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Objective:In this study,Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) was injected in mice to establish ARDS models by intraperitoneal.EB(Evans blue) labeling was used to research the influence of importation of exogenous albumin on pulmonary vascular permeability and CRP、PCT of ARDS models.
     Methods:1.5mg/kg、10mg/kg、15mg/kg of LPS were injected in different mice by intraperitoneal.Mice were killed by break neck at 4、8、16、24h after injected(6 mice per). Serum was kept.ELASA was used to determine CRP and PCT,and wet/dry weight of the lung was also determined.2.15mg/kg of LPS was injected in different mice by intraperitoneal to establish ARDS models.0.05g/L of fluorescent labeling of bovine serum albumin 0.1mL/10g body mass was given by tail vein injection and mice were killed by break neck at 2、4、8、16、24h after injected(6 mice per).Take appropriate lung tissue,homogenate,We can know fluorescence value of supernatant by fluorescence spectrophotometer.Then,We can calculate the amount of albumin fluorescence of samples by control of standard curve.3.ARDS models were divided to injury but non-treated and treated groups.Treatad groups were given 0.5g/L of human serum albumin 0.1ml/10g body mass,50.0g/L of human serum albumin 0.1ml/10g body mass,60.0g/L hydroxyethyl starch by tail vein injection respectively.Check the group 6,5.0g/L Evans Blue(EB) was respectively injected in mice by tail vein at 30min before the end of the execution.Mice were killed by break neck at 4、8、16、24h after injected(6 mice per). Leakage of Lung tissue Evans blue was messured by modified EB exudation determination.Then,We killed the other 6 mice of different group by break neck at 4、8、16、24h after injected(6 mice per) to keep serum to determine CRP and PCT and to determine wet/dry weight of the lung.
     Results:1.The W/D of mice lung increased from 4h,peak at 8h,decline at 16h and recovered slightly at 24h(P<0.05) in various concentrations of injury groups.With the deepening of degree of infection and extension of time,PCT increased gradually(P< 0.05);CRP peaked at 16h or 24h.2.The leakage of fluorescent labeling of bovine serum albumin rose in 4-24h sustainly.3.Compared with the untreated group,there was no difference in leakage of lung tissue EB and mortality rate in 50.0g/L of albumin group and 60.0g/L of hydroxyethyl starch group(P>0.05);the CRP and PCT in the two groups decreased;lung tissue pathology in the two groups improved.
     Conclusion:50.0g/L albumin can reduce lung wet/dry weight in early ARDS,reduce CRP and PCT,reduce inflammatory response,not increase pulmonary vascular permeability and contribute to the treatment of early ARDS.
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