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Credit card, first issued in1985, is not an ordinary sense of the bank cards, but it is a credit card issued by a bank or other financial institution without prior deposits, meanwhile anyone can consume first and then repay the loans. The biggest difference between credit card and the general bank card is that credit card can allows a certain amount of overdrafts, and offer about a month interest-free period for overdrafts. Due to "credit" feature of the credit card, commercial banks’credit card service focuses on the crowd with the ability to repay the loan.
     Since 2003, domestic credit card "enclosure movement" has become increasingly fierce, at the same time banks begun to further subdivide and develop the target groups, and then gradually transferred their group attention to college students. College students belong to a very special group, who get the daily cost from parents, and basically have no fixed incomes and stable residences. To the banks, they will bear larger credit risk and higher management costs. With the continuous expansion of credit card business and mature management to prevent risk, some banks begun to issue credit card in some national "211 Project" University. On September 20, 2004, JIN Cheng Credit and Guangdong Development Bank jointly issued the first "college students credit card", after that, other banks followed the example, and offered a series of credit cards for college students, such as China Merchants Bank of YOUNG card, Industrial Bank of Garfield card, China CITIC Bank of I card, China Construction Bank of Long card, Bank of Communications of Y-power card and son on, full-time students in universities could apply for a credit card.
     Domestic banks now ask for fewer requirements to cardholders than before to gain more college students, but the big number of the students-cardholders brings a lot of problems. They are in the stage of physiological age in which their independent conscious rapidly emerges, comparing with others, they have a strong personality and consumption desires, and they are also easy to accept new things and like to catch up with or surpass other fashionable groups. Therefore they are easily misled to have "impulsive buying" behavior. They don’t have enough own willpower when they go shopping, as long as they have some money, they will rush to buy anything they like. Although not all the impulsive buying is irrational buying, irrational buying mainly appears in impulsive buying behavior. When impulsive buying appears irrational impulsive behavior, it will bring some negative effects on this stylish consumption behavior. The main effect is over our and our families’capacity to pay for excessive consumption, which may not only significantly increase the risk of bank loan repayment, make college students in the trouble of subnormal study and life and increase unreasonable financial burden to their families, but also trigger malicious overdrafts, and other economic problems and credit moral crisis, and have influence on normal life of their families. So now we use some words such as "card slaves", "gnawing old clan", to describe this phenomenon. What is more serious is that such behaviors will induce college students to become frauds, thefts, and commit other social crimes.
     This paper mainly studies effects of the various dimensions of money attitudes on impulsive buying, and focuses on effects of credit card use on impulsive buying among college students. This paper subjects are college students from four universities of Chengdu region, Sichuan province, and adopts combination of interview in school and depth interview of non-probability sample. On the base of reading a large number of relevant literatures both at home and abroad, this paper firstly describes research status of money attitudes, credit cards usage and impulsive buying and constructs the model after taking money, power-prestige, distrust, anxiety, retention time, credit card use and impulsive buying, and demonstrating it with empirical data by adopting statistics software of SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0. Statistical methods mainly adopt descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis. Findings suggest that, firstly, money attitudes directly influence impulsive buying among college students. When students regard money as a symbol of power and influence others and consider it as a tool to measure success, and regard money as a source of having and avoiding anxiety, they will increase impulsive purchase; when students use the money hesitatingly, suspiciously, and carefully, they will reduce impulsive buying. On the other side they will aggravate impulsive buying behavior once they have and use a credit card. Our research finds that the relationship between the power-prestige and impulsive buying, and the relationship between anxiety and impulsive buying are stronger among students being irrational credit card users than who are rational credit card users. The relationship between the distrust and impulsive buying, and the relationship between the retention time and impulsive buying are stronger among students being rational credit card users than who are irrational credit card users.
     Based on further research on relationship among money attitudes, credit card use and impulsive buying among college students, this paper provides practical strategy to solve a unreasonable consumption problem after the phenomenon of students hold credit cards appeared, and provides direction for formulating relevant credit card policies and marketing strategies, and guide credit card agencies and schools to help students proper use of credit card consumption.
     The full text is composed by 7 chapters altogether.
     The introduction for the first chapter, mainly introduce background of this study, the purpose of the study, research methods and research value
     Chapter 2 study for the review of material and research assumptions. It mainly reviews research literature about attitudes on the use of credit cards, money attitude, and impulsive buying behavior, and then based on the above review of the material research, we present research assumptions.
     Chapter 3 introduces design of this study in detail. First, under the base of material review and assumptions, we establish the theoretical analysis model, and take it as a general path and theoretical analysis of the logical framework; second, we analyze the variables in the model of operational definitions and measurement; third, we introduce the design of the questionnaire and sampling, which includes study subjects and sampling methods; finally, we introduce the research methods of data collection and data analysis methods.
     Chapter 4 introduces the pre-research analysis of this study. It mainly introduces that we do the small sample of the pre-research analysis to make this study more reasonable and simplified and testing research questionnaire scale reliable and valid, including project analysis, reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis.
     Chapter 5 introduces the formal study analysis. Firstly, we use SPSS12.0 software descriptive analysis, including samples of descriptive statistics and credit card issuers situation analysis; secondly, we test the reliability and validity of three scale from the questionnaire; thirdly, AMOS7.0 software is used in the structural equation model and the maximum likelihood estimation analysis method to test and analyze the model and assumptions in this study, including the overall model fitting and the path analysis.
     Chapter 6 introduces this study’s conclusions and recommendations. First, on the conclusions of this study is that the students of different money attitudes affect their impulsive buying behavior, while the use of credit cards as a moderator with moderate variable effect will influence relationship between money attitudes and impulsive buying. Then we put forward four policies and advices.
     Chapter 7 introduces future research and study limitations, including four aspects: data representation, extension of the theme, model development and scales use.
     The main contribution of this paper is the combination academic and practical aspects of the need to discuss the relationship between money attitudes and impulsive buying conceptualizing credit card use as a moderating variable, and provide a local demonstration research on effects of credit card usage on impulsive buying among Chinese college students. There is no similar document exists about the theme of this study in the country, we hope that, through this study, follow-up researchers, in practical level, to provide references for card issuing banks, the government and relevant institution to establish public policies to avoid the same credit card crisis happened in South Korea in 2003; as for Academic theories, through the conclusions of this study, more researchers can pay more attention to or take part in the field research and make the result perfect.
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