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Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world in the early 20's century. Argentina experienced a very serious economic crisis from the late 2001 to the early 2002. In order to alleviate the effect of the crisis, the government announced that Argentina was in a state of emergency, the parliament promulgated the law of emergency. The actions taken prevented the breakdown of the economy, meanwhile the foreign investors suffered tremendous economic loses. So many foreign investors filed the request for arbitration against the Argentina Republic with the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Up to the 20 August 2008, there are 47 cases against Argentina in the ICSID, most of which related to the economic crisis. In most of the cases concluded, Argentina was defeated. Thus Argentina experiences another serious crisis in the field of international investment arbitration. The phenomenon of Argentina is unprecedented in the history of ICSID and in the history of international investment arbitration.
     The subject of the dissertation is the crisis experienced by Argentina in the field of international investment arbitration. The dissertation will introduce the background of the crisis, trying to find out the reasons, discussing the measures Argentina taken in the international arbitral tribunals, the means will be taken in the courts of Argentina. The dissertation points out that the economic crisis directly caused the international investment arbitration crisis and the investment law reformation constitutes the basic reason. In the late 1990, Argentina signed lots of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), which abandoned the Calvo Doctrine, accepted the jurisdiction of ICSID, and accorded the foreign investors high level protection. It is the BITs that caused the failure of Argentina in most of the cases. Trying to review the awards and denying them in the courts of Argentina is very unadvisable, which will lead Argentina to breach its international treaty obligation and will do harm to Argentina's reputation in the international business society.
     Just like Argentina, China is a developing country. The primary task of China is to stimulate the development of the economy. In order to improve the investment environment, China has changed its attitude to the BIT, giving the foreign investor high level protection. Despite now there are no cases against China in ICSID, China should make ready for it. China should amend the regulations of the BITs; balance the protection to the investors and the host state, thus avoiding the crisis.
     Besides preamble and conclusion, the dissertation comprises six chapters.
     Chapter 1 introduces the Argentina's international investment crisis briefly, which composed of three parts. Part 1 introduces the fundamental theory of international investment arbitration. Part 2 gives out the cases now Argentina facing. Part 3 discusses the background of the crisis.
     Chapter 2 analyzes the jurisprudential reason of the crisis. Firstly, the dissertation explicates the history and the meaning of Calvo Doctrine, finds out that Calvo Doctrine is the most powerful weapon that the developing countries could use to oppose the jurisdiction of international arbitration tribunal. Then the dissertation points out that Argentina abandoned the Calvo Doctrine when it signed the BITs, which caused the crisis.
     Chapter 3 analyzes another jurisprudential reason of the crisis. According to the BITs, Argentina accepted the jurisdiction of the international arbitration tribunals; meanwhile Argentina granted the foreign investors high level protection. It is the regulations of the BITs caused the crisis.
     Chapter 4 reviews the objections of Argentina to the cases in ICSID. The dissertation explicates and appraises the objections to the jurisdiction and to the merits, pointing out that the regulations of the Argentina's BITs caused the failure. The defects of international arbitration process aggravated the situation.
     Chapter 5 reviews the measures Argentina will take in its own country. Because the awards released contradicted each other, Argentine officials and scholars sternly criticized the ICSID system. The supreme court of Argentina also said that any awards that are unconstitutional, illegal or unreasonable must be reviewed by the Argentine courts. After analyzing the measures above, the dissertation indicates that it is unadvisable for Argentina to take such measures.
     Chapter 6 compares the Bilateral Investment Treaties signed by China with that of Argentina, putting forward the suggestions to perfect the BIT of China to prevent China from experiencing such crisis.
    [2]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentina Republic,(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on the Argentina Republic's Request for a continued stay of the enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,para.23.
    [3]ALFARO,CARLOS E.Argentina:ICSID Arbitration and BITs Challenged by the Argentine Government [EB/OL].http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=30151 &.2004-12-21.2008-8-19.
    [1]UNCTAD.World Investment Report 1996-Investment,Trade and International Policy Arrangements[R].at http://www.unctad.org/Templates/webflver.asp?docid=715&intltemID=2429&lang=1&mode=downloads.2008-8-15.
    [2]SORNARAJAH,M.The Settlement of foreign investment disputes[M].Hague:Kluwer Law International,2000.152.
    [1]UNCTAD.Investor-State Disputes Arising from Investment Treaties:A Review[Z].http://www.unctad.org/en/ddocs/iteiit20054_en.pdf.2008-8-16.
    [2]UNCTAD.Latest Developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement[Z].http://www.unctad.org/sections/dite_pcbb/docs/webiteiia200611_en.pdf.2008-8-16.
    [1]参见ICSID网站,at http://icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=ICSIDDocRH&actionVal=ShowDocument&language =English.2008-8-16.
    [2]参见ICSID网站,at http://icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=CasesRH&actionVal=ListCases.2008-8-16.
    [3]OLORUNDA,DANIEL O.To Peg or not to Peg:The Pro and Cons of Pegging the Argentine Peso to the U.S.Dollar and Balancing FDI Incentives.[J].Regent Journal of International Law,2003/2004,(2):59.
    [3]SHIHATA,IBRAHIM E I.The Settlement of Disputes Regarding Foreign Investment:The Role of the World Bank,with Particular Reference to ICSID and MIGA[J].American University Journal of International Law,1986,(1):104-106.
    [2]DANINO,ROBERTO.Opening Remarks Presented at the Symposium on "Making the Most of International Investment Agreements:A Common Agenda"[z].Co-organized by ICSID,OECD and UNCITRAD,25 December 2005,Paris.See,http://www.oecd.org/document/1/0,3343,en 2649 33783766 35501697 1111,00.html.2008-8-20.
    [3]Compania Aguas del Aconquija.S.A & Compagnie Generale Eaux v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/97/3),Award of 21 November 2000.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentina Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on the Argentina Republic's Request for a continued stay of the enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,para.23.
    [2]ALFARO,CARLOS E.Argentina:ICSID Arbitration and BITs Challenged by the Argentine Government.[EB/OL].http://www.mondaq.com,2008-08-20.
    [3]ALFARO,CARLOS E.& LORENTI,PEDRO M.The Growing Opposition of Argentina to ICSID Arbitral Tribunals—A Conflict between International and Domestic Law.[J].The Journal of World Trade and Investment,2005,6(3):417.
    [4]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/08),Award of 12 May 2005,paras.468-471.
    [5]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Argentine Republic's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,paras,1-3.
    [6]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine Public of 25 September 2007.para.163.
    [1]Enron Corporation v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007.
    [2]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Award of 28 September 2007.
    [5]SNYDER,EDWARD C.The Menem Revolution in Argentina:Progress toward a Hemispheric Free Trade Area[J].Texas International Law Journal,1994,(29):101.
    [1]PADDOCK,JOHN V.Comment:IMF Policy and the Argentina Crisis[J].Miami Inter-American Law Review,2002,winter,(34):156.
    [4]BOUZAS,ROBERTO.&CHUDNOVSKY,DANIEL.Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Development——the Argentina Experience[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2004/investment_country_renort_argentina.pdf,2008-08-19.
    [1]BOUZAS,ROBERTO.& CHUDNOVSKY,DANIEL.Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Development——the Argentina Experience[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2004/investment_country_report_argentina.pdf,2008-O8-19.
    [2]ROSA,PAOLO,DI.The Recent Wave of Arbitrations against Argentina under Bilateral Investment Treaties:Background and Principal Legal Issues[J].The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,2004,(36):48.
    [7]FALCONE,JAYSON J.Argentina's Plight-An Unusual Temporary Solution to a Sovereign Debt Crisis[J].Suffolk Transnational Law Review,2004,(27):357.
    [3]以一家阿根廷电力外资企业为例来说明这一问题。这家电力公司向消费者提供电力服务,在政府改革前,假如某一消费者消费30美元电力,在其向投资商支付时按1:1的兑换率支付给投资者30比索,投资者再按1:1的兑换率向阿根廷银行兑换30美元。而在货币“比索化”改革后,根据《公共紧急状态法》的规定,投资者应向消费者收取的30美元使用费按照1:1兑换率以比索计价,消费者向投资者支付30比索使用费,投资者按比索对美元的市场价即3:1的兑换率向阿根廷银行兑换10美元,同时禁止投资者涨价抵消货币贬值给他们带来的损失。阿根廷政府这样的做法旨在平稳公共产品的市场价格,维护社会的稳定,从而促进经济的复苏。ROSA,PAOLO DI.The Recent Wave of Arbitration against Argentina under Bilateral Investment Treaties:Background and Principal Legal Issues[J].The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,2004,(36):47.
    [4]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.54.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.57.
    [2]Secretary Hull responded in an August 22,1938 note with his now-famous assertion of the international legal standard of compensation:"Under every rule of law and equity,no government is entitled to expropriate private property,for whatever purpose,without provision for prompt,adequate and effective payment…"LEVY,TALL NAFTA's Provision for Compensation in the Event of Expropriation:A Reassessment of the "Prompt,Adequate and Effective"Standard[J].Stanford Journal of International Law,1995,(31):427.
    [3]SORNARAJAH,M.,ed.The International Law on Foreign Investment(2)[M].New York:Cambridge university press,2004.19.
    [1]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.5.
    [5]DALRYMPLE,CHRISTOPHER K.Politics and Foreign Direct Investment-The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the Clavo Clause[J].Cornell International Law Journal,1996,(29):165.
    [1]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.12.
    [3]原文为:"the public debt of an American State can not occasion armed intervention,nor even the actual occupation of the territory of American nations by a European power."SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.14-15.
    [1]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.15.
    [2]CALVO,CHARLES.Le droit international theorique et pratique(5th)[M].Paris:Librairie nouvelle de Droit et de Jurisprudence,1896.350.see:HEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.18.
    [1]SHAN,WENHUA.Is Calvo Dead?[J].American Journal of Comparative Law,2007,(55):124.
    [2]First,that sovereign states,being free and independent,enjoy the fight,on the basis of equality,to freedom from "interference of any sort" by other states,whether it be by force or diplomacy,and second,that aliens are not entitled to rights and privileges not accorded to nationals,and that therefore they may seek redress for grievances only before the local authorities.These two concepts of nonintervention and absolute equality of foreigners with nationals are the essence of the Calvo Doctrine.SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.19.
    [3]MANNING-CABROL,DENISE.The Imminent Death of the Calvo Clause and the Rebirth of the Calvo Principle:Equality of Foreign and National Investors[J].Law and Policy in International Business,(26):1172.
    [4]参见单文华.卡尔沃主义的死亡与再生[A].际安.国际经济法学刊13(1)[C].北京:北京大学出版社,2006.:SHAN,WENHUA.Is Calvo Dead[J].American Journal of Comparative Law,2007,(55):123;VANDEVELDE,KENNETH J.Sustainable Liberalism and the International Investment Regime[J].Michigan Journal of International Law,1998,(19):379-381.
    [1]SHAN,WENHUA.Is Calvo Dead?[J].American Journal of Comparative Law,2007,(55):127.
    [2]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.20.
    [1]Calvo Clause is an attempt to implement the Calvo Doctrine by including in contracts concluded with aliens a provision which binds the alien to local redress and obligates him to forgo his right of appeal for diplomatic protection in case of any dispute or controversy which might arise from the contractual relationships.SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.28.
    [5]1910年,墨西哥发生针对Porfirio Diaz政权的革命,此后墨西哥国内政治形式的混乱与动荡给墨西哥境内的外国投资者造成了极大的损失。在几次努力失败后,1923年9月8日,美国终于与墨西哥签署条约成立美国—墨西哥仲裁委员会处理墨西哥革命期间,美国投资者在墨西哥境内遭受损失的赔偿问题。随后,法国、德国、英国、意大利、西班牙和比利时分别与墨西哥签订条约,成立委员会以国际仲裁的方式解决他们之间的争端。SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.194-195.
    [1]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.222.
    [1]截至2007年12月4日,拉丁美洲共有22个国家签署《华盛顿公约》加入ICSID。其中20世纪60年代,有3个国家签署并批准《公约》,分别是牙买加(1965年)、特立尼达和多巴哥(1966年)、圭亚那(1969年);20世纪80年代有7个国家签署并批准《公约》,分别是巴拉圭(1981年)、巴巴多斯岛(1981年)、哥斯达黎加(1981年)、萨尔瓦多(1982年)、圣卢西亚(1984)、厄瓜多尔(1986)、洪都拉斯(1986);20世纪90年代共有11个国家签署并批准《公约》,分别是阿根廷(1991年)、秘鲁(1991年)、格林纳达(1991年)、乌拉圭(1992年)、哥伦比亚(1993年)、委内瑞拉(1993年)、尼加拉瓜(1994年)、圣基茨和尼维斯(1994年)、巴拿马(1995年)、危地马拉(1995年)、巴哈马群岛(1995年);2001年,圣文森特和格林纳丁斯签署并批准《公约》。此外,玻利维亚1991年5月3日签署《公约》,1995年6月23日批准《公约》,《公约》于1995年7月23日对玻利维亚生效。玻利维亚于2007年5月2日通知中心退出《公约》,2007年12月3日玻利维亚退出《公约》的行为生效。See,ICSID.List of Contracting States and other signatories of the Convention[EB/OL].http://icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=ICSIDDocRH&actionVal=ContractingStates&ReqFro m=Main.2008-8-6.
    [2]根据谢伊考证,在拉丁美洲国家中,只有阿根廷、海地和多米尼加共和国没有采用卡尔沃条款。See SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.275-279.
    [1]SHEA,DONALD R.The Calvo Clause-A Problem of Inter-American and International Law and Diplomacy[M].Minneapolis:University of Minnesota press,1955.194.
    [2]BOUZAS,ROBERTO & CHUDNOVSKY,DANIEL.Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Development,The Recent Argentina Experience[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2004/investment_country_report_argentina.pdf.2008-5-8.
    [3]参见ICISD网站,http://icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=ICSIDDocRH&actionVal=ContractingStates&ReqFro m=Main.2008-8-20.
    [4]BIT between Argentina Republic and New Zealand(1999):" Article 12(4):Paragraph(3) of this Article shall not constitute,by itself,the content of the Contracting Party required in Article 25(1) of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes opened for signature in Washington on 18 March 1965."
    [1]Emilio Agustin Maffezini v.The Kingdom of Spain(ICSID Case no.ARB/97/7),Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction of January 25,2000,para.39.
    [1]Emilio Agustin Maffezini v.The Kingdom of Spain(ICSID Case no.ARB/97/7),Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction of January 25,2000,para.38.
    [6]Emilio Agustin Maffezini v.The Kingdom of Spain(ICSID Case no.ARB/97/7),Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction of January 25,2000,paras.54-56.
    [7]与墨菲兹尼案做出相同裁决的仲裁案件包括:Simens v.Argentina案,Camuzzi v.Argentina案,Gas Natural v.Argentina案,Tecmed v.Mexico案,Interaguas v.Argentina案,Grid v.Argentina案,Vivendi v.Argentina 案。参见徐崇利.从实体到程序:最惠国待遇适用范围之争[J].法商研究,2007,(2):42.
    [3]COSBEY,AARON & MANN,HOWARD & PETERSON,LUKE ERIC & MOLTKE,KONRAD VON.Investment and Sustainable Development:A Guide to the Use and Potential of International Investment Agreements[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2004/investment_invest_and_sd.pdf.2008-08-19.
    [1]在2001-2002年的总结报告中,ICC与SCC官员承认国际投资案件在他们所处理的所有案件当中只占据很小的比例。然而,在过去的五年当中,这两个机构受理的投资案件却呈大幅上升趋势。但是由于它们的保密制度,这两个机构总共受理多少投资仲裁案件,有多少是根据双边投资条约提起的不得而知。PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.All Road Lead out of Rome:Divergent Paths of Disputes Settlement in Bilateral Investment Treaties[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2003/investment_nautilus.pdf.2008-08-19.
    [2]例如S.D.Myer Inc.v.Government of Canada案,利用联合国贸发会议仲裁程序(UNCITRAL)进行仲裁,实行保密制度。当加拿大对仲裁结果不服,在加拿大国内提起撤销之诉时,案件才进入公众的视线。
    [3]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.All Road Lead out of Rome:Divergent Paths of Disputes Settlement in Bilateral Investment Treaties[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2003/investment_nautilus.pdf.2008-08-19.
    [4]法庭之友(amicus curiae),是英美法系程序法中的一项重要制度。根据布莱克法律词典,法庭之友是指“对于一个诉讼标的具有强烈兴趣或见解,主动向法庭申请,或者根据法庭的要求向法庭提交陈述书的非争端当事人。”GARNER,BRAYAN A,ed.Black's Law Dictionary(7th Edition)[Z].ST.PAUL,MINN.,1999.83.根据《国际公法词典》,法庭之友被认为是英美法系的一个国内法概念,是指“在司法程序中向法庭提交有关案件事实或法律信息,帮助法庭作出正确裁决的非争端当事人的个人或组织。”SALMON,JEAN.Dictionnairc de Droit International Public[Z].Bruxelles:Bruylant Bruxelles,2001.62-63.
    [1]例如Aguas Cordobesas S.A.,Suez,and Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.v.Argentine Republic (Case No.ARB/03/18),2005年5月19日仲裁庭专门就ACIJ、CELS、CIEL等5个非政府组织作为法庭之友参与案件做出决定。在决定中仲裁庭指出,接受这些非政府组织的报告是仲裁庭的自由裁量权范围内的事,然而允许这些非政府组织参与案件则需要得到争议双方的同意。
    [2]ICSID.Amendments to the ICSID Rules and Regulations[EB/OL].http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/highlights/03-04-06.htm.2008-08-19.
    [1]Sornarajah,M.The Clash of Globalizations and the International Law on Foreign Investment[J].Canadian Foreign Policy,Winter 2003,(2):10.
    [2]Lauder v.Czech Republic,UNCITRAL,Final Award of 3 September 2001.
    [3]CME Czech Republic B.V.v.Czech Republic,UNCITRAL,Final Award of 14 March 2003.
    [2]MANN,HOWARD.Private Rights,Public Problems,A Guide to NAFTA's Controversial Chapter on Investor rights[EB/OL],http://www.iisd.org/pdf/trade_citizensguide.pdf.2008-08-17.
    [1]BIT between the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentina Republic(1990):"Desiring to create favorable conditions for greater investment by investors of one State in the territory of the other State;Recognizing that the encouragement and reciprocal protection under international agreement of such investments will be conducive to the stimulation of individual business initiative and will increase prosperity in both States."
    [2]BIT between Canada and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Recognizing that the promotion and the protection of investments of investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party will be conducive to the stimulation of business initiative and to the development of economic cooperation between them."
    [3]BIT between the Hellenic Republic and the Argentina Republic(1999):"Desiring to intensify economic cooperation between the countries on a long term basis.Aiming at creating favorable conditions for investments by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party.Recognizing that the promotion and protection of such investments on the basis of an Agreement will be conducive to the stimulation of individual business initiative and will increase prosperity in both countries."
    [4]BIT between the United States and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Agreeing that fair and equitable treatment of investment is desirable in order to maintain a stable framework for investment and maximum effective use of economic resources."
    [5]BIT between Australia and the Argentina Republic(1995):"Considering that investment relations should be promoted and economic cooperation strengthened in accordance with the internationally accepted principles of mutual respect for sovereignty,equality,mutual benefit,non-discrimination and mutual confidence;Acknowledging that investments of investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of one other Contracting Party would be made within the framework of laws of that other Contracting Party;and Recognizing that the promotion and protection of such investments on the basis of a bilateral agreement will be conducive to the stimulation of individual business initiative to the benefit of both countries."
    [1]UNCTAD.Scope and Definition[EB/OL].http://www.unctad.org/Templates/webflver.asp?docid=189&intItemID=2322&lang=1.2008-08-14.
    [2]投资的定义大体上分为三种类型:以资产为基础的投资定义;以企业为基础的投资定义;以交易为基础的投资定义。对投资的定义方式,主要采取了三种形式,即“开放式”投资定义、“封闭式”投资定义以及介于二者之间的“混合式”投资定义。以资产为基础的投资定义是指缔约各方依照各自法律和法规所允许或接受的各种财产。它不仅包括金融资产及经济概念上的资本,还包括具有创造生产能力的所有有形和无形资产。“开放式”投资定义,又称“非穷尽列举式”投资定义。是指国际投资协定列举出构成投资的各类资产,但是这种列举是非穷尽的。这类国际投资协定通常采用“包括但是不限于”之类的表述。UNCTAD.Scope and Definition[EB/OL].http://www.unctad.org/Templates/webflver.asp?docid=189&intItemID=2322&lang=1.2008-5-4.:何树全.国际投资协定中的主要争议和未来的选择分析[J].社会科学,2004,(5):26-27.:詹晓宁,葛顺奇.国际投资协定:投资和投资者的范围与定义[J].国际经济合作,2003,(1):41-42.
    [3]BIT between the United States of Ameriea and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Article 1:a)'investment' means every kind of investment in the territory of one Party owned or controlled directly or indirectly by nations or companies of the other Party,such as:equity,debt,and service and investment contracts;and includes without limitation:(ⅰ) tangible and intangible property,including rights,such as mortgnges,liens and pledges;(ⅱ)a company or shares of stock or other interests in a company or interests in the assets thereof;(ⅲ) a claim to money or a claim to performance having economic value and directly related to an investment;(ⅳ)intellectual property which includes,inter alia,rights relating to:literary and artistic works,including sound recordings,inventions in all fields of human endeavor,industrial designs,semiconductor mask works,trade secrets,know-how,and confidential business information,and trademarks,service marks,and trade names;and(ⅴ)any right conferred by law or contract,and any licenses and permits pursuant to law."
    [1]BIT between the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentina Republic:" Article 1:A change in the form in which assets are invested does not affect their character as investments.The term 'investment' includes all investments,whether made before or after the date of entry into force of this Agreement,but the provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to any dispute concerning an investment which arose,or any claim concerning an investment which was settled,before its entry into force."
    [2]BIT between Finland and the Argentina Republic(1993):"Article 1:The term 'investment' means,in conformity with the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory the investment is made,every kind of asset invested by an investor of one Contracting Party in the other Contracting Party in accordance with the latter's laws."
    [3]BIT between the Hellenic Republic and the Argentina Republic(1999):"Article 1:The meaning and scope of the different assets shall be determined by the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in the territory of which the investment has been made."
    [4]S.D.Myer Inc.v.Government of Canada,UNCITRAL(NAFTA),First Partial Award of 13 November 2000,para.232.
    [5]Pope & Talbot Inc v.The Government of Canada,UNCITRAL(NAFTA),Interim Award of 26 June 2000,paras.96-99.
    [1]BIT between the United States and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Article 2(1):Each Party shall permit and treat investment,and activities associated therewith,on a basis no less favorable than that accorded in like situations to investment or associated activities of its own nationals or companies,or of nationals or companies of any third country,whichever is the more favorable,subject to the right of each Party to make or maintain exceptions falling within one of the sectors or matters listed in the Protocol to this Treaty."
    [2]BIT between Canada and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Article 4:Each Contracting Party shall,to the-extent possible and in accordance with its law and regulations,grant to investments or returns of investors of the other Contracting Party treatment no less favorable than that which it grants to investments or returns of its investors."
    [3]BIT between Australia and the Argentina Republic(1995):"Article 5:Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments by investors of the other Contracting Party,made in its territory,treatment which is not less favorable than that which it accords to investments of investors of any third country and,subject to its laws,regulations and investment policies,than that which it accords to investments by its own investors."
    [4]BIT between the Kingdom of Netherlands and the Argentina Republic(1992):"Article 3(2):Each Contracting Party shall accord to such investments the same security and protection as it accords either to those of its own investors or to those of investors of any third State,whichever is more favorable to the investor concerned."
    [2]BIT between Canada and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Article 2(4):Investments or returns of investors of either Contracting Party shall at all times be accorded fair and equitable treatment in accordance with principles international and shall enjoy full protection and security in the territory of the other Contracting Party."
    [3]BIT between the United States and the Argentina Republic(1991):"Article 2(2)(b):Neither Party shall in any way impair by arbitrary or discriminatory measures the management,operation,maintenance,use,enjoyment,acquisition,expansion,or disposal of investment."
    [2]BIT between the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentina Republic(1990):"Article 5(1):Investment of investors of either Contracting Party shall not be nationalized,expropriated or subjected to measures having effect equivalent to nationalization or expropriation in the territory of the other Contracting Party except for a public purpose related to the internal necds of that Contracting Party on a non-discriminatory basis and against prompt,adequate and effective compensation."
    [1]对于构成间接征收的行为,各国存在很大的分歧。根据国际投资协定和国际投资仲裁案例,以下三种行为往往被界定为间接投资:(1)等同于征收的措施(a measure tantamount to expropriation)。在这种情况下,虽然东道国政府没有直接夺取(taking)外国投资者的财产,但是它所采取措施的后果实际上剥夺了投资者根据投资享有的所有收益。(2)蚕食性征收(creeping expropriation)。东道国采取一系列的措施对外国投资者的投资进行直接或者间接征收。在这种情况下,单独从东道国的任一措施来看,并不构成征收,若综合所有措施的后果,便构成了间接征收。(3)管理性征收(regulatory expropriation)。在这种情况下,东道国采取立法措施对社会进行管理,但是对投资者的投资产生了不利的影响,从而被认定为间接征收。See OSBEY,AARON & MANN,HOWARD & PETERSON,LUKE RIC & MOLTKE,KONRAD VON.Investment and Sustainable Development:A Guide to the Use and Potential of International Investment Agreements[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/publications/pub.aspx?id=627.2008-08-14.
    [1]英文原文为:The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way limit the right of either Contracting Party to take any measures(including the destruction of plants and animals,confiscation of property or the imposition of restrictions on stock movement)necessary for the protection of natural and physical resources or human health,provided such measures are not applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustified discrimination.
    [2]英文原文为:This Treaty shall not preclude the application by either Party of measures necessary for the maintenance of public order,the fulfillment of its obligations with respect to the maintenance or restoration of international peace of security,or the Protection of its own essential security interests.
    [1]这两件UNCITRAL案件是根据1990年英国—阿根廷双边投资条约提起的AWG Group Ltd.v The Argentine Republic,UNCITRAL,Decision on Jurisdiction of 3 August 2006;根据1990年英国—阿根廷双边投资条约提起的National Grid plc v.The Argentine Republic,UNCITRAL,Decision on Jurisdiction of 20 June 2006.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of July 17,2003,para.36.
    [3]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of May 11,2005;Camuzzi International S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/2),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of May 11,2005,para.29.
    [4]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of July 17,2003,para.40.
    [5]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of May 11,2005,para.37.
    [6]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of July 17,2003,paras.43-65.
    [1]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of May 11,2005.paras.45.
    [2]Camuzzi International S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/2),Decision on Objection to Jurisdiction of May 11,2005,para.74.
    [1]Azurix Corporation.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/12),Decision on Jurisdiction of December 8,2003,paras.75-80.
    [1]Azurix Corp.v.The Argentine Republic(Case No.ARB/01/12),Decision on Jurisdiction of December 8,2003,paras,para.87.
    [3]Siemens A.G.v.The Argentine Republic(Case No.ARB/02/8),Decision on Jurisdiction of August 3,2004,para.60.
    [1]Siemens A.G.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/8),Decision on Jurisdiction of August 3,2004,paras.33-59.
    [1]Siemens A.G v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/8),Decision on Jurisdiction of August 3,2004,paras.80-105.
    [1]原文为:"Each Party shall observe any obligation it may have entered into with regard to investments."
    [2]原文为:"The investments made in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory they are undertaken,enjoy the full protection of this Agreement."
    [1]比如,1994年《英国与阿尔巴尼亚BIT》第3条明确规定:为避免产生疑义,缔约双方确认有关MFN 待遇的规定适用于争端解决机制。
    [1]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.518-519.
    [2]这6个案件分别为Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16);Camuzzi International S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/2):Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.and Interagua Servicios Integrales de Agua S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/17);Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.and Vivendi Universal S.A v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/19);Compania de Aguas del Aconquija S.A.and Vivendi Universal v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/97/3).
    [1]第一个案件为AWG Group Ltd.v The Argentine Republic,由于该案与SSA&ISIA诉阿根廷案和SSA&Vivendi诉阿根廷案争议完全相同,因此这第三个案由同一个仲裁庭合并审理。阿根廷对仲裁员的异议,与上两个案件相同。第二个案件为National Grid plc v The Argentine Republic,在该案中,阿根廷对仲裁员贾德·凯斯勒(Judd Kessler)提出异议申请,仲裁庭最终拒绝了阿根廷是请求,并且根据UNCITRAL 的规定,仲裁庭拒绝当事方的仲裁员异议申请无需说明理由。阿根廷不服UNCITRAL的决定,于是在与投资者协商一致的情况下,将案件提交伦敦国际仲裁庭(London Court of International Arbitration,LCIA),由后者对仲裁员异议重新做出审理,并给出理由。由于该案首先根据UNCITRAL程序审理,其后移交伦敦国际仲裁庭,两者均遵循对案件保密的原则,因此笔者无法获得仲裁庭对该仲裁员异议的决定。有关于该案的介绍,详见Peterson,Luke Eric,Argentina and UK Firm Send Arbitrator-Challenge to Venue where Reasons are Provided[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2007/itn_oct30_2007.pdf.2008.08-10.
    [2]British Gas(BG)v.The Argentine Republic,在本案中,阿根廷提出了针对范登堡(van den Berg)教授仲裁员异议申请。
    [3]由于有关这两个案件中,阿根廷对仲裁员的异议决定没有在ICSID网站上公布,因此有关这两个案件仲裁员异议的概要介绍参见CABRERA,FERNANDO & PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Argentina Moves to Disqualify Tribunal in Dispute over Admitting Earlier Rulings[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2007/investment_investsd_may9_2007.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [4]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),award of September 28,2007.
    [1]即考夫曼作为Compania de Aguas del Aconquija S.A.and Vivendi Universal v.The Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No.ARB/97/3).第二次仲裁程序仲裁庭的仲裁员。
    [2]Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.and Interagua Servicios Integrales de Agua S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/17);Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.and Vivendi Universal S.A v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/19);and in the arbitration under the rules of UNCITRAL AWG Group Ltd.v.The Argentine Republic,Decision on the proposal for the disqualification of a member of the arbitral tribunal,October 22,2007,paras.12-13.
    [5]有关对该案的介绍见:PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Secret $185 Million Award against Argentina Comes to Light in D.C.Court[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/investment_investsd_aqrl_2008.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [1]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Secret $185 Million Award against Argentina Comes to Light in D.C.Court [EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/investment_investsd_aprl_2008.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [1]ICSID.Convention on the settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States:Documents Concerning the Origin and Formulation of the Convention(2)[Z].Washington:ICSID Publication,1968.(以下简称 History of the ICSID Convention(2)[Z].1968) pp.489,729-730,753,935.
    [2]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.515-516.
    [1]魏艳茹.ICSID仲裁撤销制度研究(博士学位论文)[D].厦门:厦门大学,2005.53-54.又如在Amco诉印度尼西亚案中,印度尼西亚指出,申请人Amco任命的仲裁员与其存在着利益关系,后者曾经为Amco 公司的实际控制者提出税务安排方面的建议,且后者的法律公司与Amco公司在本案的顾问公司存在合作关系和利益分享关系,这种利益分享关系在案件开始之前就已结束。但是仲裁庭的其他两位仲裁员否决了印度尼西亚的异议申请,认为不存在明显的证据表明仲裁员缺乏独立性。SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.516.
    [2]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Analysis:Arbitrator Challenges Raising Tough Questions as to Who Resolves BIT Cases[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2007/investment_investsd_jan7_2007.pdf.2008-5-10.
    [3]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.517.
    [1]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.1200.
    [2]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005;LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006;Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007;Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Awardof 28 September 2007.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.88.;LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.72.
    [2]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007,para.89;Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Award of 28 September 2007,para.95.
    [3]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.256.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.254.
    [2]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007,para.237.
    [3]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.259.
    [4]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007,para.238.
    [1]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Award of 28 September 2007,para.277.
    [3]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.188.
    [1]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.195.
    [3]Metalclad corporation v.the United Mexican States(ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/97/1),Award of 30 August 2000,paras.102-112.
    [4]Pope & Talbot v.the Government of Canada,UNCITRAL(NAFTA),Interim Award of 26 June 2000,paras.81-105.
    [1]S.D.Myer Inc.v.Canada,UNCITRAL(NAFTA),Partial Award on merits of 13 November 2000,para.282.
    [2]Marvin Feldman v.Mexico,UNCITRAL(NAFTA),Final Award of 16 December 2002,para.99.
    [3]Tecnica Medioambientales Tecmed v.United Mexican States(ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/00/2),Award of 29May 2003,para.116.
    [4]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.267.
    [1]Sempra Energy International v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/16),Award of 28 September 2007,para.290.
    [2]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22May 2007,para.255.
    [3]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.270-272.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,paras.266-284.
    [2]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007,paras.256-268.
    [3]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.131.
    [1]Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co S.A.(Greece) v.Egypt(ICSID Case No.ARB/99/6),Award of 12 April 2002,para.143.
    [2]Mondev International Ltd.v.United States of America(ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/99/2),Award of 11 October 2002,para.116.
    [3]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,paras.296-298.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,paras.296-303.
    [2]Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets,L.P.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3),Award of 22 May 2007,paras.269-277.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.304.
    [3]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.201.
    [5]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.304.
    [6]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,para.203.
    [1]原文为:1.Necessity may not be invoked by a state as a ground for precluding the wrongfulness of an act not in conformity with an international obligation of that State unless the act:(a) is the only way for the state to safeguard an essential interest against a grave and imminent peril;and(b) does nor seriously impair an essential interest of the State or States towards which the obligation exists,or of the international community as a whole;2.In any case,necessity may not be invoked by a state as a ground for precluding wrongfulness,if:(a) the international obligation in question excludes the possibility of invoking necessity;or(b) the State has contributed to the situation of necessity.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,para.317.
    [2]原文为:This treaty shall not preclude the application by either Party of measures necessary for the maintenance of public order,the fulfillment of its obligations with respect to the maintenance or restoration of international peace or security,or the protection of its own essential security interests.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of 12 May 2005,paras.353-355.
    [1]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,paras.205-206.
    [1]LG&E Energy Corporation,LG&E Capital Corporation and LG&E International Inc.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1),Decision on liability of 3 October 2006,paras.230-242.
    [1]原文为:The invocation of a circumstance precluding wrongfulness in accordance with this chapter is without prejudice to:(a) Compliance with the obligation in question,if and to the extent that the circumstance precluding wrongfulness no longer exists;(b) The question of compensation for any material loss caused by the act in question.
    [2]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Argentine Republic's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,paras.1-3.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Argentine Republic's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,paras.18.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Argentine Republic's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award of 1 September 2006,para.38.
    [3]ICSID受理的第一起申请撤销仲裁裁决案是在ICSID首次受理投资争端仲裁申请十余年之后的1984年,即克劳科纳诉喀麦隆案。Kl(o|¨)cker industrie-Anlagen GmbH and others v.United Republic of Camerroon and Societe Camerounasise de Engrais,(ICSID Case No.ARB/81/2),Decision on Annument of ICSID of 3 July 1985.Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal,Vol.1,NO.1,1986.而到2000年初,ICSID已经受理六起申请撤销仲裁裁决案。SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.897.
    [4]OECD Secretariat,Improving the System of Investment-State Dispute Settlement:An Overview,Symposium Co-organized by ICSID,OECD and UNCTAD:Making the Most of International Investment Agreements:A Common Agenda[Z],12 December 2005,Paris.See,http://www.oecd.org/document/1/0,3343,en_2649_33783766_355016971_1_1_1,00.html.2008-8-20.
    [5]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine republic of 25 September 2007,para.44.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine republic of 25 September 2007,para.54.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine republic of 25 September 2007,para.89-100.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine republic of 25 September 2007,paras.128-136.
    [1]CMS Gas Transmission Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision of the ad hoc committee on the application for annulment of the Argentine republic of 25 September 2007,paras.144-150.
    [2]GOODMAN,CHARITY L.Uncharted Waters:Financial Crisis and Enforcement of ICSID Awards in Argentina[J].University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,2007,(28):452.
    [4]《公约》第52条其他两款分别为“仲裁庭组成不当”和“仲裁庭的成员有受贿行为”。但是,由于一则ICSID 仲裁庭的组庭事宜皆在秘书长的直接监督之下,发生“仲裁庭组成不当”的可能性几乎不存在,二则ICSID 仲裁庭的仲裁员皆为品德高尚的世界著名人士,让他们收受贿赂的可能性也极为渺茫,所以,从迄今已披露出来的撤销案件看,当事人所援用的ICSID仲裁撤销理由一直都来自剩下的3个撤销理由。魏艳茹.ICSID 仲裁撤销制度研究(博士学位论文)[D].厦门:厦门大学,2005.22.
    [1]GOODMAN,CHARITY L.Uncharted Waters:Financial Crisis and Enforcement of ICSID Awards in Argentina[J].University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,2007,(28):453.
    [2]CMS Gas Transmission Corporation v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Decision on Respondent's Request for a continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award,para.47.
    [3]SAMRA,HAROUT.Five Years Later:.The CMS Award Placed in the Context of the Argentine Financial Crisis and the ICSID Arbitration Boom[J].University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,Spring/Summer,2006-2007,(38):679.
    [1]SAMRA,HAROUT.Five Years Later:.The CMS Award Placed in the Context of the Argentine Financial Crisis and the ICSID Arbitration Boom[J].University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,Spring/Summer,2006-2007,(38):678-680.
    [2]ALFARO,CARLOS E.Argentina:ICSID Arbitration and BITs Challenged By the Argentine Government [EB/OL].http://www.alfarolaw.com/ima/tapa/alfaro3.htm,2008-08-10.
    [1]ALFARO,CARLOS E & LORENTI,PEDRO.Argentina:The Enforcement Process Of The ICSID Awards:Procedural Issues And Domestic Public Policy[EB/OL].http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=32803&searchresults=1.2008-08-10.
    [2]ALFARO,CARLOS E.Argentina:ICSID Arbitration and BITs Challenged By the Argentine Government [EB/OL].http://www.alfarolaw.com/ima/tapa/alfaro3.htm.2008-08-10.
    [3]RICHARDS,PABLO F.Court Support for Arbitration in Argentina[EB/OL].http://www.globalarbitrationreview.com/handbooks/4/sections/8/chapters/48/argentina.2008-08-10.
    [4]Color SA v.Max Factor,17 Nov.1994;Meller v.ENTEL,5 Nov.2002.See RICHARDS,PABLO F.Court Support for Arbitration in Argentina[EB/OL].http://www.globalarbitrationreview.com/handbooks/4/sections/8/chapters/48/argentina.2008-08-10.
    [1]ALFARO,CARLOS E.Argentina:ICSID Arbitration and BITs Challenged By the Argentine Government [EB/OL].http://www.alfarolaw.com/ima/tapa/alfaro3.htm.2008-08-10.
    [2]RICHARDS,PABLO F.Court Support for Arbitration in Argentina[EB/OL].http://www.globalarbitrationreview.com/handbooks/4/sections/8/chapters/48/argentina.2008-08-10.
    [1]RICHARDS,PABLO F.Court Support for Arbitration in Argentina[EB/OL].http://www.globalarbitrationreview.com/handbooks/4/sections/8/chapters/48/argentina.2008-08-10.
    [1]ALFARO,CARLOS E.& LORENTI,PEDRO M.The Growing Opposition of Argentina to ICSID Arbitral Tribunals—A Conflict between International and Domestic Law.[J].The Journal of World Trade and Investment,2005,6(3):423-424.
    [1]ALFARO,CARLOS E.& LORENTI,PEDRO.Argentina:ARGENTINA VS.ICSID:Unconstitutionality of the BITs and ICSID Jurisdiction-the Potential New Government Defenses Against the Enforcement of the ICSID Arbitral Award-Issues That May Subject the Award to Revision by the Argentine Judiciary[EB/OL].http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=-32539&searchresult=1.2008-08-10.
    [2]2008年8月1日,负责ICSID仲裁案件应诉事务的阿根廷司法部国际事务处负责人加布里尔·博蒂尼(Gabriel Bottini)致笔者的信,见附录。
    [1]BORALESSA,ANOOSHA.Enforcement in the United States and United Kingdom of ICSID Awards against the Republic of Argentina:Obstacles that Transnational Corporations May Face[J].New York International Law Review,summer,2004(17):59.
    [1]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.1080-1081.
    [2]ICSID.History of the ICSID Convention(2)[Z].1968.pp.273,425,428,430.
    [1]ICSID.History of the ICSID Convention(2)[Z].1968.pp.889,890.
    [1]陈安,主编.国际投资争端仲裁[M].上海:复旦大学出版社 2001,282.
    [2]目前共有3个案件以国家执行豁免条款为理由,判决对东道国的不利裁决不能予以执行。这三个案件分别为:Benvenuti and Bonfant Srl v.The Government of the People's Republic of the Congo(ICSID Case No.ARB/77/2);Societe Ouest Africaine des Betons Industriels v.State of Senegal(ICSID Case No.ARB/82/1);Liberian Eastern Timber Corporation v.Republic of Liberia,(ICSID Case No.ARB/83/2).
    [1]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.411.
    [2]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.CMS Energy Urges Argentina to Pay ICSID Award,Investment Treaty News [EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/itn_jan11_2008.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [1]ICSID.ICSID History(2)[z].1968.pp.346,523,656,885,889,893,900,901,903,904.
    [2]BORALESSA,ANOOSHA.Enforcement in the United States and United Kingdom of ICSID Awards against the Republic of Argentina:Obstacles that Transnational Corporations May Face[J].New York International Law Review,2004,(17).
    [1]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.CMS Energy Urges Argentina to Pay ICSID Award,Investment Treaty News [EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/itn_jan11_2008.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [2]GOODMAN,CHARITY L.Uncharted Waters:Financial Crisis and Enforcement of ICSID Awards in Argentina[J].University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,summer,2007,(28):481.
    [3]SAMRA,HAROUT.Five Years Later:The CMS Award Placed in the Context of the Argentine Financial Crisis and the ICSID Arbitration Boom[J].University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,Spring/Summer,2006-2007,(38):698.
    [4]2008年8月1日,Babriel Bottini致笔者的信,见本文附录。
    [1]United States of America Department of state.U.S.Submission regarding Article 53 and 54 of the ICSID convention of 1 May 2008[Z].http://ita.law.uvic.ca/documents/Siemens-USsubmission.pdf.2008-8-10.
    [2]Procuracion del Tesoro de la Nacion.Argentina's Response to US Department of State Letter of 2 June 2008[Z].http://ita.law.uvic.ca/documents/Siemens-ArgentinaArt.53-54.pdf.2008-8-10.
    [1]SAMRA,HAROUT.Five Years Later.The CMS Award Placed in the Context of the Argentine Financial Crisis and the ICSID Arbitration Boom[J].University of Miami Inter-American Law Review,Spring/Summer,2006-2007,(38):696.
    [1]这五个案件为:Camuzzi International S.A v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/7);Pioneer Natural Resources Company,Pioneer Natural Resources(Argentina) S.A.and Pioneer Natural Resources(Tierra del Fuego) S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03//12);Aguas Cordobesas S.A.,Suez,and Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/03/18);France Telecom S.A.v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/04/18);RGA Reinsurance Company v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/04/20).
    [1]SCHREUER,CHRISTOPH H.The ICSID Convention:A Commentary[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.1142.
    [1]UNCTAD.World Investment Report 2007:Transnational Corporations,Extractive Industries and development[R].At http://www.unctad.org/Templates/webflyer.asp?docid=9001&intItemID=4361&lang=1&mode=downloads.2008-8-17.
    [3]例如,1995~1996年间,海岸公司通过设立合营企业的方式在江苏省设立三个调峰电厂,并向MIGA 申请投保政治风险,包括征收险。有关合营企业与四家国有电力企业订立购电合同,这四家电力企业均有权与供电方谈判购电计价方法和购电数量及其他相关事宜。上述电力项目进入营运阶段后,中国大陆政府开始在全国范围内重新审查电力政策,整顿电价混乱情形。鉴此,1998年底到1999年下半年,江苏省政府出台了被称为“综合电价政策”的系列政策文件和规定,取消了地方电力价格部门审查和调整购电合同项下电价的权力。根据有关文件,江苏省的调峰电厂必须另订新的购电合同,即必须与在购、零售电力方面获得垄断权的江苏省电力公司谈判。在与江苏省方面谈判未果后,海岸公司开始向MIGA求助。在MIGA 与中国大陆政府有关部门的谈判中,后者质疑:为什么违约行为构成一个征收事实,而不是一起可以在当地法院解决的普通商业纠纷。他们向MIGA表明,他们是本着保护中国大陆电力消费者这一全国性的一贯政策,以最大的善意行事。难道合法的国家利益不能优先于投资者的合同权利?虽然经过MIGA、中国大陆政府及该外商的共同努力与彼此谅解,该外商与中国大陆政府就有关问题达成协议,从而没有正式向MIGA提出索赔,但该案无疑给我们敲响了警钟。[美]劳伦·S·威森费尔德.多边投资担保机构的十五年发展历程[A].徐崇利译.陈安.国际经济法学刊(9)[C].北京:北京大学出版社,2004.231-236.
    [1]PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Path Cleared for Italian Holders of Argentine Bond to Sue Argentina at ICSID[EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2007/investment_investsd_feb14_2007.pdf.2008-5-10.
    [2]Giovanna a Beccara and others v.The Argentine Republic(ICSID Case No.ARB/07/5).
    [2]由于该案根据UNCITRAL进行仲裁,因此有关该案的仲裁裁决没有公开。有关该案的情况介绍请参见PETERSON,LUKE ERIC.Secret $185 Million Award against Argentina Comes to Light in D.C.Court [EB/OL].http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/investment_investsd_aprl_2008.pdf.2008-08-10.
    [2]原文为:"Desiring to achieve these objectives in a manner consistent with the protection of health,safety,and the environment,and the promotion of internationally recognized labor rights."
    [1]GOODMAN,CHARITY L.Uncharted Waters:Financial Crisis and Enforcement of ICSID Awards in Argentina[J].University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,2007,(28):471.
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