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Land resources are crucial elements in the environmental and socio-economic development of mankind. Information and data regarding the types, quantity and spatial distribution of varieties of land resources should be timely and accurate, which serves as the foundation for the formulation and implementation of government policies and project management strategies. Land resources information has already penetrated into many aspects of daily land resources management, including land use, cadastral, land planning and so on, and the volume of it is still expanding. However, the efficiency of land use remains low. The integration using and data sharing of land resources which are distributed at different locations remains difficult, which restrict good use of land resources.
     There are weaknesses in a traditional distributed Geographic Information System (GIS) technology framework, especially in the sharing and interoperation of massive spatio-temperal data and resources. The development of grid technologies has provided a new method for solving the problems inherent in the traditional distributed GIS. By using grid technologies, hardware, data, and application resources can be pooled together to form a huge, virtual super-computer to effectively get rid of the shortcomings and limitations, which will accelerate the sharing of data and raise the level of land resources utilization.
     This study presents a grid service model, operating method, grid services architecture and application model of land resources management through combining the study in the fields of GIS, computer and land sciences, which provides theoretical and technical support for the sharing and application of massive spatial-temperal data and resources. It is based on a thorough theoretical research and technical analysis on grid technologies, massive spatio-temperal data management and land use management.
     Firstly, Land Resources Object (LRO) concept is formulated by applying the concept of resources object to land resource management. Based on LRO concept, a land resources spatio-temperal data service model (LRSTD-SM) about data organization and a multi-level land resource management (ML2RM) method is put forward. Mechanism of LRSTD-SM is to use virtual spatio-temperal data computer to manage the various LRO. The Metadata Model and Resource Organization Model of LRSTD-SM are introduced emphatically. The content of ML2RM is that organization region is divided into multi-partition vertically and the LRO is divided into five units horizontally. The five units are resources object, library, layer collection, layer and feature. Some important technologies of ML2RM are discussed, such as metadata organization, nodes dynamic management, metadata data replication and dynamic combination of resources.
     Secondly, the Grid Service Model of Land Resources Spatio-Temperal Data(LRSTD-GSM) is developed by applying open grid service architecture to land resourcesmanagement. A grid spatio-temperal database is designed for the storing and managementland resources data, by analyzing the characteristic of land resources management, such as aspatio-temperal partition, logical sheet number and multi-units. Application model for the realization of land resources management, composed of region, tasks, agent, services and data, is developed and implemented based on grid spatio-temperal database.
     At last, a prototype platform of land use information system based on the model and method mentioned above was established. The test results and case study show that the design of LRSTD-GSM is logical and the new model is effective, efficient, and practical. Finally, a summary of the previous work is given, and future research plan is also pointed out.
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