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Prostate cancer (Pca) is the most common malignant tumor, is so far the men's second biggest killer cancer, especially in people over 70, ranking third in the urinary system cancer, serious harm to the health of men And quality of life. Its causes are still unclear, but apparently associated with the familial history, i.e hereditary. And there is higher incidence in Europe than in Asia. That means it particularly associated with diet and lifestyle tips closely. However, with the westernization of lifestyle and dietary changes in the structure of Asian countries, the incidence of prostate cancer growth is also rapid. Meanwhile, China has gradually entered the aging society. There has been the aging population of 2 million. Prostate cancer patient population will increase year by year. PSA testing and digital rectal examination are the commonly used methods of early screening for prostate cancer, but there are many blind spots. So one objective of the study researchers is to establish one or a series of diagnostic marker of prostate cancer has good stability andhigh specificity, in order to achieve the purpose of monitoring the course of prostate cancer progress.
     miRNA is a class of non-coding small RNA naturally occurring in plant and animal cells. Discovered in recent years, miRNA can be specifically expressed in the majority of tumors, such as colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lung cancer, neuroblastoma, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, etc. Moreover, miRNA can be released into the blood, with good stability and specificity as potential new tumor markers. Therefore, the serum miRNA associated with prostate cancer may of great significance for its early diagnosis and disease monitoring.
     In this study, according to the literature we first selected 6 kinds of miRNAs including miR-141, miR-16, miR-103, miR-574, miR-34b, miR-485, as potential markers of prostate cancer. Then we used the fluorescent quantitative PCR to quantify them in prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia patients and normal human serumt, analyzing its correlation with prostate epecific antigen (PSA). The results showed that, miRNA-103 and miRNA-34b elevated in prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia patients and anyother patients with high serum PSA levels. In which miR-34b increased apparently, but no significant differences between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia patients. That suggest that miRNA-34b is an equivalent marker for prostate cancer similar as PSA.
     Then, we used miRNA microarray screened miRNA expression in serum of benign prostate hyperplasia patients and prostate cancer patients with Gleason6, 7,8,9 comparing to normal serum.The results showed that serum miRNA expression profiles of prostate cancer were significantly associated with tumor malignancy. Of which 156 miRNAs expression difference; miR-16 and miR-141 decreased in both of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer; miR-34 increased in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer patients; miR-200c, miR-583 and miR-29a specifically up-regulated in Gleason8 of prostate cancer patients. The RT-PCR show that both the miR-7a and miR-7f were down-regulated in prostate cancer patients, also a little bit lower than in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients.
     Finally, we synthesized a Let-7f miRNA to establish fluorescence quantitative PCR method to measure serum Let-7f. It will lay foundation to further investigate let-7f level in the clinical samples.
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