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As the constitutional part of the human body, objectivation of the organ is not only an ethic issue but also an issue which should be focused and paid attention to by the legislation. Organ’s being as a right object presents a new challenge for the traditional Civil Law. This doctoral dissertation makes theoretical investigation on the right, its right ascription and exertion field of the organ as well as the theoretical and acutual verification from the perspective of new object, taking advantage of the methods such as semantic analysis, value assessment, comparative analysis. Also there puts forward some suggestions for the organ-transplantation in China from the perspective of organ right protection.
     In Chapter One, it gives a brief introduction to the medical knowledge related to the organ and organ transplantation. Firstly, it defines the notions of the organ and organ transplantation within this paper. According to the medical definition, the organ specifies to the viscera made of the histiocytes while the organ transplantation points to the moving of an organ from one body to another (or from a donor site on the patient's own body), for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or failing organ with a working one from the donor site. There are various classifications according to different standards of the organ transplantation. The organ-transplantation so-called refers to the homologous transplantation Nevertheless, it is not clear on the distinction about the human organ , tissue and cells along with the medical definitions within the legislations of various countries, in which organ in many state’s legislations includes the tissue. Notion of the organ in this research is coincide with the medical definition, that is,the viscera. Secondly, it gives a retrospection historically and makes an analysis for its actuality as well as a prospect in the future.It is a lengthy evolution from the ancient myth to modern top medical technology. As the development of operative surgeon, transplantation immunology and anti-rejection drug ,organ-transplantation is more and more becoming a normal therapy, in which two obstacles have to be dealt with, one the rejection, the other is organ donor’s shortage. Fortunately, improvement of the immunosuppression drug and immunosuppression method is reducing this kind of side-effect increasingly as the development of the surgery technology. However, donor’s shortage can not be resolved by medicine itself. There are several tendencies of transplantation in the future: sufferer’dispensing with the immunosuppression drug, heterotransplantation employment to solve the source insufficiency, utilization of stem cell to implant the cells, and the utilization of human organ to solve the source shortage.
     Chapter Two gives an analysis on the juristic character of the organ. Actually there is duality of Character and Object on the object. Under different situations, they present different attributes. The author here will make a discussion based on the organ classification of live organ, isolated organ and corpse organ in the previous chapter, in which the live organ is the important element for the formation of the Character. Disagreements between the isolated organ and corpse organ is the distinction between the Object and Non-oject. The author draws a conclusion that negotiability is the fundamental character of Object while the isolated organ and corpse organ are Non-negotiationable from investigating the notion of Object historically. But towards the thinking of resolving the problem, the author argues that isolated organ and corpse should be taken as a special Object within the present theoretical system, on which real right is an incompleted and restrained property right. There are other concerns about the brain death such as its classification, scientificity of binary death standard and the relations between brain death and organ transplantation. The author believes that binary death standard is the scientific judgment for the death standard. It should make some certain judgment standard in the organ transplantation legislation so as to solve the problem in organ transplanting.
     Chapter Three gives a verification on the right of organ. Organ is becoming a new right object as the society develops. However, there is a disagreement on whether the organ, as parts of human body can be a right object, which is just the presupposition for the discussion of organ right. This dissertation will give some proofs from theoretical and actual perspectives, which will be given following elaborations for the necessities of setting its right. Firstly is that interest carried by the organ makes it necessary to set the right for organ. Secondly the author argues that ethic justness for organ, as the right object, depends upon the unity of good intention and kind means as the disagreement exists. Organ, as parts of the human body, embodies the dignity of one people, which determines that he manipulation on the organ is not at will. Thirdly, organ objectivation is the inevitable outcome resulted from human’s reforming world and its own self. The last is that human, as the unity of physical and spiritual matter, makes the organ’s objectivation necessary, which is also determined by the duality of human’s subjectivity and corporality.
     Chapter Four elaborates the issue of organ’s right and its ascription. The author analyzes the civil rights on the organ on different organ categories such as the live organ, isolated organ and corpse organ. Firstly the author debuts the viewpoint currently that one’s manipulation on organ from its almightiness on its body possession and puts forward with the conception of Body Hegemony. Secondly, on the case of isolated organ, the author makes a survey on the donor’s organ, patient’s isolated organ and the organization storing the human’s organ and tissue as well as the property right protection on these isolated organs. Thirdly, as for the corpse organ, the author makes an investigation on the character of the property right on it and its ascription, which should belong to its close relatives for their spiritual community, this particular relation. Nevertheless, the state can obtain the droit on the corpse at some particular situations. Finally, the author discusses the organ of the prisoner under sentence of death, which mainly focuses on the comprehension on the normative document. But from the author’s opinion, there is some instinctive defaults from directly utilizing the corpse from the viewpoint of right protection.
     Chapter Five defines the scope of the organ’s right that means what extent the subject of the organ can posit his organ. In practice, main form of subject positing his organ is transfer including compensated transfer and non-compensated transfer. The author makes a survey on the justness of organ donation and organ trading. This chapter mainly concentrates on the kind means to realize the organ objectivization. Firstly is the organ donation that is always regarded as a noble behavior for its altruism. However, many states restricts the live donation legislatively fro it violating the Non-hurting principle and limited ethics. The author argues that organ donation should hold the volunteer principle fro the perspective of respecting the citizen’s freedom and their rights. Secondly, the author lists various viewpoints on organ trading and argues that not only terrible outcome but also horror will be resulted from this behavior, for which most of countries prohibits the organ trading. As for some states take the organ trading as criminal action, the author believes it is not a good solution for the problem from the perspective of both direct consequence and indirect consequence of this behavior.
     Chapter Six gives rethinking on the right of organ and the legislation on organ transplantation. Firstly the author argues that there are some deficiencies on existing legislations based on the analysis on the actual organ transplantation. Secondly, the author gives some suggestions for the legislation on organ transplantation in China from organ’s right protection and realization. The author elaborates this issue from the perspective of macro legislation system construction and the concrete institution establishment and points out that China should make some legislation for organ transplantation by means of unified lawmaking, modified the existing regulation and rules to establish its own organ transplantation law system. As for the specific institution construction, the author puts forward with some advices from the aspects of compensation system for donor’s organ donation, donation institution plotting, civil right and protection institution for organ transplantation and the organ distribution to facilitate China’s organ transplantation legislation. It should be noted that most of the suggestions in this chapter are put forward from the perspective of right protection. Legislation on the organ transplantation must regulate that organ donation should be confined into the scope of ethic allowance and right protection toward the organ should be by all means the principle and guideline for its legislation, which conforms to the spirit of modern lawmaking system。
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