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The research on the management consulting industry is in first step now. But themanagement consulting companies have been played a very important role in humansociety since they emerged, for knowledge creation, knowledge dissemination andknowledge sharing. They also have deeply influenced increasement of the globaleconomy.
    Taking knowledge broker as an entrance point of the essay, the knowledgeoperation and knowledge network ability of management consulting company havebeen studied. The paper first suggested some theories on the knowledge broker, onknowledge operation, and it has also made up the shortage of former studies ofknowledge management on the management consulting companies. The maincontributions of this paper to the literatures are as the following:
    1 From the research and discussion about knowledge broker, the paper has putforward the concept on the knowledge broker and discussed the producing andevolutive process of it. On the base of these content, the paper has explained thecharacteristics、functions and essence of the Knowledge broker. The paper hasenriched the literature system of the intermediary studies and filled up the vacancy oftheory research on the knowledge broker.
    2 On the research on the knowledge operation, the paper has presented theconcept of the knowledge broker and first established the six-step knowledgeoperation model on the knowledge-broker-mode management consulting companies.The paper has framed the conceptions of six steps of operation process and deeplydiscussed the courses of contact-mining-learning-linking-recreation-implenmentation.The research has discussed the microcosmic mechanism of knowledge operation andprovided good method for deeper study.
    3 Based on the theory of Knowledge Fermenting, the fact that the key factors ofknowledge operation are network ability and learning ability has been introduced. Thenetwork ability of knowledge has been discussed in quantity and the the model ofknowledge network effect has been created in the condition of knowledge broker,which illuminates that the relation between the increase of knowledge stock innetwork, the relationship between overflow spectrum of knowledge in network andthe actors in the knowledge network is nonlinear, and explains the reason why theknowledge network should be created to improve the efficiency and ability ofknowledge operation in management consulting companies. Eventually, the definition
    and connotation of network ability could be put forward.
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