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Reverse logistics has been developed quickly due to the arising of recycling economy, pressure of environmental rules, drive of economic interest and extension of producer responsibility. The system structure of reverse logistics on waste household appliances is researched deeply based on the survey of contents, methods and present situation of both Chinese and international research works. This dissertation focuses on the network planning, inventory management and remanufacturing production system, and the detailed works are as follows:
     (1) The contents and connotations of reverse logistics is deeply discussed, and both Chinese and international research achievements are analyzed and summarized. Through the research on the objectives, roles, functions and features of reverse logistics, the framework integrating the material flow, work flow, information flow and capital flow is established. Concretely, the process model and information model of reverse logistics on waste household appliances is presented. Based on the framework, key technologies of reverse logistics are presented.
     (2) Network planning model of reverse logistics on waste household appliances is built. Factors having impact on network design of reverse logistics are analyzed. The method of network place selection is presented. And the remanufacturing integrated logistics network for waste household appliances and independent reverse logistics network are established respectively. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) is adopted to analyze these two networks, and optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithm (GA) is given.
     (3) Marketing model of reverse logistics and remanufacturing inventory management model are established. Based on the Vendor Inventory Management (VIM) with concurrence of return and stock out, the optimum order cycle (OOC) and optimum order quantity (OOQ) are researched within the cost optimization. And remanufacturing inventory management model and least cost control strategy are presented when product return and demand are both random and mutually independent.
     (4) Cost model of stochastic remanufacturing production system of reverse logistics is built. With the analysis of all kinds of costs in remanufacturing system, cost structure of remanufacturing production system of reverse logistics is given. With different return rates and disposal rates of two products and the limitation of inventory capacity, a stochastic production cost model is established for the remanufacturing production system with different priorities to produce two kinds of products.
     (5) These models are numerically analyzed and validated. With a case study of waste refrigerator recycling in Jiangsu Province, Anhui Province, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai, recycle network of refrigerator is built. The impact of return rate, lead time, hold cost and stock out cost on the costs of the two inventory model is analyzed. Additionally, the impact of return rate, production mass, production rate, and inventory space on the cost of remanufacturing produce system is discussed.
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