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     结果:LPS持续灌注3h后,结果如下:1)高代谢脓毒症组的心率升高至334.0次/min、体温升高至41.0℃,而对照组则分别为274.9次/min和38.2℃,两组间有显著的统计学差异,p=0.000;血压在高代谢脓毒症组是97.1mmHg,而对照组为95.9mmHg,两组间无统计学差异;脓毒症组的呼吸加快至94.3次/min,对照组则提高至76.4次/min,两组间无统计学差异(p=0.212);2)其血浆内毒素含量为0.088EU/ml,而对照组为0.013 EU/ml,两组间有显著的统计学差异,p=0.002;3)血中性粒白细胞比值升高至82.73%,对照组则为64.39%,两组间有显著的统计学差异(P=0.001);白细胞总数则明显下降至1.90×10~9/ml,而对照组则为7.58×10~9/ml,p=0.001,两组间有显著的统计学差异;两组间的红细胞数及血细胞比容均无统计学差异。
     结果:建模后,高代谢脓毒症组实验兔的代谢改变如下:1)血糖升至9.79mmol/L,较对照组的7.28mmol/L升幅明显,有显著的统计学意义,p=0.000;2)血乳酸明显升高至7.26mmol/L,对照组仅为4.50mmol/L,p=0.013,有统计学意义;3)尽管各氨基酸表现不一,但总体氨基酸水平较对照组的下降明显;4)动脉血气见PCO_2、HCO_3分别降至15.16mmHg、9.11mmHg,同时BE值降至-12.73mmol/L,均较对照组有显著差异,p<0.01,同期pH值及PO_2不变;5)能量代谢仪监测指标显示高代谢脓毒症时二氧化碳生成量(VCO_2)、氧耗量(VO_2)及能量消耗(EE)分别降至5.46ml/min、6.29 ml/min以及42.88kcal/24hr,与对照组相比p<0.05,有统计学意义;呼吸商(RQ)轻度升高,但p=0.066,无统计学意义。
stage of infection, human body experiences hyperdynamic state with elevated temperature and heart rate, normal or slightly decreased blood pressure, hyper-metabolism or catabolism. So, it is also called hypermetabolic sepsis. The mean body mass decreases rapidly even enough calorie and amino acid is administrated and subsequently impares immune system and prolongs the recovery period. Recent study showed that the pertinence treatment is important. Removing the disease causes, inflammation mediators and hazard metabolic substances together with suitable fluid resuscitation support treatment can prevent the progressing of septic state and can improve the effectiveness of treatment.
    During hypermetabolic sepsis, the body presents hypermetabolism and catabolism. The decrease of glucose oxidation together with the enhanced glucose anabolism and glucogenesis elevates blood glucose and lactic acid concentrations causing the formation of metabolic acidosis. Enhanced peripheral structural protein catabolism causes increased entrance of amino acids into blood flow induces the increase of amino acids uptaking, transportation and glucogenesis in liver. Clinically it presents negative nitrogen balance, mean body mass loss and impaired immune system. The metabolism of lactic acid, the most important substance causing metabolic acidosis, changes as well. The anabolism increases blood lactic acid concentration for energy providing, glucogenesis. It is important to investigate the interorganic substrates flow for establishing better nutrition support stategy.
    There are lots of traditional methods to study substances metabolism, such as body weight test, regular blood examination, plasma protein transferron test, resting nutrition assessment, energy metabolism assessment, and dynamic nitrogen balance assessment as well. But all these methods can not tell the detailed flow and path of all kinds of nutrients during altered metabolism. Stable isotope tracing (SIT) can examine the substance metabolism state in life body with higher accuracy, safety and efficacy. It is widely employed in animal and human experiments abroad without any domestic report.
    This study try to establish an experimental rabbit hypermetabolic sepsis model through the administration of endotoxin. Then inject ~(13)C labeled glucose, amino acid, and lactic acid as tracer. After that, examine the concentration of ~(13)C labeled CO_2 in exhalation and ~(13)C labeled various substance in blood flow so that we can have an idea of the alteration for various substrates flow during hypermetabolic sepsis.
    The study is divided into three parts:
    Part 1: Establish rabbit hypermetabolic sepsis model using LPS
    Study aim: Sepsis is a dangerous clinical situation. The mortality is very high once it processing to shock stage. So the research emphasis lies on how to block its way to shock. During compensative hyperdynamic stage, the body present impaired nutrients utility ability, confused acid-base balance, and diminished immunity all because of hypermetabolism. It is very important to deep investigate the metabolic flow of all kinds of nutrients for the treatment of such situation. There are all kinds of hypermetabolic sepsis animal models such as rabbit, rodent, sheep and pig as well in the reference reports. We here use rabbit as animal model because they react similarly to endotoxin as homo sabien. Besides, we can obtain enough blood from a rabbit. We used micro-injection pumps continuously inject LPS (endotoxin) so as to form rabbit hypermetabolic sepsis model. The success criteria is that we can find elevated body temperatures , accelerated heart beat, and normal or slightly decreased blood pressure in rabbits.
    Materials and Methods: 1) Healthy New Zealand rabbits were divided into 2 groups with 8 rabbits each. Rabbits were fastened for 12 hrs with the permission of drinking water as will. 2) Animals were anaesthetized through intermuscular injection of chloramine and diazepam. Then trachea intubation, jugular artery, jugular vein and femoral artery were catherizations were performed. 3) LPS were continuously administrated trough jugular vein at a velocity of 10ng/kg.min for 3hrs. 4) Rabbits body temperature, HR, breath, and BP were read out from multifunctional intensive care monitors. 5) Blood were obtained for blood RT and plasma endotoxin concentration check. 6) All data underwent ANOVA analysis.
    Results: After 3hrs of LPS injection, 1) in hypermetabolic sepsis (HS) group, the average HR went to 334/min, the average body temperature went to 41.0℃, while in control group they were 274.9/min and 38.2℃ respectively. p=0.000, presented significant statistical differences. The average BP and breath rate in HS group were 97.1mmHg and 94.3/min , while they were 95.9mmHg and 76.4/min in control group, respectively presenting no statistical differences. 2) In HS group plasma endotoxin concentration was 0.088EU/ml while it was 0.013 EU/ml in control group presenting statistical significance, p=0.002. 3) Blood white cell ratio and total white cell counting were 82.73% and 1.90 ×10~9 in HS group, while they were 64.39% and 7.58×10~9 in control group presenting very significant statistical differences(p=0.001). There was no statistical significances in RBC counting and hemocrit between two groups.
    Conclusions: The rabbit hypermetabolic sepsis model was successfully established through LPS infusing with typical clinical manifestation of accelerated HR, elevated body temperature and unchanged BP.
    Part II: Metabolic changes happened in endotoxin induced rabbit hypermetabolic sepsis
    Study aim: After a period of extreme catabolism during hypermetabolic sepsis, the body develop a serial of hard-to-control clinical situations such as decreased body weight, lowed plasma albumin concentration, anemia, impaired immunity and metabolism disturbance. The metabolism disturbance is a key step which can trigger a cascade of subsequent reactions making the situations much worse. So it is very important to explored the metabolism disturbance situation for improving therapy efficacy. Based on previous depict animal model it is possible for us to better investigate the glucose/ energy, amino acid metabolism and acid-base balance change during hypermetabolic sepsis.
    Materials and Methods: 1) Animal model and group were depict before; 2) Blood was drew before and 30, 60,120 and 180 min after the initiation of the experiment for baseline and time line blood glucose concentration test. 3) Blood lactic acid concentration were obtain through lactic acid examine kits; 4)Blood amino acid concentration was examined and evaluated through amino acid analyzer. 5) Rabbit baseline and 30, 60, 120, and 180 min post-experimental blood gas value were obtain through automatic blood gas analyzer to evaluate acid-base balance during hypermetabolic sepsis; 6)Rabbits carbon dioxide production (VCO_2), oxygen consumption (VO_2), energy consumption (EE), and breath quote (RQ) were monitored through energy-metabolism analyzer; 7) All data was analyzed through ANOVA.
    Results: The metabolism change was as follow: 1) The average BG was 9.79mmol/L in HS group compare to 7.28mmol/L in control group presenting statistical significances. 2) Blood lactic acid was 7.26mmol/L in HS group compare to 4.50mmol/L in control group presenting statistical significances; 3) Although every distinct amino acid had their own changes, the total amino acid level was decreased in HS group compare to control group; 4) Artery blood PCO_2, HCO_3, and BE decreased to 15.16mmHg, 9.11mmHg, and -12.73mmol, respectively presenting statistical significances compare to control group, while pH value and PO_2 had no change; 5) The VCO_2, VO_2 and EE were decreased to 5.46ml/min, 6.29ml/min and 42.88kcal/24hr respectively in HS group present statistical significances compare to control group. RQ elevated slightly in HS group with no statistical significances.
    Conclusions: During hypermetabolic sepsis, the body presents compensated metabolic acidosis state with elevated blood glucose concentration, hyperlactemia, decreased total amino acid level and diminished oxygen metabolism.
    Part III: Metabolism research in LPS induced rabbit HS through stable isotope tracing techniques
    Study aim: Part II results provided evidences of hyperglycemia, hyperlactemia, and hypoprotemia during HS; at this early stage of sepsis, the body presented strong compensation ability. The internal environment exhibited compensated metabolic acidosis. Although the body experiences hyper-metabolic state, catabolism is the main melody. Oxygen needed metabolism was minimized. So, it is impossible to show real nutrients substrates flow and their metabolism during this stage through regular methods. There were some references reports about using stable isotopes as tracer to find out the substrates metabolic pathway during this stage. So we designed continuous administration techniques using ~(13)C labeled leucine, glucose, and lactic acid as tracers to evaluate metabolism situation of different substrates. We also evaluated the efficacy of this method.
    Materals and Methods: 1) Healthy New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups with 16 rabbits in each group. In every group, rabbits were subdivided into experimental and control subgroups. 2) Rabbits were bullets injected followed by continuous injected with ~(13)C labeled leucine, glucose, and lactic acid; 3) Blood were drewed before and 150,160,170, and 180 min after the initiation of isotopes injection for material analysis; 4) Exhale gas were collected every 5 min in the first 30 min followed by every 30 min there after for material analysis; 5) After centrifuge in low temp the supernatant of the blood samples were collected and went through axon and anon exchange column treatment; 6) Treated blood sample was used for ~(13)C labeled leucine, glucose lactic acid examination through mass spectrograph; 7) The exhale gas was collected for ~(13)CO_2 exam through gas-phase mass spectrograph; 8) CO_2 total production rate (V~(13)CO_2), body various substances production (Q), oxidation speed (C), and substances metabolic percentage (%) all can be calculated through equations provided by references below; 9) Data was processed through student t test.
    Results: 1) After given ~(13)C-leucine the E~(13)CO_2 and V~(13)CO_2 were 13.53% and 76.79umol/kg.h, in HS group respectively elevated significantly (p<0.01) compare to control group. After given ~(13)C-glucose, the E~(13)CO_2 and V~(13)CO_2 were 99.16% and 670.29umol/kg.h, in HS group respectively elevated significantly (p<0.01) compare to control group.After given ~(13)C-lactic acid, the E~(13)CO_2 and V~(13)CO_2 were 469.92% and 3050.48umol/kg.h, in HS group respectively elevated significantly (p<0.001) compare to control group; 2) GC/MS examine showed that after given ~(13)C-leucine, the E_(leucine) value was 1.02 in HS group decreased siginificantly (p=0.000)compare to control group, while E_(glucose) and E_(lactate) were 0.22 and 2.87 in HS group elevated significantly (p=0.002 and 0.001) compare to control group; After given ~(13)C-glucose, the E_(glucose) value was 1.0 in HS group decreased siginificantly (p=0.001)compare to control group, while E_(lactate) was 1.29in HS group elevated significantly (p=0.001) compare to
    control group; After given ~(13)C-lactate, the E_(lactate) value was 1.11 in HS group decreased siginificantly (p=0.002)compare to control group, while E_(glucose) was 0.36 in HS group elevated significantly (p=0.001) compare to control group; 3)In HS state, the production (Q) of leucine and glucose were 408.12 and 1636.06 umol/kg.h elevated significantly (p<0.001, p<0.05) compare to control groups. The production (Q) of lactate although had a high value of 8632.03umol/kg.h, presented no statistical significance compare to control groups; 4)The oxidation speed (C) of glucose, leucine and lactate were 826.75, 91.7, and 39.03umol/kg.h respectively in HS group presenting signifigant elevation (p=0.000); 5) The substances metabolic percentage of leucine, glucose, and lactate were 22.92%, 51.33%, and 39.03% respectively in HS group elevated significantly (p<0.01) compare to control group.
    Conclusions: During HS, the body experiences hyper-metabolism state proved by elevated leucine, glucose and lactate production (Q), oxidation speed (C), and substances metabolism percentage (%); At this time, enhanced catabolism turns leucine and glucose rapidly into lactate elevating blood lactate concentration. The accelerated glucogenesis in liver elevates blood glucose concentration. In another hand, the accelerated catabolism of lactate into CO_2 and glucose with higher Q and C than that of glucose and leucine suggesting the indispensable role of lactate in substances and energy metabolism. The underline mechanism is waiting for future investigation. The stable isotope tracing techniques is an efficacious method to investigate nutrients metabolic changes in different situations.
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