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  • 英文题名:Yeast Two-hybrid Study on Downstream Signaling Transduction Pathways of Neurotrophic Factor Receptors
  • 作者:张勇
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:神经生物学
  • 学位年度:2002
  • 导师:路长林
  • 学科代码:071006
  • 学位授予单位:第二军医大学
  • 论文提交日期:2002-04-01
     第H军医大学博士学位论文 口摘要(中英文)
     为诱饵蛋白,经酵母双杂交方法筛选人脑LexA cDNA文库,获得274个克隆。经p-半乳糖
     基因片段。将pGilda-RET厂与pB42ADS 书共转化HLYSIg,共转化子的 p-半乳糖昔酶活
     力检测呈阳性,表明在酵母中S*2丑与RE丫”之间可相互作用。在获得稳定转染M T与*F*。
     质粒的PC 12细胞基础上,再瞬时转染野生型SHZE或者其突变体R555E于此稳定转染细胞
     株中。细胞裂解物的免疫共沉淀实验结果显示,仅当 GDNF刺激转染了野生型SHZ-B的 PC
     与 SHZ-B的PC细胞后,SHZ-B可与 MT在体内发生结合。细胞的形态观察显示,GDNF
     作用于仅转染RET与 GFRa质粒的PC细胞或转染MT、GFRa与 SHZ8质粒的PC细胞后,
     将其作为诱饵蛋白,经酵母双杂交方法筛选人脑 LexA cDNA文库,获得 112个克隆。经
     doki等基因片段。将 pGilda-EGFR’C与 pB42AD-doki共转化 HLY819,共转化子的p-半乳
     糖昔酶活力测定呈阳性,表明在酵母中 doki与 EGFR‘C可结合。pGildUEGFR’C与
     pB42AD刁ok1PTB酵母共转化子的p-半乳糖昔酶活力以及 SD Gal Ura“His”Tp’Leu”平板生
     长实验均呈阳性,表明 doki可经 PTB结构域与 EGFR’C结合。缺失 PTB结构域的 doki门
     doki A PTB)与EGFR‘’共转化子的p-半乳糖昔酶活力以及SD Ga1Ura”His’切“Leu平板生
     — —
     doki PTB结构域与来自EGFR小肽的立体结构模拟提示,我们选择了d。k1PTB结构域内的
     酸残基均突变为丙氨酸 Ala,再将这些 dok1PTB突变体与 EGFR’“共转化酵母 HLY819,检
     突变为川a后,EGFR’”不能与 doklPTB结合;而 74T。79Y、93R与 119I突变为 Ala后,
     EGFR厂仍可与 d。klPTB结合。上述结果表明,d。k1PTB结构域内的 73Y、76L、77R和
Neurotrophic factors is a family of secreted polypeptide growth factors which could promote the development and survival of certain neuronal populations both in the peripheral and in the central nervous system. It is a target-derived polypeptide, essential for development and maintenance of peripheral sympathetic and neural crest-derived sensory neurons as well as adult neurons in the brain. Some of the neurotrophic factors may be therapeutically beneficial for patients with nerve injury or some neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
    The biological effects of neurotrophic factors are mediated by their high-affinity ligand-receptor which present on the surface of those responsive neurons. According to the distinct components of receptors and different chemeical properties of ligands, neurotrophic factors could be classified to several families, for example GDNF and NGF family. The biological effects of GDNF, NGF and EGF were mediated by their corresponding receptor RET, TrkA and EGFR respectively. Although the ligands are totally different, all of these receptors belong to the family of receptor tyrosine kinases(RTKs). After binding with ligands, the RTKs would dimerize, simultaneously autophosphorylated and activated and then trigger the downstream signaling pathway. Since distinct signal transduction pathways are determined by the specific interaction between RTKs and their downstream effectors or regulators, it will be a possibly good strategy to investigate on the downstream molecules to better understand the
    complexities of receptor signaling networks.
    In present study, the human brain cDNA library was screened by using yeast two-hybrid system to search for new intracellular substrates or regulatory proteins of RET,EGFR and TrkA.
    The main results of our research are as follows:
    1. The intracellular part of RET receptor was fused to LexA and used as a bait to screen a human brain LexA two-hybrid cDNA library, and 274 positive clones were obtained. Among them, 21 plamids were selected and identified to be SH2-B and some other gene fragments. The interaction between RET and SH2-B was confirmed by using p-galactosidase activity assay in yeast. When overexpressed in PC 12 cells, wild type SH2-B could co-immunoprecipitated with RET in response to GDNF while SH2-B mutant R555E could not. It was observed that overexpression of wild type SH2-B enhanced GDNF-induced neurite growth while overexpression of SH2-B mutant R555E could inhibit it. Our results suggest that SH2-B could interact with RET in PC 12 cells stimulated with GDNF, and the interaction may be involved with the differentiation of PC 12 cells induced by GDNF.
    2. The intracellular part of EGFR was fused to LexA and used as a bait to screen a human brain LexA two-hybrid cDNA library, and 112 positive clones were obtained. Among them, 6 plamids were selected and identified to be dokl and some other gene fragments. The interaction between EGFR and dokl was confirmed by using p-galactosidase activity assay in yeast. Moreover, we found that the interaction of EGFR with dokl was mediated by the PTB domain since the dokl PTB could bind with EGFR while the dokl A PTB could not. After alanine mutagenesis scanning study, together with yeast two-hybrid analysis, our results demonstrated that the amino acid residue 73 Y, 76L, 77R and 92R in the dokl PTB domain may be critical for
    the interactaction of doklwith and EGFR.
    3. The intracellular part of TrkA was fused to LexA and used as a bait to screen a human brain LexA two-hybrid cDNA library, and 269 positive clones were obtained. Among them, 11 plamids were selected and identified to be TrkAlc-BPl and some other gene fragments. The interaction between TrkAIC-BPl and TrkAIC was confirmed by using p-galactosidase activity
    assay and co-immunoprecipitation experiment in yeast. Our results suggest that TrkA -BP1 is a new TrkA-binding protein and it may be a new member of rho-GAP family since the protein sequence analysis revealed that it contains a
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