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镁合金是所有金属结构材料中最轻的,其密度通常在1.75×10~3~1.85×10~3kg/m~3,是铝的2/3 ,钢的3/4。镁合金具有很高的比强度和比刚度,己被誉为21世纪的金属。
Magnesium alloys is the most light in all of the metal construction materials,its density only contain 1.75×103~1.85×103kg/m3, its density is 2/3 than that of aluminum, 1/4 of steel.The magnesium alloy has high specific strength and specific rigidity.The magnesium alloy will display important roles in the 21st century.
     Because of close-packed hexagonal structure,its plasticity displays worse than aluminum, as a result magnesium alloy at die-casting forming realm are attached importance and develop. Forming magnesium alloy have the more synthetical capability than the casts magnesium alloy, as a result for pushing the magnesium alloy in aviation, car, motorcycle...etc realm more be applied, For developing the magnesium industry of our country, must strongly develop forming magnesium alloy and its production crafts.
     This background of research is global lightweight and developing the magnesium, choose ZK60 magnesium alloy proceeds the research, Based on the characteristics of the stress-strain curves of the ZK60 magnesium alloy during high temperature deformation, the flow stress model of ZK60 magnesium alloy during high temperature deformation has been established by the isothermal compression. Meanwhile, the present model is checked. It is proofed that present constitutive relationship has a good reliability. In addition, studying systematically the regulation of organize evolvement and dynamic recrystallization of ZK60 magnesium alloy during heat forming.
     The effects of parameters in forging like cavity die-filling have been numerically simulated by finite element method. The affect of emphatically the different inclination of drift and punch-nose radius for equivalent strain, stress and load-journey curves have been discussed. The results investigated show that when adoption of the inclination of drift is 3°and the punch-nose radius 3mm, the magnesium alloy has better flowing ability and lower forming resistance. This work provides the theory and technique foundation for implementing process optimized design and quality control scheme of ZK60 magnesium alloy connecting piece isothermal forging process.
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