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【Objective】: Using echocardiographic multi-parameters, we evaluate the heart function and the effect of the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).
     【Methods】: Prospectively we studied 101 patients with CHF, 72 cases in follow-up group, 29 cases in non-follow-up group, and 30 in normal control group. All the subjects were scored by heart failure echochardiographic index (HFEI) which synthesized the parameter of echocardiography, and measured the cardiac functional grading by NHYA, BNP, Tei index. All the 101 patients were scored by HFEI after 3 and 6 months therapy respectively, which were as follows: 1. Analyzing the sensitivity, specificity, positive value and negative value of HFEI to diagnose chronic heart failure. Studying the correlation among HFEI, the level of BNP and the cardiac functional grading by NHYA. 2. Analyzing the changes of HFEI before and after treatment in follow-up group and non-follow-up group. 3. Observing the effect of suitable management and strictly medicine taken on patients with chronic heart failure.
     【Results】: 1. It was valuable to diagnose CHF and evaluate the degree of the CHF with HFEI. When HFEI≥3, the sensitivity, specificity, positive value and negative value of HFEI for diagnosing CHF was 95%、96%、98%、81% respectively. The HFEI of the CHF group was significantly higher than control group. HEFI was positively correlated with BNP (r=0.680) and the cardiac functional grading by NHYA (r=0.663). Compared with other parameters of echocardiography, there was remarkable correlation between BNP and LAV, ESV, LVEF, E, DT, E/A. 2. After 3 months, indexes of left ventricular diastolic function and pulmonary artery pressure were changed firstly. After 6 months, HFEI decreased significantly in follow-up group. 3. HFEI and the cardiac functional grading by NHYA in follow-up group were significantly lower than non-follow-up group.
     【Conclusions】: It is valuable to diagnose CHF, evaluate the degree of the CHF and judge the overcome of treatment also. Suitable management and strictly medicine taken on patients with chronic heart failure can improve the overcome of treatment and quality of life.
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