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     学生的创业意愿(Entrepreneurial Intention)是指学生选择自主创业的可能性(Phillip H.Phan,2002)。在Christian Luthje和Nikolaus Franke(2003)有关MTI工科学生创业倾向的调查文章中以“毕业后在可预见的将来创业的可能性”来衡量学生的创业意愿。创业意愿是实施创业行为的一个先决因素,因此对创业意愿的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。以往研究创业意愿模型有许多成果,笔者在文中对以往的创业意愿研究模型进行了整理和评述,发现现有的关于创业意愿的理论研究绝大多数都是以企业家、社会创业者为研究对象的,缺乏专门针对大学生群体的影响因素模型的研究。而有限的对于大学生群体的创业意愿研究的文献,也是基于企业家或创业者的模型进行的。但无论是理论研究还是实践都证明,影响大学生群体创业意愿的因素与已有工作经验的创业者是不同的,比如De Noble等(1999)的研究发现,对于学生样本来说,机会识别和创新环境两个创业效能感分量表的得分与他们的创业意愿和实际准备行为呈显著正相关;而对于全职经理人样本来说,则是关系网络和关键资源两个创业效能感分量表的得分与他们的创业意愿和实际准备行为呈显著正相关。他们的研究认为,这一差异主要是因为两类群体不同的先验经验导致了他们考虑问题的侧重点不同而引起。鉴于此,通过研究影响大学生创业意愿的先验经验从而找到影响其创业意愿的作用路径对创业教育实践就显得非常重要了,因为只有这样才可能找到提升大学生创业意愿的具体措施。而众所周知,大学生创业的先验经验主要来自于学校提供的创业教育以及基于创业教育开展的各项创业实践活动。所以,本研究基于创业教育的视角,从理论上弥补创业意愿研究的不足,从实践上为政策制定者和创业教育的实践者提供一定的指导和帮助。
     第四,本文开创性地采用以过去的现实表现和行为来测度未来创业意愿的方法,使得研究结论更加可信。现有的关于大学生创业意愿的测度方法略显单一,在以往为数不多的有关学生创业意愿的定量研究中,大都以比较单一的方法来测量学生创业意愿,即由调查对象对自身创业意愿作出主观评判,而忽略了个体客观行为对其创业意愿的反映作用。以该方法获得的测度结果受个体主观影响较大,不一定能准确体现其实际创业意愿。而本研究采用了Macro van Gelderen等(2006),Bagozzi和Kimmel(1995),Armitage和Conner(2001)对创业意愿的单变量测量,并结合学生特性,比如以往兴趣、计划、偏好、受限制时的职业偏好、行为期望等形成的从多方面测量学生创业意愿的量表。以过去的现实的表现和行为反映的未来创业意愿的可能性很大程度上避免了学生通过主观判断的随意性,使得研究结论更加具有说服力。
China is beginning to suffer too many tribulations in 2008, Wenchuan Earthquake, the depression of economy caused by the financial crisis which has brought the ailing stock market, the property market downturn, the increasing unemployment and the slowest growth pace in five years. There have been growing signs that the economy might slow more sharply than expected. More and more businesses were struggling amid weakening external demand. With the economy teetering on the edge of recession, the whole marketplace has been affected. It is indubitable that every graduate is facing a much more challenging environment this year.
     According to the national civil service examination registration statistics in 2009 shows that the number of qualified candidates is close to one million, which exceeded 80 million in 2008. The highest competitive rate is raising 4000:1 for the first time. In the past three years, the increasing number of civil service examination is 200,000 annually, and it seems that becoming one of civil servants has been the collective ideal for more and more young people.
     Facing with the increasingly severe foreign and domestic economic environment, particularly in recent years, the number of total population and employment in China tended to the peak, which will lead to the contradictions in the structure of employment more prominent. While the graduates are facing with the huge challenge, there are more and more new opportunities for them at the same time. In the 17th party congress, it was claimed clearly that, "Implement the development strategies to expand employment, and promote entrepreneurship in order to promote employment. Make encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting business a more prominent position in solving employment problem." From the end of the last century, students start their own business and enterprise education has become the hot topics. How to effectively promote the students start their own business is a focus concerned by the individual, the schools, the community, and even the state. The school's enterprise education is an important source which provides knowledge and technical support, and is also a main part of the influencing factors. All in all, the study of students’entrepreneurship and the schools’enterprise education is of great practical significance.
     Entrepreneurial Intention is a potential entrepreneur’s subjective attitude to entrepreneurial activity. It describes how much you are similar to the entrepreneurs as well as people's attitude towards entrepreneurship and their ability. The individual entrepreneurial intention has a strong forecast effect to his entrepreneurial behavior (Bird and Brush, 2003). The will of conducting a business is a predetermination of making it a reality, so the study of entrepreneurial intention is of great practical significance. According to the previous entrepreneurial intention literatures, found that most of the existing studies were about the entrepreneurs, and there was a lack of study about the college students. Moreover, both the theoretical research and the practice have proved that the factors which impact the students are much different from those impact the experienced entrepreneurs (De Noble et al, 1999). In view of this, it is necessary to carry out the influencing factor module for students only to fill the vacancy of entrepreneurial intention study, and to a certain extent, to provide guidance and assistance practically.
     The existing researches summarized the enterprise education includes the following four aspects, entrepreneur consciousness, entrepreneurial quality, entrepreneur capability and entrepreneurial knowledge. That is to say the enterprise education enhance the potential entrepreneurs more qualified by educating them in terms of the above four aspects. Because of the complex concept and incapable measurement of "consciousness", this study did not consider the entrepreneurial consciousness as an variable, and hope that the latter research could make up for this vacancy. The module in this paper was mainly based on He Dan’s study, a scholar in Zhejiang University, and tried to add in the three aspects of enterprise education in order to explore what the key factors were that could influence students starting their business and how they worked.
     It is meaningful to reveal the influencing factors of entrepreneurial intention to students from the perspective of enterprise education. On the one hand, the experience in university for youth is very important. It might bring profound impact on their personality, knowledge and the ability. On the other hand, pattern of school education, curriculum and teaching methods can be chosen and modified. Exploring more suitable education pattern will help promote the employment of college graduates.
     The innovation of this study is building students’influencing factors module of entrepreneurial intention, and taking into account the lack of practical work experience, additionally, the college education has a great impact on their personality traits, knowledge and ability.
     The results show that the influence of proactive personality to entrepreneurial attitude and the influence of entrepreneurial attitude to entrepreneurial intention are both very significant. For it is proposed the enterprise education could emphasize on training proactive personality, or identify the students with proactive personality and educate them constantly enhance their management capacity. It can make the policy and financial support much more profitable.
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