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     基于理论分析,选择2002-2007年上市公司数据进行了董事会治理风险预警的实证研究,利用信息含量丰富的Altman Z指数建立公司治理风险的代理变量,构建了董事会治理风险预警模型,使用2008年样本上市公司的数据对该模型进行的检验证实模型的预测效果较好,在此基础上利用该模型对我国2008年所有上市公司治理风险状况进行了预测,得到的主要结论包括:第一,我国上市公司董事会治理存在被动合规的现象,“自主性”治理缺失;第二,董事会治理机制中,董事激励(董事报酬、领取报酬董事比例、董事会持股比例)、董事会行为(薪酬与考核委员会及提名委员会设置、董事会会议次数)对公司治理风险有显著的影响;第三,包含了董事报酬、领取报酬董事比例、董事会持股比例、薪酬与考核委员会设置、提名委员会设置、董事会会议次数、资产收益率、总资产增长率、债务资产比率等在内的董事会治理风险预警模型能够较好地判断预测上市公司是否存在治理风险;第四,利用构建的董事会治理风险预警模型对我国沪深两市2008年上市公司的研究表明,我国上市公司普遍面临着较大的治理风险。完善董事会治理机制以规避治理风险成为上市公司的现实选择。
A series of corporate scandals and the current global financial crisis which have happened at home and abroad are due to the corporate governance risk deriving from the missing risk control mechanism at system-level. During the process of transformation from administrative governance to economic governance in domestic enterprises, there exist a more serious problem of "governance failure" phenomenon as to corporate governance mechanism, governance risks like insider control, financial risk, related-party transaction erupt now and then, predicting governance risk has become a focus of current corporate governance research and urgent need for practice circle.
     From China's market reform for opening till now has experienced about thirty years, enterprise reform has switched from initial construction of corporate governance structure to improve corporate governance mechanisms, and the critical point lies in displaying the central role of the board of directors in corporate governance fully. Sound board's governance mechanism is an important guarantee for avoiding governance risks and achieving sustainable development for domestic companies. A series of governance scandals at home and abroad make board governance become the focus of attention of all sectors, which highlights the importance of the effective development and implementation of internal control system in corporate governance for preventing and detecting fraud. However, there are few truly qualified boards of directors in domestic companies; the competence of board of directors on reacting to corporate governance risk is doubted and must be clarified.
     We find that existing research has focused on the relationship between board governance mechanisms and characterization of corporate governance risk by analyzing related board governance risk researches at home and abroad, also the problem about predicting governance risk based on the board of directors has not yet attracted sufficient attention. This paper analyze the generation mechanism of corporate governance risk using normative research methods based on the principal-agent relationship, and we define the corporate governance risk, that is the probability of deviation between corporate governance and the maximization stakeholders'interests induced from unreasonable design and operation of governance mechanisms under the impact of the external and external corporate governance environment. As a critical factor, the board of directors affects governance risk directly. In the absence of optimal corporate governance mechanism, it is more operational to measure corporate governance risk from the perspective of the seriousness of deviation between the corporate governance mechanism and the interest maximization.
     From above theoretical analysis, we adopt a sample data from the year 2002 to 2007 of listed companies to do a empirical research on predicting governance risk based on the board of directors, and construct a model for predicting using a proxy variable to measure governance risk which is derived from Altman Z, after this, we use the data of year 2008 to test the effect of the model which indicate the model is reasonable. Then we use this model to predict the governance risk of all the listed companies of China in year 2008, the results are:first, there exists a phenomenon of passive compliance for the board of directors of listed companies in China, governance which derives from the motivation of their actual need is in short, so there exists a phenomenon of ceiling effect; second, for the mechanisms of the board of directors, director incentives, like directors remuneration, the proportion of receiving remuneration for directors, board ownership percentage, and behaviors, like the setting of Remuneration and Evaluation Committee and the Nomination Committee, board meetings frequency, all these affect governance risk significantly; third, the predicting model which include directors remuneration, the proportion of receiving remuneration for directors, board ownership percentage, the setting of Remuneration and Evaluation Committee, the setting of Nominating Committee, the number of board meetings, return on assets, total assets growth rate, debt-asset ratio can make a better judge on whether there has been a governance risk for listed companies; fourth, studying on the data of the year 2008 from China's Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock exchange has shown that China's listed companies are generally facing greater governance risk. Improving the mechanisms of the b of directors in order to avoid governance risk is a realistic choice.
     The innovations maybe:first, we define the governance risk based on the perspective of principal-agent relationship, and clarify the generation mechanism of governance risk; second, construct a predicting model to predict the governance risk based on the board of directors; moreover, we test the effectiveness of the board governance mechanisms from the view of governance risk and provide a new perspective for rational construction of the board of directors. However, in the case of data are available, more indicators can be further used to build a comprehensive risk index to measure the governance risk and do researches on predicting the governance risk based on the board of directors.
① Claessens, Djankov, Lang.Who Controls East Asian Corporations[R].World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No.2054,1999.
    ② Riccardo Tiscini, Francesca di Donato.The Relation between Accounting Frauds and Corporate Governance Systems:An Analysis of Recent Scandals[R].http://ssrn.com/abstract=1086624,2007.
    ③ http://finance.ifeng.com/stock/20090411/532510.shtml.
    ④ Larelle Chapple, Colin Ferguson, Diana Kang.Corporate Governance and Misappropriation[R].http://ssrn.com/ abstract=1011936,2008.
    ① Shleifer Andrei, Vishny Robert W..A Survey of Corporate Governance[J].Journal of Finance,1997, (52): 737-783.
    ② La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., Vishny, R..Investor Protection and Corporate Governance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000, (58):3-27.
    ③ Gavin Anderson, Matt Orsagh.The Corporate Governance Risk[J].Electric Perspectives,2004, (1).
    ③Brunswick UBS Warburg.Russia Equity Research[R].http://www.corp-gov.org/projects/rating/BUBSW-Eng. pdf.,2002.
    ① Vincent Soltes, Vladimir Penjak.A Structured Approach to Risk Assessment Using FUZZY Logic[R].School of Economics of the Technical University of Kosice, BIATEC, rocnik,2001.
    ② Jean C. Bedard, Johnstone.Earnings Manipulation Risk, Corporate Governance, and Audits' Planning and Pricing Decisions[J].The Accounting Review,2004, (79):277-304.
    ③ Olesya V. Grishchenko, Lubomir P., Litov, Jianping Mei.Private Information Trading and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets[R]. www.pages.stern.nyu.edu/ogrishch/research/CorpGov.pdf,2003.
    ④ Germ'an Creamer, Yoav Freund.Predicting Performance and Quantifying Corporate Governance Risk for LATIN American ADRS and Banks[A].Proceedings of the Second IASTED Conference,2004.
    ⑤ Rodolfo Apreda.Factoring Governance Risk into Investors' Expected Rates of Return by Means of a Weighted-average Governance Index[R]. Working Paper Series,2007.
    ① Shams Pathan.Strong Boards, CEO Power and Bank Risk-taking[J].Journal of Banking & Finance,2009, (33): 1340-1350.
    ② Shijun Cheng.Board Size and the Variability of Corporate Performance[J].Journal of Financial Economics, 2008, (87):157-176.
    ④如Pfeffer(1972)从资源依赖的角度证实了董事会规模越大越有利的观点;Provan (1980)认为董事会规模大有助于形成一个强有力的董事会,而强有力的董事会有助于公司获得资本:Kiel & Nicholson (2003)对澳大利亚348家大型公众公司的研究发现董事会规模与公司价值正相关;Yangmin Kim (2005)在对韩国199家大型公众公司董事会特征与公司价值研究后发现董事会成员的社会资本与公司绩效显著正相关,而通常规模较大的董事会其社会资本比较丰裕;Eric Helland & Michael Sykuta (2005)的研究认为,董事会规模较小的公司容易招致股东诉讼,规模较大的董事会有助于监督管理层。
    ①如Lipton & Lorsch (1992)认为即使董事会的监控能力会随着董事会规模的增大而增加,但是由此带来的成本也将超过其收益;Alexander et al. (1993)认为,CEO可以通过一些策略在与规模较大的董事会成员的交往中获取权力优势,比如结盟、提供有选择性的信息渠道、分化和“征服”等。Bennedsen et al. (2007)对7000家公司的研究发现,在数量较少的董事会规模为6人或者稍多的中小公司中存在董事会规模的负面效应。Shijun Cheng (2008)利用1252家公司样本的研究发现,董事会规模与Tobin'Q值、股票收益波动、ROA等均表现出负相关关系,类似结论的研究还包括Mark & Yuanto (2002)、Loderer & Peyer (2002)、 Coles et al. (2004)、Kusnadi&Mak (2005)、de Anderes et al. (2005)等。
    ② Hatice Uzun, Samuel H. Szewczyk. Raj Varma.Board Composition and Corporate Fraud[J].Financial Analysts Journal,2004, (3):33-43.
    ③ Panagiotis E. Dimitropoulosb, Dimitrios Asterioua,The Effect of Board Composition on the Informativeness and Quality of Annual Earnings:Empirical Evidence from Greece[J]. Research in International Business and Finance, In Press,2009.
    ② Peasnell, K. V. Pope, P.F., Young, S..Board Monitoring and Earnings Management:Do Outside Directors Influence Abnormal Accruals?[J].Journal of Business Finance & Accounting,2005, (32):1311-1346.
    ③ Bikki Jaggi, Sidney Leung, Ferdinand Gul.Family Control, Board Independence and Earnings Management: Evidence Based on Hong Kong Firms[J]. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,2009, (4):281-300.
    ④ Michael Firth, Peter M.Y. Fung, Oliver M. Rui. Ownership, Two-tier Board Structure, and the Informativeness of Earnings-Evidence from China[J].Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,2007, (4):463-496.
    ① Anwer S. Ahmed, Scott Duellman.Accounting Conservatism and Board of Director Characteristics:An Empirical Analysis[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2007, (2/3):411-437.
    ⑤ Santhosh Abraham, Paul Cox.Analysing the Determinants of Narrative Risk Information in UK FTSE 100 Annual Reports[J].The British Accounting Review,2007, (3):227-248.
    ⑥ Kenneth E. Scott.The Role of Corporate Governance in Coping with Risks and Unknowns[R]. John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics, Stanford Law School, Working Paper No.356,2008.
    ② Stephen P. Ferris, Xuemin (Sterling) Yan.Do Independent Directors and Chairmen Matter? The Role of Boards of Directors in Mutual Fund Governance[J] Journal of Corporate Finance,2007, (2/3):392-420.
    ① Massson, R.T..Executive Motivations, Earning and Consequent Equity Performance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1971, (79):1278-1292.
    ③ Donaldson, L., Davis, J..Boards and Company Performance:Research Challenges the Conventional Wisdom[J]. Corporate Governance International Review,1994, (2):151-160.
    ① Eugene Kang, Asghar Zardkooh.Board Leadership Structure and Firm Performance[J].Corporate Governance: An International Review,2005,13 (6):785-799.
    ① Charles P. Cullinan, Hui Du, Gail B. Wright. Is There an Association between Director Option Compensation and the Likelihood of Misstatement?[J].Advances in Accounting,2008, (1):16-23.
    ① Rudiger Fahlebrach, Ren6 M.Stulz.Managerial Ownership Dynamics and Firm Value[J]Journal of Financial Economics,2009, (92):342-361.
    ② Aiyesha Dey.Corporate Governance and Agency Conflicts[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2008, (5): 1143-1180.
    ③ Scott B. Jackson, Thomas J. Lopez, Austin L. Reitenga.Accounting Fundamentals and CEO Bonus Compensation[J]. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,2008, (5):374-393.
    ④ Mine Ertugrul, Shantaram Hegde. Board Compensation Practices and Agency Costs of Debt[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2008, (5):512-531.
    ②如Beasley (1996)、Cohen et al. (2004)、 Uzun et al. (2004)、Chen et al. (2006)、蔡志岳和吴世农(2007)、Larelle Chapple et al. (2008)等。
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    ① Eliezer M. Fich, Steve L. Slezak.Can Corporate Governance Save Distressed Firms from Bankruptcy? An Empirical Analysis[J].Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,2008,30 (2):225-251.
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