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It’s important for us to pay more attention on stress reduction program. Many preventive psychological intervention programs were developed to help the employees in Private Enterprise, then to improve their mental health Status. This research proceeds with the investigation on mental of the employees of private enterprise the effect of stress reduction program on mental health. The procedure and objectives of this study are:
     (1) To investigate the mental health status, coping styles of the employees in private enterprise and to provide the foundation for the establishing of psychological intervent model. 82 employees in 3 private enterprises were chosen randomly and were investigated by using symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90) coping styles questionaire.
     (2) To study the effect of Hypnotic therapy on the mental health status and coping styles of the employees in private enterprise. 20 employees were selected and divided into 2 groups: Stress reduction program group and control group, Stress reduction program was performed in Stress reduction program group for 5 weeks and only psychological test was performed in control group. symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90) and the questionaire of stress were used to assess the effect of the program.
     The conclusions of this study are:
     (1) Mental health of the employees in private enterprise were lower than norm young populations. Preventive intervention program were needed to improve their mental health.
     (2) Stress reduction program based on Hypnotic therapy could improve the employees in private enterprise mental health and relieve many symptoms. Further more, it was feasible.
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