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     (1) 汽车产业链协作模式研究
     (2) 基于ASP的“一对多”服务和“多对多”协作技术研究
As a new organizational mode to answer the more and more violent competitions, the Industry Chain was born under the background of a new era. The academic business and government are keeping a close watch on it in recent years. Automobile industry chain is constituted by Automobile Factory, limb vendors, dealers and after - sale services providers, which forms a great network. It's the assurance of the industry chain's stabilization and development that how to realize the real time information shared and exchanged between the upstream and downstream industry chain partners to achieve cooperative business fast and effectively through the network.
    A complete industry chain management system can not only improve the cooperate mechanism and function of supply and demand, but also provide more market information at first hand. These can help the enterprise to develop a better marketing channel. In a word, the enterprises' colligate benefit can improved in the round through industry chain management. An ASP-based public service platform has so many advantages on resources, efficiency and cost. It is widely accepted that the public service platform is the important way to promote the informationization of the medium and small-sized enterprises. Through ASP platform, the medium and small-sized enterprises can obtain the competition advantages which were belong to the big enterprises as usual.
    In this dissertation, the main point is focus on automobile industry which is the national pillar cornerstone industry. The automobile industry chain collaborative modes, the ASP-based 'one-to-many' service mode and the 'many-to-many' social industry collaboration, the intelligent decision techniques based on ASP platform and the integration technical scheme based on crossing multi enterprises are discussed. All of these are based on several National High-Tech Development 863 Program of China such as 'the development and application of enterprises' networked collaboration ASP platform faced equipment and automobile industry chain', 'the research on informationization applications and services mode and overall technology faced the medium and small-sized enterprises', and so on, which are Specifically described as follow:
    (1) The research on automobile industry chain collaborative modes
    Automobile enterprises need large scale collaboration. Based on the
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