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旅游流是现代旅游业发展所依赖的客观前提,也是旅游学研究的核心问题之一。目前国内有关入境旅游流的研究侧重于时空特征、扩散规律的描述分析,而入境旅游流驱动力的研究还有很大发展空间。入境旅游流作为一种大规模人口流动的社会现象,其驱动力研究有着复杂性和多面性的特征。美国学者Kurt Godel曾说过,在认识世界的过程中,排除某一种方式或视角所得到的结果都是不完备的。若单纯运用目的地统计年鉴数据来探究旅游流驱动力,则容易陷入机械唯物主义的泥沼;若单纯采用旅游者问卷调查数据来分析旅游流驱动力,则容易踏入个人决定论的深渊。笔者在对国内外相关文献梳理后,发现学者们多从自身固有的专业背景出发来开展旅游流驱动力方面的研究,多视角、多方法、系统性的研究尚未出现。然而,社会科学的特点决定了旅游流驱动力研究的复杂性,单一运用某种视角或方法都难得到令人满意的诠释。在社会科学研究中,人既是社会客体,又是社会主体;既受社会规律支配,又具有一定的主观能动性。所以,有必要从目的地和旅游者的双重视角来对入境旅游流驱动力进行研究。
Tourist flow is the premise of tourism industry and also is one of the core issues of tourism research. At present, the researchment of tourist flow is focused on spatial and temporal characteristics, diffusion of tourist flow inbound, while the tourist flow driving force is weak. Tourist flow as a social phenomenon of mass population movements, its driving forces are complex and multifaceted. American scholar Kurt Godel has said the result will be not completed if you understand the world excluding a certain way or view. For example, the driving force of tourist flow like the kernel of walnut, we need to use the hammer to strike from its different sides. If purely using the destination statistical annual data, we can easily fall into the mechanical materialism; If only using the survey data to analyze the tourist flow driving force, we can easily enter the personal decision of the abyss. Sorting the related literature, I find that the scholars develop the tourist flow driving forces from their own professional background. However, the driving force of tourist flow is complicated, a single perspective or method is weak. In social scientific research, people are both social object and social subject; received by the dominant social law, but also has some initiative. Therefore, it is necessary that the research of inbound tourist flow is conducted from the destination and tourist's dual angles.
     All of the work about this research is supported by a grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40771058). In this paper, the driving force of the inbound tourist flow is the research object. From the two perspectives of destination and tourist, the author used Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis, variance analysis, structural equation model analysis and types of principal component analysis and other quantitative methods by the SPSS, the LISREL, and the EXCEL. On the basis of findings obtained through qualitative speculation, the author constructed a model of the tourist-flow-driven. The results have certain theory and practice significance for the development project, the development tourism product and the market development.
     The main work and conclusions are the following:
     (1) Viewing from the destination, the author use the correlation analysis method to find the strength of the provinces own property in the tourist destinations. The result is as follows:the economy is the greatest one, then traffic and service are next, the last one is tourism resource. In addition no correlation indicators, The highest correlation coefficient with the number of inbound tourists is import and export volume, followed by good-star hotels, the lowest level is an excellent area; and the tourism foreign exchange earnings is most relevant with import and export volume weight, followed by air throughput, the lowest level is the high-level scenic spot index; associated with the entry of foreign visitors is still the highest degree of import and export volume, followed by air throughput, the lowest level is still the high-level scenic spot index.
     (2) Viewing from the tourist, the author used factor analysis, variance analysis and structural equation modeling and other methods to demonstrate push and pull are driving forces for tourists, and distinguish the psychological associations between push and pull forces. The two driving factors of the push dimension are "social and health","knowledge and novelty", the two driving factors of the pull dimension are "facility and environment", "core attraction." There are differences between the levels of each factor by different sexes, different ages, different education, different incomes and different countries (cultural) groups. In the push-pull relationship, the relationship between factors is large, such as, the "social and health" factor and the "facility and environment" factor, the "knowledge and novelty" factors and the "core attraction".
     (3) Researching the same phenomenon in tourism with different perspectives, we can find that the conclusion will show the rationality of different angles. By destination and tourist's dual fields of vision, in carries on the generalized analysis after the entry traveling class driving influence, the author proposed a model of the tourist-flow-driven. From the destination view, the inbound tourist flow may explain through the destination other social fact:From the tourist view, the inbound tourist flow need to return to the individual stratification plane, and be explained by individual motive, sensation and the other factors.
     This article attempts to make innovations in the following areas:
     (1) In the research perspective, the author fully awared on that the tourists are affected by both the laws of society and initiative. Then, from the destination attributes and tourists psychology respectively, the author obtained tourist flow driving force in different angle.
     (2) The author proposed the psychological stratification plane's push force and the pull force existence incident cross-correlation's supposition for the first time in domestic, and obtained two kind of sensation pull forces to be possible to enhance two kind of motive push forces. Expanded the research category of the tourist psychology driving force, this author broke through the push force and the pull force which were taken as two completely independent influences. At the same time, the variance analysis measures were used to measure the dimensions of the push and pull factors.
     (3) Taking the quantitative investigation and the qualitative method analysis as the foundation, carrying on the dislocation analysis and the complementarity speculation under the destination and the tourist field of vision's tourist flow driving influence research results, the author has constructed a model of the tourist-flow-driven under the dual angle of view.
     (4) Based on Etymological origin in the concepts and related disciplines, the driving force of the tourist flow was made a clear definition. Driving force should not be increased unlimited, but should refer only to have a positive effect on the force.
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