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     3、根据物联网传感网络的特点和安全属性,提出一种基于无线网络的物联网传感网络SNIT(The Sensing Network of the Internet of Things)模型;
     5、针对SNIT模型提出一种SNIT协议,该协议根据发起通讯请求的通信主体的不同SNIT办议又分为SNIT_C, SNIT_S_三个协议,并对三个协议进行形式化描述和攻击者建模;
Presently, the study of Internet of Things (IOT) is more and more deeper, the development and application of IOT more and more wider in the future social. The security problem of IOT come out as the Development and Research of various IOT hardware and application software, So how to implement the identification authentication of the IOT communications principal and how to transport data ensure secret and security is an application requirement that sorely need to be studied and resolved.
     Security protocol is playing an important part in the identification authentication of communications principal, key distribution and digital signature and so on. But, the security design, analysis and prove have long been the important and difficulty problem to security protocols with the emerging of new attack means and technic constantly, so it is facing new challenges.
     This thesis base on the concept and architecture of IOT.that is the official acceptance carrying on an investigation into the formalization design and verification of the security protocols that transport in IOT sensor network. The main research content and contributions of this thesis are below:
     1. With the concept and architecture of IOT that is the official acceptance, contrasting and analyzing the architecture of IOT with the traditional.network architecture,educe the characteristics and security properties of IOT sensor network.
     2. According to the characteristics and security properties of IOT sensor network, put forward a model to deal with attacker of Internet of Things sensor network.
     3.According to the characteristics and security properties of Internet of Things sensor network, put forward a SNIT (The Sensing Network of the Internet of Things) model of IOT sensor network base on Wireless Network。
     4. For the SNIT model, giving an abstract of communications principal, educe a formal design method that base on protocol metadata. The method first choose and design protocol metadata, and then certificate the security properties that base on UM attach model;
     5.Educing a kind of SNIT protocol that is classified according to the agent which initiates communications request:SNIT_C, SNIT_M and SNIT_Sto, for SNIT model.
     6. Formal analysis,model checking and verification for SNIT Protocols by CSP.
     7.Adopt theorem proving for SNIT protocol by strand space theory, reasoning infinity state space of the model, solving the space explosion problem that model checking can not be.
     In summation, this thesis educe formalization design, analysis and certificate for security protocol that has a great of mathematics technical and can ensure its reliability, confidentiality and data consistency under the condition of attractor model has the ability to attack compare to traditional un-formalization design and analysis.
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