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Objectives:By the pathologic diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) tissue which were obtained from ultrasound-guided needle biopsy, and detect their expression level of P53 and MMP2 gene proteins, simultaneasly contrasted with the HCC tissue which were obtained from operation, to explore the clinical application value of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy to liver tumor's diagnosis, therapy and the judgment of prognosis.
     Method:19 cases tissue of hepatocellular carcinoma which were acquired from ultrasound-guided needle biopsy were enrolled experimental group, on the other hand,40 cases tissue of hepatocellular carcinoma which were acquired from operation in Hepatobiliary Surgery were enrolled control group, immunohistochemical technique was adopted to detect the protein expression level of P53、MMP2 gene.
     Results:P53 positive expression rate of the experimental group was 84.2%, the control group was 87.5%, contrasted the expression levels of the two groups, the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05); MMP2 positive expression rate of the experimental group was 89.5%, the control group was 85%, contrasted the expression levels of the two groups, the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05), and regardless of the experimental group or control group, the P53、MMP2 protein expression of tumor tissue were closely related to each other, at the same time P53、MMP2 protein expression level has nothing to do with tumor size (P>0.05), but was closely related with the tumor thrombus (P<0.05).
     Conclusions:Ultrasound-guided liver tumor biopsy and detect the P53, MMP2 protein expression level of tumor tissue have great value to the liver cancer diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
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