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With the establishment and development of market economy in our country, competition between enterprises is becoming more and more intensive; on the other hand, the consuming behaviors of consumers are more reasonable. In this condition, the question that most enterprises are facing is the switching and running off of consumers and continuous decreasing of marketing shares. Now most enterprise are concerned about how to cultivate high loyalty consumers group, while the key to cultivate high loyalty consumers group is to learn about forming process of consumer brand loyalty and know which factors can effect consumer brand loyalty and to what degree that been effected. Those are questions that this article wants to solve.
    At present, scholars in china have made many researches on consumer brand loyalty. There are some researches involving the influencing factors of consumer brand loyalty, however, the research only facing to the influencing factors is insufficient. The study that integrates one industry or one product is too little. Although scholars abroad have done a lot of quantitative analyses to the influencing factors, it is unsure whether the conclusion is suitable for china or not.
    Considering these above aspects, the paper has made qualitative and quantitative researches on the influencing factors of consumer brand loyalty, taking the fluid milk consumption as an example. These are contents of the third, the fourth and the fifth chapter. The third chapter is studying the formation of the consumer brand loyalty, including the common and mentality procession, the relation between the attitude and the behavior during the formation of brand loyalty; the fourth chapter will make qualitative research on the influencing factors of consumer brand loyalty, bringing forward several supposes from the consumer level and the marketing level; the fifth chapter is the demonstration section on the influencing factors. Making use of the spot investigation to the liquid milk consumers in the 12 supermarkets and 6 milk spots, we will use factors analysis and regressions method to analyze investigation result and illustrate the degree of each influencing factor of consumer brand loyalty so as to testify
    the supposes that have been made in the fourth chapter.
    Through the analysis, we find that the influencing factors of the consumer level and the marketing level make great effects on consumer brand loyalty. Seeing from the consumer level, the factors of sex, age, income, occupation of the consumer, marital status and the attitude to time have remarkable influences to loyalty formation, but the education, the attitude to related community suggestions, the attitude to risk, the attitude to ego image are not outstanding; Seeing from the marketing level, the consciousness quantity, price of the product, the convenience of purchase, the advertise, the special promotions have the remarkable influences, but the influence of packing to the brand loyalty is not outstanding. According to this conclusion, dairy enterprises should pay more attention to the important factors and collocate resources reasonably to improve consumer brand loyalty.
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