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Electronic payment is a key for electronic commerce, and electronic payment security has become an essential concern for electronic commerce widely accepted in the marketplace. Therefore, it is of vital importance to do the research on electronic payment security to find solutions to remove the related concern.
     This dissertation investigates the electronic payment security from following three aspects: protocol security, data security, and goods security (quality assurance of goods that have been purchased and paid). In protocol security, the electronic payment protocols involving the third party are discussed first, in which an un-trusted third party is introduced instead of the trusted third party that is most depend on in traditional protocols. Then, the electronic payment protocol without the third party's involvement is proposed, and the protocol guarantees the fairness. In addition, as a supplement of fairness, the abuse-freeness is discussed with the aid of off-line trusted third party. In the data security aspect, a data transmission scheme is proposed according to the characteristics of electronic payment in mobile commerce. This scheme is different from the traditional data encryption to ensure data transmission security. The proposed scheme is the first time to use steganography in electronic payment for mobile commerce successfully. Finally, in the goods security aspect, the goods quality assurance scheme is proposed, which makes it possible to assure quality of goods that has been purchased and paid through electronic payment.
     The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:
     1. A new fair electronic payment scheme is proposed. This scheme can prevent the treachery and guarantee the fairness only with the aid of an un-trusted third party because subliminal channel technology is introduced to reduce dependency on the third party in electronic payment. In addition, the communication of the business process is simplified.
     2. Two fair electronic payment systems without the third party's involvement are presented, one for digital products and the other for physical products. With the aid of the simultaneity of the concurrent signature, this scheme does not require a third party. This means that there is no the third party not only in the transaction process to transfer or retention of any information, and but also in the termination protocol. There is no need for the third party to provide any evidence.
     3. An abuse-freeness fair electronic payment protocol is proposed. The protocol not only gives a RSA based signature scheme with a substantive improvement on Park's protocol, but also it makes use of an off-line trusted third party to give a solution of abuse-freeness in electronic payment.
     4. The basic model of a new secure data transmission scheme is presented. This scheme is different from the traditional data encryption to ensure data transmission security by using secret sharing steganography scheme. The scheme reduces operations and the demand of devices significantly and possesses some added secure safeguards for the characteristic of secret sharing. Especially, the proposed scheme is the first time to use steganography in electronic payment for mobile commerce successfully.
     5. A goods quality assurance electronic payment protocol is proposed. By introducing the DSA based Verifiable and Recoverable Encryption of Signatures (DSA-VRES) the goods quality assurance scheme in consumer to consumer (C2C) physical goods business is presented. This will improve the transaction success rate.
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