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  • 英文题名:The Entrance and Quit Mechanism of High-Tech Industrial Campus:Theoretical and Practical Study
  • 作者:陈王琨
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:产业经济学
  • 学位年度:2006
  • 导师:隋广军
  • 学科代码:020205
  • 学位授予单位:暨南大学
  • 论文提交日期:2006-04-25
High and new technology is the major incentive, which pushes the economic development in the twenty first century.It is also a positive force for the sustainable development in China during its rapid economic growth stage in recent decades. High and new technology is an industry, which combines the capital, technique, and human resources together, therefore, it is easy to bring about lager industrial campus area. Besides, the "science and industrial park" predominated by the industrial policy from the government, also has a significant amount of successful cases in all over the world today.
    This study focuses on the mechanism of enterprise entering into and quitting the high and new technology campus. The theory of evolutionary economy is proposed in this paper to explain the development phenomenon in Taiwan area. Related articles include the discussion of life cycle, industry policy, core competition ability, social capital, and sustainable development are also reviewed in this paper.
    The change of high and new technology campus in Taiwan and its related industry is the object to be analyzing by the mentioned theory in this research. The results show that the industrial policy has a significant positive influence to the development of high and new technology campus. They successfully increase the core competition ability of the industrial campus. In addition, the social network and human capital cannot be neglected in the process of campus development from the social capital formation point of view. The social capital effectively reduces the cost and fallacy for enterprise. As to the future of the high technology, the enterprise between both side of the cross strait meet a situation of competition and corporate. It can be analyzed by the theory of sustainable and regional development.
    There is much information about the high and new technology campus in Taiwan. It is described in the content of this paper to support the discussion and conclusion of this research.
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