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The asset management and wealth management industry has come into an era ofcompetition. In the past decade, the wealth management products (WMPs) of banksemerged from null rapidly. By the end of2013, the balance of WMPs has reached10.2trillion Yuan, taking the largest market share in the Chinese asset management industry(as20%trust balance comes from WMPs). WMPs have become the most familiarfinancial products to the general public. The development of WMPs, however, has longbeen companied by critiques and debates as it greatly challenged the traditionalbusiness of commercial banks. Practitioners and researchers regard WMPs as part ofthe “shadow banking system” and Sorrows even indicated that WMPs might be thesource of next financial crisis. Therefore, it is of great importance to have a thoroughstudy of the history and the business model of WMPs. It will be of great use tounderstand the theoretical and practical reason of the development of WMPs. Bycomparing the asset management wealth management around the world, this study willalso indicate the way of reforms with regard to the wealth management services tocater the needs of the economy and financial system in the future by solving thepotential problem of WMPs and build up the tunnel for the transition from indirectfinancing to direct financing.
     In the literature review, we find out traditional theories (e.g. portfolio theory,CAPM, financial intermediary theory, life cycle theory, etc.) cannot well explain thereason and status of WMPs. New theories with regards to financial innovation andregulatory arbitrage such as financial repression and financial deepening theory, gametheory, etc. can give better explanations. It is necessary to point out that differentdriving factors affect the development wealth management services in different stagesand result in different properties of the whole market. The increasing personal wealthcreate the fundamental demand for WMPs, while regulatory arbitrage, interest rateliberalization as well as the deflection of macro policies worked together to bringWMPs to where it is now.
     By analyzing the “Money-Asset Pool” model of WMPs, we find out that WMPsare different from the indirect financing model of traditional commercial banks butthey are still making profit though term structure and credit spread. Thus it is not proper to say that WMPs has achieved the transition from indirect financing to directfinancing. Instead, they somehow make the investor and creditor closer and WMPs arethe tunnel of the transition. Critiques on WMPs mainly argue that WMPs are kind of“Ponzi Game” or part of “Shadow Banking”. These Critiques has misunderstood theWMPs and haven’t got the point of the real problem. On one hand, the spread ofWMPs has been constantly positive which meet the requirement of non-Ponzicondition. All the raised funds are fully backed by a well diversified portfolio in the“Asset Pool”. On the other hand, WMPs has been supervised by authorities with astrict credit check, liquidity control and prudent risk preference inherited in the natureof commercial banks. Instead of being part of the “Shadow Banking” system, WMPsare much more like the “shadow of banks” as it has been assigned too many tasksrelated to the proprietary business of banks.
     Banks aboard such as UBS, Citi, HSBC put FPS to the first priority to win theclients’ trust and to gain a stable long-term client relationship in wealth managementactivities. Clients are the main focus. With the strong client relationship, widespectrums of financial products are provided to construct a proper portfolio for theclients. In China, on the contrary, the place of wealth management and assetmanagement has been swapped. Banks in China paid too many attentions to the assetmanagement leg while ignored the maintenance of customer relationships withoutwhich WMPs and FPS are separated.
     WMPs are facing some risks. FPS is also facing various problems. Yet the risks arecontrollable. There are progresses in FPS companied by the development of privatebanks. As WMPs and FPS are playing more and more important roles, to regulate is toguide its way to a suitable business model, not to squeeze WMPs out of the market. Itis a transition requiring not only the development of external market and regulatoryenvironment to push forward the interest liberalization and distinguish regulatoryarbitrage, but also the establishment of the ring fencing between asset management andproprietary business of the banks. Business Unit regime might be needed to completethe transition from WMPs to modern wealth management and to replace the“Money-Asset Pool” model with real asset management products,the financialplanning services(FPS) also needs to transform from the simple product sales agent tocomprehensive wealth management serivcs.
     In a review of the path of economy growth model and the target of financial reform, we conclude that urbanization, globalization and mixed ownerships will be themain characteristics of future economy growth in China. To cater the need of futureeconomy growth, the financial reform has multi targets among which the developmentof direct financing is emphasized. WMPs has strongly supported the economy growthby promoting the development of direct financing. Thanks to the WMPs, banks havetransformed from traditional credit intermediaries to versatile financial intermediaries.WMPs are facing both chances and challenges. By transforming the business model,implicit guarantee problem can be solved and forced imbursement will disappear. Amore transparent and regulated system will be established to provide comprehensivefinancial services. The wealth management services of banks will build up the bridgebetween indirect financing to direct financing.
    ③预测数字来自BCG全球财富市场规模数据库(BCG Global Wealth Market-Sizing database)。
    ①“Fishermen and fish:Asequel to ForAmerica, an interpretation and plan”, Fowler, William Franklin (1933)。
    ④Financial Instruments and Exchange Act,Act No.25of1948,见http://www.fsa.go.jp/en/policy/fiel/。
    ④见《商业银行个人理财业务管理暂行办法》第八条,中国银监会网站,具体见http://www.cbrc.gov.cn/chinese/home/docView/1625.html www.cbrc.gov.cn。
    ②“Financial ServicesAct1986”,该法案适用于所有金融机构,主要核心内容为:一、对金融服务的不同形式一致对待,二、金融业的监管主要依赖于行业自律。
    ③“The BankingAct1987”赋予了英格兰银行对金融行业全面监管的职能。
    ①见Lyn Bicker,“Private Banking in Europe”,Rontledge,1996, p16。
    ②美国太平洋投资管理公司,Pacific Investment Management Company, LLC。
    ①“Did Foreigners CauseAmerica's Financial Crisis?”, Stephen Gandel,Times,Jan.15,2010。
    ②“US senators ratchet up pressure on yuan amid economic woes”,ChinaDaily,2010-03-17。美国130名美国议员联名写给美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)和商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)的信函,信中敦促美国政府高层官员立即采取行动,解决中国“操纵汇率”问题。http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-03/17/content_9603690.htm。
    ②“China’s debt-fuelled boom is in danger of turning to bust”,Ruchir Sharma,Financial Times,January27,2014。
    ①Mishkin, Frederic. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Global, Tenth Edition), PearsonEducation Limited. p.68。
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