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It was predicted that China's wheat sector would face serious challenges from importing wheat After WTO entry, particularly more and more American wheat would enter into Chinese market. In the past two years since China's entry into WTO, the amount of wheat importing from other countries reduced year by year. Reseachers and officials are trying to find out why the fact is different from the prediction. The study aims at using statistic method to measure international competitiveness of China's wheat, and adopting comparative method to analyse the factors that affect China's wheat competitiveness. Meanwhile, it also analyses the characteristics of wheat importing and exporting countries in the world, as well as wheat supply and demand of China.
    The study shows that China's wheat competitiveness is very week. Compared to developed countries, the quality of China's wheat is poorer and more unsteadily, cost of production is higher, quality standard testing system is week and the processing skills are still relatively under-developed. At the same time, the wheat production of China could not be linked with the sales market smoothly up to now. On the other hand, China's wheat production, especially high quality wheat development has made great progress in recent years. Firstly, we have bred some new wheat varieties whose quality is equal to that of importing wheat. Secondly, the superior areas planting special-use wheat are being built now. Thirdly, in year of 2002, China exported food wheat to Southeast Asia for the first time, and zhengzhou wheat has been listed in the globle hard wheat price system. All these changes show that China's wheat competitiveness has been improved gradually and has obvious superiority of area and price in Southeast market.
    In order to improve the international competitiveness of China's wheat as soon as possible, the following strategies and measures should be taken. Firstly, on the basis of meeting domestic market need, we would export properly some wheat to the counties of Southeast Asia. Secondly, the wheat quality and supply capability would be improved steadily through variety breeding, production base establishing and extending technology of standardization cultivation. Thirdly, wheat standard system should be consummated in order to guide the production and processing of wheat, in the meanwhile, it could be used as the technology barrier that could restrict wheat importing. Fourthly, the technology of wheat transforming and further processing should be improved. Fifthly, we should build and improve quality inspection system of wheat and strength market information service. Sixthly, the production cost would be reduced rapidly through extending some advanced cultivation technologies concern. Finally, through establishing
     the pre-alam and controlling system of wheat TCK, we could insure the wheat sector of China in a safe state.
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