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While deepening the reform of China's housing system and developing the national economy, the real eatate industry is growing rapidly and becoming the pillar industry of the national economy. At present, most real estate corporations exist as small ones. Their manage capabilities don't match with their weaith. The whole industry is too loose that no large-scaled corporations existed. On the one hand, real estate corporations calls for economies of scale, but on the other hand, whether economies of scale existing or not needs discusting.
     The research is based on the domestic and foreign scholars, combining with the fact of real estate corporations in our country. This essay chooses the appropriate factors and builds the translog cost function model of economies of scale of the real estate corporations. Furthermore, we do the emperical analysis. The research is including:
     Firstly, builds the translog cost function model of economies of scale of the real estate corporations. At present, there are few researches desceibe of the economies of scale of the real estate corporations. We are trying to identify the main factors and build the model. We choose the saled area as the output, and choose average wage cost, land and matieral cost, funding cost as the inputs.
     Secondly, do the empirical research using the data of the 31 real estate corporations, from 2004 to 2008. It analyzes the economies of scale with different scales. As far as I'm concerned, in the year of 2004 to 2007, there's economies of scale do not existed . The numbers of economy companies are increasing from 2004 to 2007. Seen through the scale of acess, the ones which acess is over 100 millions exist scale of economies. Wheras the ones whose acess is under 30 millions exist scale of diseconomies. At last, there is no discipline between the disctribution of the city and the sacle of economies. Seen through the ownership structure, the real estate corporation which have a higher proportion of sate-owned share or equity scattered show economies of scale. But the ones which have a lower proportion of sate-owned shares or equity concentrated exist diseconomies of scale.
     There are few researches about the economies of scale of real estate corporations. So this essay is an exploration in this erea. This essay could be the references for the companies and government. However, there is still some localization in this essay. The following researches could be conducted much fitter.
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