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     本论文正是围绕着数控加工虚拟仿真系统NC代码编译器技术的研究与实现而展开的。为了使该NC代码编译器能识别多种数控系统的字符和功能,从而提高其通用性和适用性。本论文以现今国内外普遍流行的Fanuc 0i—TA、Sinumerik802D和HNC-21/22T三种数控车床系统为例,对此三种系统的NC代码系统进行了较为深入的研究和分析,寻找它们之间的相同点;详细论述了数控加工程序的译码原理以及数控软件的结构特点,在此基础上,提出了本课题采用的译码方法;对如何在Visum C++环境中运用计算机编译原理和面向对象技术来开发数控虚拟仿真系统NC代码编译器进行了探讨,着重阐述了本课题提出的NC代码词法、语法识别的方法和编译器提取数控加工程序主要加工信息的方法以及仿真模块的设计过程。
With the development of Numerical Control (NC) virtual emulation system, nowadays it is developing towards the direction of flexible, open and general increasingly. As a pre-positive processing unit of the NC virtual emulation system, it is a bridge of communication between NC virtual emulation system and the other part of CAD/CAM system, also must have the same qualities as NC virtual emulation system. And these qualities embody that NC-code compiler is able to deal with the NC procedure of different NC system. So how to realize a certain general NC-code compiler is a problem which must be considered by many producers of NC virtual emulation system.
    This thesis is opened up on the foundation of the research and realization of the NC-code compiler technology of NC machining virtual emulation system. In order to make NC-code compiler increase its generality and applicability and identify the characters and functions of many NC systems, in this thesis, the author studied the NC-codes of three kinds of popular NC Lathe System, such as Fanuc Oi—TA, Sinumerik 802D, HNC-21/22T in the world, and summarized the similarities of them, and discussed the coding theory of the NC procedure in detail and the characteristic of the NC software's structure and on the basis of these brought forward the method of coding which is adopted.In Visual C++ environment, with the theories of compiler and the 0-0 technology the thesis, the author studied the exploitation of NC-code compiler of the NC virtual emulation system and elaborated the method of checking the correctness of the NC-code's morphology and phrasing in the NC-code compiler, and discussed the method of drawing the main machining information from NC procedure and the process of designing the emulation block.
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