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Large-scaled public projects is an important security to provide public services andimprove the quality of life, undertaking the vital task of providing and producing public goodsand services for the whole society, which is the benchmarking project in the constructionindustry. However, large-scaled public projects, especially non-operating large-scaled publicprojects is not well performed on sustainability, which has been found in a number ofnegative phenomena and problems in the process of decision-making, investment,construction and implement. Meanwhile, in order to follow the international trend and matchthe reality, China has a long history to put the sustainable development as the goal anddirection of the construction industry, but the current practice is not optimistic. Therefore, ithas become a serious problem about how to evaluate the sustainability performance ofconstruction projects and to further improve it through the weak links. The answer to thisquestion will help to improve the sustainability performance of the entire constructionindustry, helping intensive and rational use of public resources and energy, and thus tocontribute to building a harmonious society and the current "two-oriented" social process.
     Based on the background above and current situation, this thesis selected the large-scaledpublic projects which have a huge amount of investment, far-reaching social impact, strongindustry demonstration as the subject for the study, on the basis of taking full account of thedemands of stakeholders, devide the life cycle of large-scaled public projects into five stagesincluding decision-making, design, construction, operation and decommissioning,measuresustainanbility from economic dimension, environmental dimension, socialdimension, resource utilization dimension, health and safety dimension, and projectgovernance dimension combined with the characteristics of the sustainability of large-scaledpublic projects as a whole, explore ways of improving the weaknesses that affect thesustainability performance, and finally achieve the research aim of evaluating and improvingsustainability performance of large-scaled public buildings in the whole life cycle. Thecontents of this theis are strictly instructed by the logic of raising the research questions,which is "topics motivation—what the sustainability performance of the large-scaled publicprojects in the whole life cycle is—how to evaluate and improve the sustainabilityperformance of the large-scaled public projects in the whole life cycle—research summary ".
     In theory, guided by the whole life cycle theory and ecology symbiosis theory, this thesisproposed "demand-process-result "analysis mode and the" demand-target-constraints "internal mechanism for the large-scaled public projects sustainable development and implement, further applied analytical structural model ISM (Interpretive Structural Modelling)method to explore and analyze the internal relationship of the six dimensions, and found that:project management and resource utilization has the most basic and important role, theirdriving force in the dimension system is up to40%, while dependence only8%; economic,environmental and social dimensions are greatly influenced by other dimensions, reaching72%of total dependence, and their effects on other dimensions are not very significant, the sumof the three drivers is only44%; while the role of the health and safety dimension has abalanced combination of driving force and dependence. Meanwhile, the sustainability oflarge-scaled pulic projects has different focus in each stage of its life cycle: reasonabledecision in decision-making stage, sustainable design in design stage, sustainableconstructionin construction stage, green building in operation stage, and recycle and reuse indecommissioning stage.
     In model establishing, this thesis calculated the sustainability of large-scaled publicprojects through adding the arithmetic mean values of sustainability of the six dimensions,divided the dimensions into quantitative dimensions and qualitative ones. For quantitativedimensions, intuitive mathematical methods and models were used to assess theirsustainability performance: project financial NPV rate was applied to evaluate thesustainability performance of the economic dimension; ecological footprint analysis wasapplied to evaluate the sustainability performance of the environmental dimension. For thequalitative dimensions, the thesis established indicator system and used comprehensiveevaluation method to convert qualitative issues into quantitative ones: based on thecalculation of the index weight by entropy method, applied grey clustering to analyze andevaluate of the sustainability performance of the social dimension, the cloud model toevaluate the resource utilization dimension, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in healthand safety dimension, and extensive comprehensive evaluation methods to access thesustainability performance of the project governance dimension. These evaluation methodsand models consist of sustainability evaluation system on large-scaled public projects in thisresearch.
     In application, based on the assessment model of sustainability dimensions of large-scaled public project, this thesis presented hypothesis that affects the sustainabilityperformance in each dimension, and verified them through theoretical analysis and formulaauthenticity. Coping with current situation and exsiting problems, the thesis proposed detaildmethods of improving the sustainability performance of each dimension and as a whole. Thisprovides some practical help to improve the sustainability of large public projects.
     Through the case study of the project in Guangzhou for the2010Asian Games, thispaper demonstrates the use method of large-scale public project sustainability evaluationsystem, proves that they can truly and objectively evaluate the object reaction. And to someextent, it verifies the exploration of improvement methods, which proved the theory, modelsand analysis of this thesis.
     Based on the above research and results, this thesis argues that internal mechanism ofsustainability performance of large-scaled public projects supported by the symbiotic theoryprovides a basis, and inherent relationship of sustainability dimensions help stakeholders tobetter understand the priorities, while the large-scaled public project sustainabilitycomprehensive evaluation system is the effective tool to evaluate and improve thesustainability of large-scaled public projects. Conclusions of this research theoretically enrichthe knowledge body in related fields and provide a method for the evaluation andimprovement of the sustainability performance of large-scaled public projects in practice.
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