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     第三章:研究了氨基偶氮苯类化合物(Ia-c)和乙酰氨基偶氮苯类化合物(IIa-c)掺杂在PMMA中的单光子异构化行为,评价了含有两类不同取代基的偶氮苯衍生物的光异构化特性以及在PMMA聚合物结构中形成的分子间氢键。相对于乙酰氨基偶氮苯类化合物IIa-c,氨基偶氮苯类化合物Ia-c达到可逆平衡所需要的时间较短,且整体反应速率常数比较大。含有长烷基链的偶氮苯类衍生物(Ic,IIc)的光异构化速率快于短链化合物(Ib,IIb)。而在平衡时,由于分子间氢键的作用,IIa-c系列化合物的顺式(cis)百分含量(49-60 %)明显分别高于Ia-c系列化合物(35 %)。
     第四章,本章主要研究了含偶氮苯官能团(AN-azo-AO和AN-azo-AO3)的光子晶体的带隙调制行为,主要包括一下三个方面的内容。一是含偶氮苯官能团的聚合物的光异构化行为。即便是在紧密交联的聚合物网状结构中,偶氮苯官能团也能够实现光异构化,并且取代基烷基链的不同对光异构化性能并没有明显的影响。二是不同偶氮苯化合物对光子晶体带隙的不同调制。利用双光子聚合技术,把偶氮苯单体化合物(AN-azo-AO和AN-azo-AO3)分别引入到聚合物网状结构中,制备了具有堆栈型结构的光子晶体(PCs-1和PCs-2),其带隙中心波长分别在2130 nm和2240 nm。在紫外灯的照射下,光子带隙的最大反射波长分别向短波长方向蓝移了37 nm和60 nm,通过对比实验的研究发现,此可逆性调制完全是由偶氮苯官能团的光异构化引起的。三是理论模拟了光子晶体PCs-1带隙在光照前后的变化。由制备得到光子晶体(含AN-azo-AO)的实际晶格参数,理论模拟了光子带隙在紫外光作用前后带隙位置的变化,与实验数据得到了很好的符合,且计算得到材料在紫外光照射后折射率下降了0.114,有望在可擦写的高密度存储方面有极高的应用价值
     第五章,设计了具有复合周期的三维光子晶体结构,利用双光子聚合技术成功制备得到了堆栈型复合周期三维光子晶体,其光子带隙中心位置分别出现在2151 nm和2462 nm。并利用偶氮苯官能团(AN-azo-AO)的光异构化特性,成功实现了双带隙的同步可逆性调制(36 nm)。
Similar with the bandgap of electron in semiconductor, there is a bandgap of photon in periodic dielectric structures named as photonic crystals. Photonic crystals can forbid the propagation of light in a certain frequency range and fetch great opportunities for developing important and interesting scientific and technological applications. One can design and obtain the desired photonic bandgap by changing the various parameters of photonic crystals, such as refractive index, periodicity and space filling factor, then control the propagation of light with a required wavelength. Photonic bandgap can be tuning with external stimulations including electrical field, temperature, strain and light. The realization of reversible photonics bandgap tuning is aspiration and critically important in photonic applications, such as optical switch, optical modulation and so on. As one of the simplest methods for photonics bandgap tuning, light irradiation is much easier and more convenient method for photonics bandgap tuning comparing to other ways. Up to now, many works have been reported to realize photonic bandgap tuning. However, the range of the tunable bandgap is too small and the tunable is irreversible in most reports. Therefore, it is very important to fabricate and investigate the properties of photonic crystals with large range and reversible bandgap tenability.
     The purpose of this thesis was to demonstrate the reversible photonic bandgap tuning of three-dimensional photonic crystals performed simply by light irradiation. Based on this, we designed and synthesized several novel arcylate compounds with azobenzene group in the subsititute (AN-azo-AO、AN-azo-AO3、AN-azo-AO6 ). The azobenzenes were introduced into the polymer networks by using two-photon induced polymerization and three-domensional photonic crystals with reversible photonic bandgap were obtained.
     This thesis consists of seven parts. The main point of each part is listed as following:
     Chapter 1: The background and fabrication, analyses the modulate mechanism of photonic crystals are reviewed. After discussed the microfabrication technology of two-photon polymerization, we addressed the purpose, significance and contents of this thesis.
     Chapter 2: The mechanism and factor of the photoisomerization of azobenzene derivatives were introduced and the design of azobenzene derivatives in this work was illustrated. We designed two kinds of aminoazobenzene derivatives containing amino- (Ia-Ic) and acetylamino- (IIa-IIc), respectively. And designed novel acrylate compounds with azobenzene group in the substitute (AN-azo-AO、AN-azo-AO3、AN-azo-AO6 ).
     Chapter 3: The photoisomerization behaviors of two series of azobenzenes in the polymer matrix (PMMA) were investigated by UV-Vis spectra. The rate constants were calculated according to dynamics equations for reversible photoisomerization. Aminoazobenzenes Ia-c exhibited faster photoisomerization and had larger integration rate constants than the corresponding acetylamino derivatives IIa-c. Azobenzenes with a longer alkyl chain (Ic, IIc) showed a faster photoisomerization rate than those with shorter chains (Ib, IIb). At equilibrium, cis ratios of IIa-c (49-60%) were higher than those of Ia-c (35%) due to larger steric limitation and intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions between acetylamino groups.
     Chapter 4: This chapter included three parts. Firstly, the photoisomerization of polymer with azobenzene in the polymer network was investigated. The photoisomerization of azobenzene units occurred even they were embedded in the tightly crosslinking polymer network. The properties of the azobenzene with different acryl chain in the substitute show no significant difference. Secondly, the photonic badgap modulation was investigated. By using two-photon polymerization, the azobenzene (AN-azo-AO, AN-azo-AO3) was introduced into the polymer network and obtained two log-pile structures (PCs-1, PCs-2), respectively. The center wavelengths of these photonic bandgaps were measured as 2130 nm and 2245 nm. They showed a blue shift of ~60 nm and ~37 nm after ultraviolet light irradiating, respectively. The reversible photonic band gap tuning resulted from the photoisomerization of azobenzene. Thirdly, by using a finite-difference time domain (FDTD) with a commercial software (Rsoft FullWave), we simulated the spectra change of the photonic bandgap (PCs-1) and calculate that the refractive index of the material have a decrease of 0.114 after ultraviolet irradiation. The simulation has a good fit with the experiments.
     Chapter 5: A three-dimensional photonic crystals composed of woodpile structures with different periodic parameters by a two-photon polymerization technique in a novel resin containing azobenzene (AN-azo-AO) was successfully designed and fabricated. The center wavelengths of these photonic bandgaps were measured as 2151 nm and 2462 nm, with a maximum reflectivity of 9.8 % and 8.5 %, respectively. A reversible tuning of this dual photonic bandgap was achieved as a shift of 36 nm by irradiating the structures with ultraviolet light. Such a three-dimensional photonic bandgap, showing multiple photonic bandgaps with reversible tunability, could be expected to play an important role in photonic applications, such as polymeric integrated photonic circuits and multiple frequency filters.
     Chapter 6: The conclusions were drawn in this chapter and the future researches were discussed.
     Chapter 7: Experimental part including measurement and synthesis.
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