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Text-to-Speech (TTS) is an important part of human-computer interface and it is also a difficult problem in the Chinese information processing. In this dissertation we conclude our research work on the language processing and prosodic expression of a Text-to-Speech system which acts as a component of Huajian Speech-to-Speech translation system.
    The Text-to-Speech system is designed to convert the text stored in the computer into speech. With the improvement of speech synthesis techniques, it has been widely used in our life such as information systems, voice response devices, voice services in E-mail, reading machines for blinds and so on. Moreover, it has great theoretic value in human-computer communication system, natural language human-computer interface and intelligent computer system.
    Text-to-Speech has made great progress with the development of computing linguistics and phonetics. It has evolved from analyzing speech signals to utilizing the knowledge of linguistics and phonetics. In spite of these, Text-to-Speech technology still has many weaknesses: Firstly, it can't provide enough information to the synthesis without deep semantic level analysis; Secondly, the segmental characteristic is difficult to extract and analyze; Finally, the evaluating criterions are far from perfect.
    The procedure of language processing is discussed and analyzed in this dissertation firstly, then the author enriches the rule sets of sentence boundary assigning, specific symbol processing and so on. Combining the characteristics of Chinese Text-to-Speech system, a new algorithm of speech word segmentation and a method of disambiguition are also put forth. The word-to-sound rule and the structure of a speech database are modified during the
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