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In the second half of the20thcentury, post-modernism swept through almost allthe cultural fields.
     The so called post-modernism has some major characteristics such asfragmented, pluralistic and decentralized, and these led many humanity instutions,including the philosophy of history, began to rethink themselves. During thepost-modern times, researchers started to pay attention to the contradictions anddivisions in the highly inclusive concept ‘history’. They began to ask and rethink thedeliberately ignored and evaded parts in the traditional history writings. In the contextof post-modernism,‘history’ lost its ‘superior’ status. The history text became onetext in all texts; the history narrative became one narrative of all narratives. The newunderstanding of historical issues spread to the literature and fiction field from thefield of philosophy of history. In the field of fiction, there shows a trend of returningto the history with questions centered in recent years. A large number of novels beganto focus on the history and the past. But rooted in post-modernism, these novels havea very clear self-consciousness of history and history narrative. The authors faced theprocess of history writings, and presented history as a question by deconstructing andreconstructing history. The Canadian scholar Linda Hutheon called this kind of novel‘historiography meta-fiction’, which is often seen as a kind of text ‘more than anacademic paper’. Though living in a so called post-modern society, the historiographymeta-fiction does not agree with the opinion of expelling the history. Believing that‘history’ was a real past, a real experience of human beings, historiographymeta-fiction knows it is responsible for preserving human. And of course the ‘past’may become a guarantee to the human present and future. Returning to history byquestioning history, historiography meta-fiction is filled with post-modernistcontradictions.
     This paper combined historiography meta-fiction’s appearance with thepost-modernism turning of philosophy of history, and considers it as a response to the post-modernism ideological trend. The paper summarizes the ideological foundation,text features and the text meanings of historiography meta-fiction, and points out thehistoriography meta-fiction has its own features in writing history. It also finds thecontradictions between the regularities of history meanings and the restoring ofhuman experiences. It is also alert to the control of power in history narratives. Theseare also the main innovations of this paper.
     This paper is divided into6parts:
     The introduction section discusses the turning of history themes in literaturewritings as well as the post-modernism turning of the philosophy of history. Thehistoriography meta-fiction agrees that history writing was a kind of text constructingthe same as literature and novel. Rhetoric and the language habits were its primaryfactors too. Therefore, historiography meta-fiction determined to structure history inits own way. In this part, the paper also summarized historiography meta-fiction’sstudy status nowadays, especially Hutheon’s study on it.
     Chapter1mainly discusses the basic characteristics of historiographymeta-fiction, points out that the ideological basis of historiography meta-fiction wasthe post-modernism philosophy of history. In this part, the paper made a cross-overstudy to historiography meta-fiction and the post-modernism philosophy of history.
     Chapter2discusses the historical representing way of historiography meta-fiction.The narrative in historiography meta-fictions is a kind of narrative much likehistorical research. It focuses on the relationship between the people and the past aswell as the relationship between the existence of the past and the telling of the past.The historiography meta-fiction builds its own text on a chain of active narratives,representing history as an unfolding process, makes the text a body filled withrepeatedly explanations.
     Chapter3explores the historiography meta-fiction’s deconstruction of history. Inthe period of post-modernism, writers of historiography meta-fiction finds there is a‘meta-history’ as a discourse and a power in history narratives like the historians. Andthe center of the discourse is actually ‘the Great Story’. The historiographymeta-fiction opposes to the ‘meta-history’ narratives, deconstructing and digesting itin an ironical way, shaking the basis and the form of traditional history narrative. This chapter has two parts:1, the deconstruction of history narrative;2, the deconstructionof history telling.
     Chapter4discusses the historiography meta-fiction’s reconstruction of history. Itmainly uses the following ways:1, revisiting the lost parts of history writings;2,imitating the biographical literatures;3, dialogue with the contemporary problems.Through reconstructing history, historiography meta-fiction rediscoveres the closerelationship between human beings and the past.
     Chapter5discusses the meanings of historiography meta-fiction as theconclusion of this paper. The historian Jorn Rüsen said that ‘there were many openingfutures in the past’, and this is also the reason why more and more writers pick uphistory as their writing subjects. The historiography meta-fiction questions on thetimes, the moral, and the future of human world through writing the past. Inhistoriography meta-fiction, the most important thing is not whether the historywriting’s real or not, the historiography meta-fiction was written to make peoplere-evaluate the judgments about history narratives. After all, history narratives areresponsible for understanding people and people’s behaviors; it not only hassomething to do with today, but also opens to the future.
    ①Linda Hutcheon,A Poetics of Postmodernism: history, theory, fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988p.105-p.115
    ②Linda Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism: history, theory, fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988,p.107.
    ①Amy J. Elias, Metahistorical Romance, the historical sublime, and dialogic history. Rethinking History, VOL.9,2005
    ②Teresa Ludden, History, Memory and Montage in Anne Duden’s Das Juddasschaf, German life and letters,59:2,4,2006
    ③Linn Wolf, Literary Historiography: W. G. Sebald’s Fiction, Copyright of Amsterdamer Beitrage Zur NeuerenGernanistic
    ④Angela Marie Smith, Fiery Constellations: Winterson’s Sexing Cherry and Benjamin’s MaterialistHistoriography, College Literature,32.3,2005
    ①Miguel Lopez lozano, Traces of Red: Historiography and Chicano Identity in Guy Garcia’s Obsidian Sky,Confluencia2008, Volume24, No.1
    ②Ansgar Nunning, Where Historiographic Metafiction and Narratology Meet: Towards an Applied CulturalNarratology, Style: volume38, No.3, Fall2004
    ①Linda Hutcheon,A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988, p.112
    ②Linda Hutcheon,A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988, p.105-p.115
    ①莲达·赫哲仁,《后现代主义政治》,刘自荃译,台北:骆驼出版社1993, p.70
    ①莲达·赫哲仁:《后现代主义政治》刘自荃译,台北:骆驼出版社,1993, p.81
    ①Toews,“Intellectual History after the Linguistic Turn”. The American Historical Review,1987
    ①Toews,“Intellectual History after the Linguistic Turn”. The American Historical Review,1987,92/4, p.893
    ①Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr.,Beyond the Great History: History as Text and Discourse. Boston, Harvard UniversityPress,1997. p.176
    ①Ewa Domanska,Encounters: Philosophy of History after Postmodernism. University of Virginia Press.1998.p.17
    ①詹姆斯·康奈利,《历史:一桩过去的事情?》选自《历史哲学:一种再审视》William Sweet编魏小巍朱航译,北京师范大学出版社2008
    ②【法】米歇尔·福柯,《知识考古学》,谢强马月译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1998年6月, p.1
    ①【法】米歇尔·福柯,《知识考古学》,谢强马月译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1998年6月, p.3
    ①Linda Hutheon: A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988,p.116
    ①William Sweet编,《历史哲学——一种再审视》,魏小巍朱舫译,北京,北京师范大学出版社p.239
    ②Collingwood, R. G., An Autobiography, London: Oxford University Press,1939, ch. X.
    ①Jenkins, Keith,‘After’ History, Rethinking History,3(1),1996, p.10
    ②Jenkins, Keith, On’what is History’, London: Routledge,1995, P.19.
    ①Robert F. Berkhofer Jr., Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse,1995, Harvard UniversityPress. P.75-101
    ①De Man,“Rhetoric of Temporality”, p.218;“Excuses(Confessions),” in his Allegories of Reading (henceforthAR),(New Haven: Yale University Press,1979), p.300—301
    ①Linda Hutcheon,A Poeitics of Postmodernism: history, theory, fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988, p.121
    ③Barthes: Mythologigues, New York,:Hill and Wang,1972, p.75
    ①【意大利】安伯托·埃柯著,《傅柯摆》,谢瑶玲译,北京:作家出版社,2003, p.698
    ②Cathy Davidson, Revolution and the word: The Rise of the Novel in America, New York, Oxford U. P.,1986,p.39
    ①Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr., Beyond the Great History: History as Text and Discourse. Boston, Harvard UniversityPress,1997. p.101
    ①Hyden White, Meta-history: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore, JohnsHopkins University Press,1973. p.68—69
    ①Robert F. Berkhofer Jr.: Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse,1995, Harvard UniversityPress. p.176
    ②【意大利】翁贝托·埃科著,《波多里诺》,杨孟哲译,上海:上海译文出版社,2007, p.531
    ②Linda Hutcheon, A Poeitics of Postmodernism: history, theory, fiction. New York and London: Routledge,1988p.125
    ①Toews, Intellectual History after the Linguistic Turn”. American Historical Review,1987, p.156——160
    ②Jenkins, Keith,转引自Spiegal.,‘History and Postmodernism’in Keith Jenkins (ed.), The Postmodern HistoryReader, London: Routledge,1997, p.260
    ①詹姆斯·康奈利,《历史:一桩过去的事情?》,见Willian Sweet编,魏小巍朱舫译,《历史哲学:一种再审视》,北京,北京师范大学出版社,2008,p.43
    ②Bradley, F. H.,‘The Presuppositions of Critical History’(1876), Collected Essays, Oxford: ClarendonPress,1935, p.8
    ①Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth, Sequel to History: Postmodernism and the Crisis of Time, Princeton, PrincetonUniversity Press,1992, p.66
    ①Robert F. Berkhofer Jr.: Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse,1995, Harvard UniversityPress. P.116
    ①Monslow, Deconstructing History, London: Routledge,1997, p.166
    ②Monslow,,‘The Postmodern in History: A Response to Professor O’Brien’, Reviews in History.转引自《历史哲学:一种再审视》p.49
    ①Julia Kristeva,“Women’s Time”, reprinted in the Kristeva Reader, ed. Toril Moi, New York, ColumbiaUniversity Press,1986. p.188——189
    ①【意大利】安伯托·埃柯著,《傅科摆》,谢瑶玲译,北京:作家出版社,2003, p.4
    ②“过去的原始事件”:the brute events of the past
    ③“历史事实”:the historical facts
    ①David Lodge, The Novelist at the Crossroads, in Malcolm Bradbury (ed.), The Novel Today London,1971,p.109
    ①Aesthetic Politics: Political Philosophy Beyond Fact and Value. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press,1996, p.118
    ①Lynn Hunt,“History as Gesture; or The Scandal of History”, in Consequences of Theory, ed. Jonathan Arac andBarbara Johnson, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press,1991, p.102-103
    ②F.H. Bradley,.‘The Presuppositions of Critical History’(1876), Colleced Essays, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1935,p.96
    ③William Sweet编,《历史哲学:一种再审视》,魏小巍朱舫译,北京,北京师范大学出版社,2008,p.234
    ①Collingwood, R.G., The Idea of History, ed. T. M. Knox, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1946, p.248
    ②Dray, W.H.,‘Point of View in History’, Clio,7(1978); reprinted in W.H. Dray, On History and Philosophers ofHistory, Leiden: E. J. Brill,1989b, p.275
    ③Mink, Louis O.,‘History and Fiction as Modes of Comprehension’, in B. Fay, P. Pomper and R. T. Vann(eds),History and Theory: Contemporary Readings, Oxford: Blackwell,1998, p.135
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