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     考虑到《关于在上市公司建立独立董事制度的指导意见》(以下简称“《指导意见》”)的发布以及股权分置改革等制度背景,本文选择2001年12月31日以前在沪深两地上市的1382家A股公司为基础样本,以2002-2004年作为研究观测窗口,考察了在中国不完善的资本市场条件下,独立董事对大股东和经理层的监督能否有效增强会计盈余稳健性,进而提高会计信息质量,保护广大投资者的利益。本文以Basu(1997)的经典模型为基础,通过理论分析并且首次综合运用因子分析法(Component Analysis)、通径分析法(Path Analysis)、Backwards多元回归法等统计学、计量经济学方法,对基础模型进行了修改,同时构建出独特的指标体系。
As an internal governance mechanism, independent directors are regarded as an important role for solving agent problem and promoting firm value. China implemented this mechanism on all listed firms in 2001. However, there are issues on the functions of independent directors from then on.
     Independent directors have two main functions. First, they supervise managers and large shareholders. As the separation of ownership and control, there was conflict of interest and agency cost between managers and shareholders. Because of information asymmetry and the limited tenure, managers may damage the interests of shareholders. Compared with other directors, independent directors are more independent and objective. So, they are appointed to supervise managers. Meanwhile, they also supervise large shareholders when companies are mainly controlled by large shareholders. Second, independent directors can promote firm value. They can propose instructive suggestions and help firms’operation, for they are well educated and have abroad social relationships.
     Chinese scholars mostly studied whether independent directors can promote firms value, based the second function. However, no matter we look at the origin of independent directors backwards and expect its orientation forwards, supervision is the most important function. So, we focus on independent directors’supervision function in this paper.
     Then, how to measure independents’supervision? All of the literatures use the ratio of independent directors to measure their supervision. However, we don’t think it is the only index. There are at least other three aspects to be considered. First, independent directors must be competent in accounting, or they can not make right decisions. Second, they must be willing to supervise. Third, there must be a good environment for supervising. So, we measure the supervision of independent directors with four dimensions, which are scale-dimension, competency-dimension, will- dimension and environment-dimension.
     As an old principle in accounting, earning conservatism is proved to be existed by many empirical studies. Earning conservatism is interpreted as representing“the accountant’s tendency to require a higher degree of verification to recognize good news as gains than to recognize bad news as losses”. In other words, earning conservatism is the asymmetrical verification requirements for gains and losses. This interpretation allows for degrees of conservatism: the greater the difference in degree of verification required for gains versus losses, the greater the conservatism. Asymmetric verifiability speeds up the recognition of losses and provides the shareholders/outside directors with a signal to investigate the reasons for those losses. So, earning conservatism is an important character of the high-quality accounting information.
     Nevertheless, managers and large shareholders have incentives to violate the earning conservatism. Because of information asymmetry, managers have incentives to hide losses to avoid being fired before their tenure is over. Admitting losses and/or that they took negative net present value projects can lead shareholders to push for the manager’s dismissal. In order to get the control rights, large shareholders prefer to SEO. Then, they manipulate the earnings to satisfy the strict requirements of SEO.
     So, independent directors may affect earning conservatism by supervising managers and large shareholders. If the independent directors supervise more effectively, the conservatism is greater.
     Using a sample of 1382 Chinese listed firms for the period 2002-2004, we empirically test the impact of supervision of independent directors on earnings conservatism. Based on the Basu’s model, we construct a new testing model and a new index system by pioneering the use of Component Analysis, Path Analysis and Backwards Regression.
     We find that the supervision of independent directors had very significant positive effects on earnings conservatism, and the effects had been growing as the development of capital market and corporate governance. We further find that the environment-dimension had the most important effect on earnings conservatism, which show that independent directors were not supported enough by corporations for working. The effects of scale-dimension and competency-dimension were secondary and will-dimension had relative small influence on earnings conservatism, which reflected that independent directors did not have enough incentive to supervise. Based our study, inspiring independent directors effectively and improving independent directors’accounting competency is the key to supervisor better.
     The study has three contributions. First, we systemically study the independent directors’effects on earning conservatism in the first time. Second, we consider the particular system environment of china’s capital market. Third, we use an extremely new research method.
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