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丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza)是由丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,AMF)和植物根系形成的共生体,是自然界普遍存在的一种共生现象。AM真菌侵染植物后,在扩大根系吸收范围,促进作物养分的吸收,促进植株生长,提高作物抗性,增加作物产量,改善果实品质等方面发挥了重要作用。本实验选用中椒105为实验对象,对适合甜椒菌根苗培育的菌种和基质类型进行了筛选,将培育的菌根苗定植于日光温室,进一步研究了AM真菌对温室有机土栽培下甜椒生长和产量品质的影响,并对甜椒根际土壤细菌群落结构和多样性进行了研究,为设施甜椒优质高效生产及AM真菌更多应用价值的开发提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:
     2. AM真菌显著地提高了甜椒的根系活力,促进了根系中须根的萌发和生长;接菌处理还显著地提高了甜椒叶片的叶绿素含量和光合速率,在有机土中表现的更为明显;接菌处理使甜椒的产量有了明显的提高,普通土和有机土分别比对照提高了13.6%和12.6%,达到了显著差异水平;接菌处理对甜椒的品质也有很好改进作用,表现为硝酸盐含量的下降和总糖、VC、粗蛋白含量的增加。
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal is a symbiosis by Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi(AMF)and root of plants, which also is a kind of widespread natural phenomenon. AMF play an important role in improving absorption of nutrients of crops, expanding the scope of roots, promoting growth of plant, increasing the yield and improving quality of production after infected the plants. In this study, using a kind of sweet pepper named zhongjiao105 as experimental material, the AMF strains and substrates were screened which are suitable for cultivating sweet pepper Mycorrhizal seedlings. Then the effect of AMF on growth ,yield and quality of sweet pepper was studied in greenhouse, and also studied the structure and diversity of bacteria species in sweet pepper rhizosphere. This study aimed to provide a theoretical basis for production of high quality sweet pepper and exploiting the application value of AMF. The main results as follows:
     1. The peat vermiculite with low nutrition content is more suitable for cultivating Mycorrhizal seedlings. The colonization percentage of AMF to sweet pepper roots is high, GM is 66.5% and GV is 54.5%.There are obvious effects on sweet pepper seedling with AMF, such as the increasing in plant high and stem diameter; the root activity of sweet pepper with GM and GV are improved by 36.9% and 15.8%,the photosynthesis improved by 61.42% and 22.46%,the dry weight improved by 29.9% and 23.4%; The impact of GM is better than GV;The effect of AMF on sweet pepper seedling in organic and general soil are relatively less.
     2. AM fungi significantly improved the root activity of sweet pepper and promoted the germination of fibrous root; The chlorophyll content and photosynthesis of sweet pepper leaves markedly improved by inoculating AMF treatment, which are better in organic soil; Compared with control, the inoculating AMF treatment significantly increased the yield of sweet pepper by 13.6% in organic soil and 12.6% in general soil; The quality of sweet pepper was also improved by inoculating AMF treatment, which shown as the decrease of nitrate content and increase of total sugar, Vc and crude protein.
     3. There are some effects on the structure and diversity of bacteria species in sweet pepper rhizosphere with different treatment; There are some common bacteria species between different treatment, but there are some change in the number of these bacteria species; Besides, there are also some special bacteria species; These shown that the structure of bacteria species in both soil have same changes with the inoculation of AMF, which including the increase and decrease of some kinds of bacteria.
     4. The number of rhizosphere bacteria species in organic soil first increased and then decreased from planting prophase to full fruit period, but there is no change in organic soil; The number of bacteria species reduced with the inoculation of AMF in both soil and any period; The decrease of microbial kinds is only in the number through compare the DGGE profile.
     5. Compare with general soil, the similarity coefficient is bigger between each period in organic soil, which showed that the bacterial flora of organic soil are more stability than general soil without other interference; The similarity coefficient between inoculating AMF treatment and CK of general soil is bigger than that of organic soil in both periods, which showed that the effect of AMF on diversity and structure of soil microbial is stronger in organic soil than that of general soil.
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