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Through systematic summarization of the achieved research result and current status related to crop growth and development model and computer simulation system, preliminary analysis and research was made to describe rationale technique and method bottleneck practical application etc. for crop model development, especially for greenhouse crop. On the basis of analysis and research, a dynamic model was made for greenhouse tomato, and a computer simulation system based on MS-Window was developed using advanced software techniques.
    In this research, the author widely adopted some advanced research achievements from abroad and homeland, and developed a dynamic model based photosynthesis, which could be used for prediction accumulation and partition of dry matter and morphological change of crop, and more applicability for China horticulture.
    By using advanced techniques, a multi-functional simulation system was developed with friendly user interface, availability of software upgrade and maintenance and intellectual property due to integration of database and document management, graphics and image, and multimedia techniques, etc. Furthermore, in order to be more universal and integrated, some modules such as guidance and calendar control-piece were designed in the software.
    On the basis of study and adjustment of model parameters, simulation analysis was made with climatic character of Beijing, and part of experiment data and physiological traits of tomato variety. The results showed that: the model could be useful to simulate the relationship between environmental factors and crop growth compared with experimental data and literature data, and it was much significant to provide reference for optimization of greenhouse environment control.
    It is well known that study of crop model is very complicated process. From this view point, there are still lots of works which need to be done, such as experiment validation, optimization of some parameters, because of the limitation of experimental condition and time, and so on. In addition, the experimental scheme and method was designated in the paper for further validation and completion of the model in the future.
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