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Photonic crystals, namely photonic bandgap materials, are artificially arranged periodic electromagnetic structures in optical wavelength scale. Due to the periodic modulation of the refraction index, they possess photonic band gaps that inhibit the existence of light in certain frequency ranges, which is analogous to what the semiconductor do to the electrons. In the last decade, photonic crystals have been a rapidly developing field because of their novel optical properties and important potential applications. In this dissertation, we study the one- and two-dimensional photonic crystals theoretically. In addition, Opals are prepared and optical properties are studied using organic molecule. The important results are given as follows:
     1、Using plane wave expansion method (PWEM) and transfer matrix method (TMM), we have studied the band structure, transmission spectra, electric field distribution, density of photonic mode of one-dimensional(1D) photonic crystals; we have attempted to use the genetic algorithm in the field of engineering photonic band gaps; we have studied the properties of 1D omnidirectional photonic bandgap and the metallodielectric photonic crystal which was constructed by inserting metal layer into dielectric system, a wider omnidirectional photonic bandgap was obtained; the absorbent properties of metal layer in one-dimensional metal-dielectric photonic crystals were also studied, and the results showed that the electric field distribution played a more decisive role than the photon states distribution in the metallic absorption characteristics.
     2、Using PWEM and TMM method, we have studied the band structures、photonic gap maps of the two-dimensional photonic crystals with square/triangle lattice of columns; Larger working frequency range of optical polarizer based on photonic crystals was obtained with photonic heterostructure consisting of photonic crystals with proper photonic band structures; we proposed using photonic heterostructure to obtain a larger complete bandgap and studied the transmission spectra; we have studied the transmission spectra of two-dimensional photonic quantum well and superlattice, the resonance modes and frequency split in the bandgap of photonic well layer is observed and the use in wavelength division is discussed.
     3、Monodisperse silica microspheres were prepared using a Stober method and Opal photonic crystals were also prepared using a self-assembly technique, the transmission spectra of the Opal were obtained, using Alq_3 and rare earth complex Tb(ACAC)_3phen as probes, we have studied the effects of photonic bandgap on spontaneous emission.
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