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     To investigate the epidemic status of birth defects of Longgang District, Shenzhen City, determine knowledge, attitudes and practices about birth defects among pregnant women. A case control study was used to explore possible risk factors for birth defects, and proposed appropriate measures to prevent birth defects; to provide reasonable suggestions to further improve Pre-marital health, Pre-pregnancy health and Perinatal health services,so as to continuously improve the quality of the population.
     1. Analysis on birth defects surveillance data of Longgang district, Shenzhen City To collect and analysis the birth defects surveillance data of Longgang District, Shenzhen City from 2004 to 2008, the content of data include annual numbers of perinatal, types of birth defects,gender of defective child and the outcome of birth defects,et al.
     2. Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices about birth defects among pregnant women
     Stratified random sampling method was used to select 90 pregnant women from three streets of Longgang district, Shenzhen City as participants in this study.
     Then to learn knowledge, attitudes and practices about birth defects among them by face-to-face questionnaire.
     3. Investigate the risk factors for congenital heart disease To explore the risk factors for congenital heart disease by using 1:1 matched case-control studies based on hospital. All data was entered in Excel2003 and Epidata 3.1. All analyses were performed by using the SAS9.0 statistical software package, including descriptive analysis,t test, x2-test and multi-factor non-conditional logistic regression.
     1. Analysis on birth defects surveillance data of Longgang district, Shenzhen City Birth defects were the primary causes of perinatal deaths in Longgang District, Shenzhen City, it accounted for 19.30% of the causes of perinatal deaths.
     The incidence of birth defects showed an increasing trend from 2004 to 2007. The average incidence of birth defects among floating population (13.76%) was higher than resident population (11.07%). The average incidence of birth defects of male between 2004 and 2008 was 14.23%, higher than female (11.80%), and the male-to-female ratio was 1.51:1. The incidence of congenital heart disease was higher than many other types of birth defect.
     2. Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices about birth defects among pregnant women
     (1) Knowledge, attitudes and practices about birth defects among pregnant women The findings showed that the level of general knowledge about birth defect and folic acid among pregnant women in Longgang district was relatively high. There were 91.86% pregnant women had heard of birth defect before pregnancy,94.87% of them knew folic acid could prevent birth defects,and 89.74% of them had ever eaten folic acid in the perinatal period.72.09% participants had ever taken self-protection measures to prevent birth defect.80.77% pregnant women said they supported the policy of distributed folic acid free by government.
     (2) The sources of knowledge on birth defects
     The sources of knowledge that you should do some preparation to prevent birth defects before pregnancy were mainly from doctors and promotional materials, with the proportion of 30.23% and 29.07%, respectively; followed by television and radio (17.44%), others' introduction (17.44%), newspapers (8.14%), etc.. The sources of folic acid knowledge were mainly from friends and relatives, accounting for 34.62%; followed by newspaper/ magazine/network (30.77%), the health sector (12.82%) and so on.
     (3) Influential factors of knowledge of birth defects among pregnant women
     1)Literacy:In terms of the pregnant women with high literacy, the participation rate in premarital medical examination of couples was significantly higher than that with low literacy, the difference of which was statistically significant (χ2= 6.7717, P<0.05); Moreover, pregnant women with higher literacy would pay more attention to prenatal care, prevention of birth defects and folic acid knowledge, and have higher support to government policy of distributing folic acid than others.
     2) Per capita monthly income of family:The awareness rate that you should keep good mood during pregnancy was highest in the group of monthly income at 2000~4000 yuan (32.43%) and lowest in the 7,000 yuan group (10.81%). The awareness rates were also different in the behaviors that you should get rid of contacting with pesticides/paint and reduce the opportunities of touching cats and dogs, etc. The pregnant women with higher per capita monthly income of family would have higher degree of attention to above mentioned behaviors.
     3、Study on risk factors of congenital heart disease
     1) In terms of drinking milk (more than 250ml/d), eating meat (no less than 250g/d) and taking vitamin frequently in early pregnancy, the proportion of control group mothers was higher than that of case group mothers; in contrast, the case group mothers had higher proportion in regular tea drinking, and virus's infection at early pregnancy than the control group mothers.
     2) Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors of congenital heart disease were fathers with large alcohol intake at three months before pregnancy (OR = 2.929), mothers with partial eclipse during early pregnancy (OR= 2.876), mothers with higher body mass index (OR= 2.557) and mothers with viruses infection during early pregnancy (OR= 2.557).
     There is an upward trend of the incidence of perinatal birth defects per year in Longgang district of Shenzhen city. Pregnant women have some understanding on the basic knowledge of birth defects and folic acid. Viruses' infection during early pregnancy and pre-pregnant body mass index of mothers, and the life and behavior styles of parents in early pregnancy are influential factors of congenital heart disease. We should carry out reproductive health education widely in the crowd to change their unhealthy lifestyles, and do well in periconceptional health care to prevent and reduce the incidence of birth defects, so as to improve the quality of the population born in China.
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