapid urbanization and economic growth over the last ten years. This has lead to
    rapid increase in population, industries and consequently a deficit in water supply.
    In addition many environmental problems such as water pollution, solid wastes
    and sewage effluents management have been increased. Groundwater assures
    about 45 % of total water supply of the city. Drinking was mostly served by
    surface water from Shitoukoumen and Xinlicheng reservoirs located in the east
    and south of the city. However, with the development of urban construction the
    groundwater especially from deep boreholes is also used for drinking purpose in
    suburban areas. Most of groundwater pollutions researches done in Changchun
    City remain the annual or sporadic reports provided by the Water Resources
    offices or Environmental agencies. In light of the above-mentioned problems,
    this research on groundwater pollution was conducted in Changchun City from
    2002-2004. The main methodologies used to carry out this research include desk
    study, field works, laboratory works (about 2 months fieldwork, and 2 years
    laboratory works) .The field works include wells water, surface water and waste
    dumped sites monitoring inventory and geographical locations recording using
    GPS. The GIS and statistical software were used for mapping and modeling
     From the research, it was clear that, industrial effluents and leachate from
    solid wastes disposal sites were the major sources of groundwater pollution in
    Changchun City therefore NO3 TFe and Mn2+ ions were higher in groundwater
    monitoring wells near waste dumped sites. BOD, Permanganate Index, NO3 TFe -
    and Mn2+ were higher in surface water bodies inside the City. The surface
    monitoring sites, far from the city especially Shitoukoumen and Xinlicheng
    reservoirs were less impacted by the pollution.
     The median concentrations values of most of chemical species monitored
    from 1991 to 1998 especially for the shallow aquifer data were higher than the
    standard for drinking water.
     The determination of hydrochemical facies type is a tool to control
    groundwater from pollution any deviation from background water facies can be
    related to pollution. The most used tool to determine water quality is by plotting
    on Piper diagram, which determine 4 classes of water facies for both shallow and
    deep groundwater: (1) HCO3 -Ca2+ and HCO3 -Ca2+, Mg2+ or HCO3 -Mg2+, Ca2+;
     - - -
    (2) SO4 -Ca2+and SO4 -Ca2+, Mg2+; (3) Cl--Ca2+; and (4) CO3 - Na+. Because of
     2- 2- 2-
    Piper diagram does not have any geographical references, a GIS mapping model
    based on the piper diagram construction references were used here for mapping
    the groundwater chemical type. The maps of geochemical facies showed that
    HCO3 water type occupied the largest area of the city for both shallow and deep
    groundwater data.
     Statistical bivariate analysis showed strong positive coefficient of correlation
    for NO3 with most of the major ions specially Ca2+, Cl-, for both shallow and
    deep groundwater from 1991 to 1998. Since correlation analysis reveals
    similarities in the behavior of pairs of ions, and does not conveniently identify
    groups of ions that behave similarly, factor analysis is carried out to help in
    hydrogeochemical interpretation of the data. The Factor analysis showed that
    Ca2+, Cl-, NO3 , Mg2+, TH and TDS were frequently loaded in Factor I which
    represents in most of the cases more than 30% of total variances and termed as
    “Pollution Factor” .The results showed that the
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