RF MEMS移相器和太赫兹波导滤波器研究
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RF MEMS(射频微机械)技术的出现为微波器件的设计和加工提供了新途径。RF MEMS器件具有可集成、低功耗、高线性度以及小型化等优异性能,在民用和军事领域都有着非常广阔的应用前景。为兼顾RF MEMS可动与固定器件,本文针对RF MEMS移相器和基于MEMS工艺的太赫兹波导滤波器进行性能优化和工艺实现两方面的研究,主要研究内容和取得的创新成果如下:
     提出传输线分解的建模思想,将RF MEMS器件分解为典型结构,将这些典型结构看作不同结构的传输线分别建模,级联获得器件等效电路模型。验证结果表明,应用该思想建立的电路模型在较宽频段内均能反映分布式移相器性能变化规律。这种方法将复杂的三维电磁场分析转化为传输线问题进行处理,简单易行,而且由于RF MEMS器件中基本结构的一致性,所得典型结构的电路模型具备通用性。
     (2)提出了以分布式移相器物理长度为优化目标的设计方法,并研究如何得到工艺依赖性小的设计。基于此,设计、加工和测试了一种X波段五位分布式移相器。解决了结构层残余应力、MEMS梁锚点可靠性和工艺精度等问题,突破牺牲层、结构层和介质层制备等关键工艺步骤,形成了可用于制作包含悬空梁结构的RF MEMS器件的表面微加工工艺流程。同文献报道的MEMS分布式移相器相比,所得移相器具有工艺难度小、尺寸小以及下拉电压低的特点。
     (5)研究RF MEMS移相器的另外一种类型---开关线型移相器,采用单刀双掷开关和单刀四掷开关得到五位开关线型移相器紧凑结构,分析MEMS开关的电路模型以及开关和外围电路连接时金丝焊线的影响,通过加工和测试得到了较好的测试结果。
The appearance of RF MEMS technology provides a new way to design andfabricate microwave devices. With high performances including integrability, low loss,high linearity and miniature, RF MEMS devices have broad prospects in applying bothfor civil use and for military use. In the dissertation, taking account of both movable andfixed devices, RF MEMS Phase Shifters and Terahertz Waveguide Filters are studied insome aspects of performance optimization and process realization. The main researchesand innovative achievements are as follows.
     (1) Extracting parasitic parameters by analyzing the discontinued of distributedMEMS phase shifter with MAM capacitor, equivalent-circuit models are presented. Thefitting degree of simulation results shows that, compared with existingequivalent-circuit model, the model’s accuracy was improved greatly, which couldreflect the performances accurately.
     A modeling idea of transmission line decomposition is advanced, that is, RFMEMSdevice is divided into some typical structures, which can be considered as differenttransmission lines and be modeled respectively to get equivalent circuit model of thedevice by cascading. The verification results indicate that the equivalent-circuit modelobtained by the idea could reflect the device performance over a wide frequency band.This method turns the complex three-dimensional electromagnetic field analysis into thetransmission line problem,which is easier and more applicable. With the similarity ofbasic structures of RF MEMS devices, the obtained circuit models of typical structureshave versatility.
     (2) The design method to optimize the physic length of MEMS distributed phaseshifters is presented. The researches are carried out on how to achieve designs with lowdependence on processing. Based on those, an X-band5-bit distributed phase shifterwas designed, processed and tested. After solving problems including the residual stressof the structural layer, the reliability of MEMS beam anchor and process accuracy, andbreaking through critical processing steps like the sacrificial layer, the structure layer and the dielectric layer, the formed surface micromachining process could be used to fabr icate RF MEMS devices that contain suspended beam structure. Compared with MEMSdistributed phase shifters reported in the literature, the fabricated phase shifter hascharacteristics of easier process, smaller size and lower actuated voltage.
     (3) A novel meander distributed phase shifter is advanced. By loading MEMSbridges on meander CPW lines making full use of common ground plane, the length ofdevices are greatly reduced to get a compact structure, thus ensuring processconsistency. Besides, aperiodic distributed phase shifters are advanced, in which unitcells with different phase shifts was cascaded, design flexibility was added and thenumber of MEMS bridges was reduced. Making use of the proposed structures, periodicand aperiodic5-bit distributed phase shifters are designed and simulated to achievesatisfactory performances and in the area of5.36mm*4.72mm and4.8mm*3.75mm.
     (4) Aimed to the particularity of multi-bit MEMS distributed phase shifters,sources of phase error are investigated comprehensively. The key factor influencing thephase error of phase shifters is proposed and verified, which is mismatch betweenadjacent bits in the phase states switching process. An optimal arrangement of bits withdifferent phase shifts for multi-bit MEMS distributed phase shifters is put forward toimprove phase error.
     A novel distributed phase shifter with more biased pads is proposed, by controllingthe phase shifter from the unit cell level, multiple reflection of the signal resulted frommismatch between bits is avoided. The contradiction of miniaturization and return lossis also alleviated to some extent. The design results show that phase error of distributedphase shifters using the structure was improved. The return loss and insertion loss arealso improved.Combining the structure of more biased pads with aperiodic structure, thenumber of MEMS bridges in distributed phase shifter is decreased sharply and5-bitphase shifter with only16MEMS bridges is obtained. The structure of distributed phaseshifter in which single bias control many MEMS bridges is given. So bias pads can bereduced three or four times and the interconnection parasitic effects and performancedeterioration in package are alleviated.
     (5) Another type of RF MEMS phase shifters---switched-line phase shifters areresearched. A compact5-bit phase shifter is designed which adopts SP2T and SP4T. Thecircuit model of MEMS switches and the effects of the bonding wire connectedswitches and peripheral circuits are analyzed. Good measurements results are got after processing and testing.
     (6) The method of fabricating Terahertz iris band-pass filter by adopting MEMStechnology is presented. Based on the existing process conditions, through analyzing theinfluence of process factors on electromagnetic performace of filters, the process anddesigning parameters are mutually compromised to obtain optimized design. Sharpdeterioration of device performance due to process factors is avoided. Meanwhile, somecritical processing steps like MEMS ICP etching, electroplating gold and bonding andso on were researched, thus solving the problems like iris sidewall angle, metalthickness and roughness. The micromachining process of the filters is proposed.Ultimately the integratable THz filters of small insertion loss and high reliability isobtained by fabrication and test,whose power attenuation are below1dB at the centerfrequency140GHz and170GHz.
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