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Using Zhengdan-958 new maize variety of high-quality, high-yield and multi-resistance as material, the compensation of lateral roots development and regulation mechanism were studied by re-watering after draught stress in maize. The results were as follows:
     Under water stress and re-watering, lateral root system dynamic development were studied.Lateral root growth and development was promoted under low-level water stress(-0.4MPa).Lateral root growth and development was restrain with water potential decreased; lateral roots development of maize have high plasticity with the change of water condition.The effect of lateral roots development were studied with three water potential gradient(-0.4MPa、-0.8MPa、-1.2MPa)and two time gradient(re-watering after draught stress 12h and re-watering after draught stress 12h).Lateral root growth and development was promoted under low-level (-0.4MPa) water potential (-0.4MPa) but restrained with hight-level(-0.8 MPa) and middle level (-1.2MPa) water potential .This phenomenon was more significant whih the lower of water potential. The compensation growth of lateral roots promoted root water uptake after re-watering especially under re-watering by -0.8MPa.
     Study on the molecular mechanism of compensatory growth under water stress and re-watering Induced the follow results: (Ⅰ)Aquaporin expression in the roots reduced under water stress. expression of aquaporin which distributed in exodermis and endodermis increased rapidly under water stress. Pharmacological experiment of HgCl2 verified that the increased of aquaporin expression stimulated lateral roots emergence;(Ⅱ)The level of NO expression under water stress lower than normal level in the roots,but the level of NO expression under re-watering higher than normal level. The results showed that the level of NO expression had intimated relationship with compensation growth of lateral root under re-watering;(Ⅲ)Pharmacological experiment of H_2O_2 verified that exterior H_2O_2 stimulated lateral roots emergence,so the exterior H_2O_2 had intimated relationship with compensation growth of lateral root.
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