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With the rapid development of economy, the living environment of enterprises has changed a lot and at the same time the relevant economic theories and researches have developed and deepened so that the study of enterprise growth theories shows distinct characteristcs. On the basis of the complexity of enterprises'living environments and the reality of nonlinear effects of factors of enterprise growth, the article regards agricultural product processing enterprises which are of vital significance to national economy and people's livelihood as the object of study and systematically analyses the growth of agricultural product processing enterprises with the use of theories of management, economics and systems science of complexity, exploring the growth mechanism of these enterprises and constructing internal and external guarantee measures to promote their growth. Combined with factor analysis and Back Propagation Neural Network Technology, the article, based on FA-BP, constucts the growth ability evaluation model of agricultural product processing enterprises and makes an empirical research of ZL company. The result will not only be helpful to lay a foundation of systems science of enterprise growth theories and be of great significance to enrich enterprise growth theories, but also provide a theoretical basis for the growth of our agricultural product processing enterprises, which will be helpful to the development of agricultural industry and to solve the problems with China's agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
     The growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises needs the powerful support of internal and external guarantee mechanism and systems. However, the construction of guarantee mechanism and systems shouldn't be chimerical, but concrete, systematic and scientific, which makes necessary and premise the anaylysis of formation mechanism of the growth abilities of agricultural product processing enterprises. So the article first constructs the growth system and growth factor systmes of agricultural product processing enterprises on the basis of the growth nature and characteristics of agricultural product processing enterprises , then determines key factors that influence growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises with a field survey according to Delphi Method, finally based on the analysis of principal components, it constructs the diamond model of growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises, providing a basis for the analysis and study of formation mechanism of growth ability of such enterprises.
     In the analysis of formation mechanism of growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises, the article explores the formation mechnism of enterprise innovation ability with theories of catalyzed reaction, which is called Brusselator, revealing that innovation ability comes from the cross effects of internal and external factor catalyzers and providing theoretical basis for agricultural product processing enterprises to improve innovation ability. Through the analysis of the factors which influenc synergetic abilities at different stages of enterprise growth, it determines order parameters in the growth systems of agricultural product processing enterprises with the use of theories of synergetics, revealing that enterprise culture and study ability, as order parameters, predominate in growth systems of enterprises; it also designs the process mechanism model for agricultural product processing enterprises to form synergetic abilities, revealing the formation mechanism of synergetic abilities of agricultural product processing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the sources of growth risks of agricultural product processing enterprises and the relationship between them as well as complexity and adaptability of enterprise growth risks, the article studies the formation mechanism of risk precontrol ability and designs the process model of precontrol ability formation according to theories of CAS, providing theoretical foundation for enterprises to control their growth risks effectively. Based on the analysis of industry supporting elements, it laid the research foundation for the external security system in researching on the formation mechanism of industry supporting in agricultural product processing enterprises growth.
     The construction of the guarantee mechanism and systems is foundamental for agricultural product enterprises to form and maintain the growth ability. With enterprises as the main body, the article studies the internal growth guarantee mechanism of agricultural product processing enterprises, mainly including innovative management mechanism of focalizing low entropy, synergetic mechanism and risk precontrol mechanism; with government as the main body, the article studies the construction of the external guarantee mechanism which can promote the formation and improvement of growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises, mainly including the construction of circulation systems of agricultural products, the combination of agricultural production and agricultural research as well as market-oriented agriculture, which provides a good external environment for the growth of agricultural product procesing enterprises and industrial support.
     To make sure agricultural product processing enterprises can judge its state of growth ability scientifically, the article at last combines Factor Analysis(FA)and Back Propagation Neural Network Technology(BP)and makes use of relevant data of 30 sample enterprises to construct growth ability evaluation model of agricultural product enterprises. It also chooses objective enterprises to make an empirical research. The result proves that the sources of objective enterprises' growth ability match with the constructed diamond model of appraising the growth ability in agricultural product processing enterprises, and proves the importance of constructing the inner and outer mechanism and system in promoting growth ability. And at the same time the dissertation also makes a verticle comparison of the key indexes that affect growth ability of objective enterprises and draws an important conclusion on how to promote growth ability of agricultural product processing enterprises.
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