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Objective To observe the efficacy of 1-week triple therapy of omeprazole and two antimicrobial agents by drug susceptibility test for helicobacter pylori eradication.,and to study the helicobacter pylori sensitivity of HP strains to antimicrobial agents,and to provide clinical evidence of choosing antimicrobial agents.
     Methods One hundred and twenty patients with HP infection suffering from chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer were randomized to HP culture group,OAM group and OAC group.The HP culture group were administered omeprazole(20mg,twice a day)and two antimicrobial agents according to drug sensitivity test;OAM group were administered omeprazole(20mg,twice a day),Amoxicilin(1.0,twice a day ) and metronidazole(0.4, twice a day) for 1-week;OAC group group received omeprazole(20mg,twice a day), Amoxicilin(1.0,twice a day ) and clarithromycin(0.5,twice a day) for 1-week.Four weeks later,the HP eradication were observed.
     Results The eradication rate among HP culture group,OAM group and OAC group were 97.3%、76.3%和77.7%,respectively.The difference of eradication rate between HP culture group and the other two groups was significant(P<0.05),and there was no difference among OAM and OAC groups(P>0.05).
     Conclusions(1)l-week triple therapy of omeprazole and two antimicrobial agents according to helicobacter pylori culture and drug sensitivity test can enhance the HP eradication rate;(2) helicobacter pylori culture and drug sensitivity test can direct HP eradication therapy.
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