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     (1)研究区内深度、中度和浅度3种生态恢复程度以及耕地、林地和园地3种生态恢复方式下土壤有机碳含量的研究结果表明,土壤总有机碳,易氧化有机碳,腐殖质碳,胡敏酸碳,水溶性有机碳在不同的恢复程度下的均值随着恢复程度的加深而增加,且均差异极显著。其中土壤总有机碳深度恢复、中度恢复、浅度恢复和对照的平均含量分别为31.99±4.82 g kg-1、20.54±6.25 g kg-1、8.38±3.11 g kg-1和1.63±0.48 g kg-1(F=93.669**,P=0.000);易氧化有机碳平均含量分别为14.34±4.05g kg-1、8.46±3.34 g kg-1、4.15±1.74g kg-1和1.09±0.51 g kg-1 (F=44.787**, P=0.000);腐殖质碳平均含量分别为7.34±2.43 g kg-1、4.70±1.98 g kg-1、2.1±1.11 g kg-1和0.42±0.34 g kg-1(F=34.332**,P=0.000);胡敏酸碳平均含量分别为3.16±1.28 g kg-1、1.69±0.80. g kg-1、0.69±0.45 g kg-1和0.08±0.04 gkg-1(F=34.331**,P=0.000);水溶性有机碳平均含量分别为279.4±71.8 mg kg-1、191.9.4±52.7 mg kg-1、87.3±35.8 mgkg-1和18.3±6.4 mg kg-1(F=59.071**, P=0.000)。
     土壤总有机碳,易氧化有机碳,腐殖质碳,胡敏酸碳,水溶性有机碳在林地、耕地和园地3种恢复方式下的均值因恢复方式的不同而不同,且均差异极显著。其中土壤总有机碳林地、耕地、园地和对照的平均含量分别为21.88±9.73 g kg-1、19.21±11.29 g kg-1、13.32±17.67 g kg-1和1.63±0.48 g kg-1(F=6.633**,P=0.001);易氧化有机碳平均含量分别为10.44±5.18 g kg-1、9.02±4.57 g kg-1、5.16±3.03 g kg-1和1.09±0.51 g kg-1(F=9.400**,P=0.000);腐殖质碳平均含量分别为5.17±2.98 g kg-1、4.40±2.77 g kg-1、3.14±1.87 g kg-1和0.42±0.34g kg-1(F=5.141**,P=0.003);胡敏酸碳平均含量分别为1.94±1.13 g kg-1、1.76±1.40 g kg-1、1.12±0.95 g kg-1和0.08±0.04g kg-1(F=4.105**,P=0.010);水溶性有机碳平均含量分别为199.3±85.8 mg kg-1、182.6±94.9 mg kg-1、124.0±72.4 mg kg-1和18.3±6.4 mg kg-1 (F=7.229**, P=0.000)。
     (3)海拔、土壤类型、成土母质以及生物量是影响研究区生态恢复的主要原因,同时也是影响土壤有机碳含量的主要原因。土壤有机碳含量在海拔1500-1800m时达到最大值。黄棕壤和水稻土土壤有机碳含量显著高于黄壤和紫色土,但易氧化有机碳含量差异不显著(F=2.097,P=0.109),除水稻土(9.28 g kg-1,n4=16)和黄棕壤(9.09 g kg-1,n3=17)易氧化有机碳含量显著高于紫色土(5.75 g kg-1,n2=20)外,其他土壤类型间差异均不显著。成土母质与土壤有机碳含量关系复杂,但均以石灰岩和泥岩发育土壤最低。生物量的大小对土壤有机碳含量的影响与生态恢复程度有关,不同恢复程度下生物量之间存在极显著差异(F=84.365**,P=0.000),同时生物量与有机碳含量呈极显著正相关。
According to the data of field investigation and indoor analyses,using typical statistical analysis methods, the change of soil soil total organic carbon(TOC), readily oxidizable organic carbon(ROC), soil water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), soil humus carbon (HC), soil humus acid carbon(HAC) and HAC/FAC under three different ecological restoration degrees in cultivated land、forest land and garden landorganic carbon were studied of 71 soil simples in Liusha River, Sichuan Province, China.The results are. illustrated as follows:
     (1) The following results are about the soil organic carbon contents in intensive degree、moderate degree and light degree and cultivated land,forest land and garden land. The mean contents of soil organic carbon increased with ecological restoration degrees.and the mean contents of soil total organic carbon were 31.99±4.82 g kg-1,20.54±6.25 g kg-1,8.38±3.11 g kg-1 and 1.63±0.48 g kg-1 (F=93.669**,P=0.000); the mean contents of soil readily oxidizable organic carbon were 14.34±4.05 g kg-1,8.46±3.34 g kg-1,4.15±1.74 g kg-1 and 1.09±0.51 g kg-1 (F=44.787**,P=0.000);the mean contents of soil humus carbon were 7.34±2.43 g kg-1、4.70±1.98 g kg-1,2.10±1.11 g kg-1 and 0.42±0.34 g kg-1 (F=34.332**,P=0.000); the mean contents of soil humus acid carbon were 3.16±1.28 g kg-1,1.69±0.80 g kg-1,0.69±0.45 g kg-1 and 0.08±0.04 g kg-1 (F=34.331**,P=0.000); the mean contents of soil water-soluble organic carbon were 279.4±71.8 mg kg-1,191.9.4±52.7 mg kg-1,87.3±35.8 mg kg-1 and 18.3±6.4 mg kg-1 (F=59.071**,P=0.000)
     The mean contents of soil organic carbon in forest land, cultivated land and garden land were different too. the mean contents of soil total organic carbon were 21.88±9.73 g kg-1,19.21±11.29 g kg-1,13.32±7.67 g kg-1 and 1.63±0.48 g kg-1 (F=6.633**,P=0.001) the mean contents of soil readily oxidizable organic carbon were 10.44±5.18 g kg-1,9.02±4.57 g kg-1,5.16±3.03 g kg-1 and 1.09±0.51 g kg-1 (F=9.400**,P=0.000);the mean contents of soil humus carbon were5.17±2.98 g kg-1,4.40±2.77 g kg-1,3.14±1.87 g kg-1 and 0.42±0.34 g kg-1 (F=5.141**, P=0.003); the mean contents of soil humus acid carbon were 1.94±1.13 g kg-1,1.76±1.40 g kg-1,1.12±0.95 g kg-1 and 0.08±0.04 g kg-1 (F=4.105**,P=0.010); the mean contents of soil water-soluble organic carbon were 199.3±85.8 mg kg-1,182.6±94.9 mg kg-1,124.0±72.4 mg kg-1 and 18.3±6.4 mg kg-1 (F=7.229**, P=0.000)
     (2) The correlation between soil organic carbon were studied, and the result decleared that the correlation between soil total organic carbon and readily oxidizable organic carbon were significantly r=0.913** (n=71, r0.01=0.325), and the correlation between soil total organic carbon and soil water-soluble organic carbon were significantly too r=0.871**, and the correlation between soil total organic carbon and soil humus carbon r=0.830**, soil humus acid carbon r=0.846** were significantly too.The result about correlation between soil organic carbon in three ecological restoration degrees and three land use decleared that, the correlation between soil organic carbon and the other soil organic carbon were not significantly in intensive degree; the correlation between soil total organic carbon and the other soil organic carbon were significantly in moderate degree, light degree,forest land, cultivated land and garden land.
     (3) The main influential factors of ecological restoration in Liusha Basin were altitude, soil types,parent material and biomass.The content of soil total organic carbon, readily oxidizable organic carbon,soil humus carbon, soil humus acid carbon,soil water-soluble organic carbon were bigest at 1500-1800m; The content of soil organic carbon of yellow brown soil and rice soil were very significantly higher than yellow soil and purple soil,but the different in contents of soil readily oxidizable organic carbon were not significantly (F=2.097, P=0.109); The relationship of the soil organic carbon with parent materials was very complex, but the contents were the lowest in the soil from the mudstone and limestone.the correlation between soil total organic carbon and biomass were significantly, the different of the biomass were significantly (F=84.365**,P =0.000).
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