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Implementing the new-type industrialization should possess certain information-based level and industrialized horizontal foundation, possess certain resource condition , require good market system .The new-type industrialization gives industrialized level new meaning , it also brings new opportunity for promoting the Guangdong industrialization level, and it is the inevitable choice that Guangdong Province promotes the industrialization level further.
    The industrialization of Guangdong is at medium stage at present, but in the information-based level, respects , such as scientific and technological content , economic benefits , resource consuming , environmental pollution and human resources in industry increases ,etc. and the new-type industrialization request still existence disparity. There are six respects under key attention to implement new-type industrialization and promote the industrialized level in Guangdong:
    First, the information is the new industrialization core, also is the core promoting the industrialization level of Guangdong further, the current information project needs the enterprise information, the industry information and the government decision-making information advances in unison, and must focus to enhance the ability mining and using the information resource from the data warehouse. Second, the equipment manufacturing industry has the extremely widespread connection effect and the influence, it plays important role in the industrialization process , also is the carrier that the high-tech transforms as the realistic productive forces; The development of the heavy chemical industry also is the inevitably choice when the industrialization level of Guangdong reach to certain degree, also is the objective need according to current industrial development of Guangdong. Third, the technical innovation ability is the key to promote the industrialization level of Guangdong, Guangdong province must further
    sharpen the technical innovation ability. Fourth, the high-tech industry has great connection effect, Guangdong province should develop high-tech industry in phase to realize the industrial structure optimized promotion, the
    traditional industry still is playing the important role in the Guangdong industry, so we should positively transform the traditional industry using the new high-tech taking the information technology as the core. Fifth, Different area has different industrialization degree in Guangdong, we must use this kind of difference to establish reasonable industry gradient, so we can make the human resources superiority utilized fully and realize the new-type industrialization and the goal promoting industrialization level. Sixth, there has the huge pressure in the resources and the environment aspect in Guangdong, so Guangdong province should positively develop the ecology industry to coordinate the contradiction between the environment and the economy development.
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