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     制造网格(Manufacturing Grid,MG)正是在这一时代背景下出现的新的制造环境。它融合了计算机科学、自动化和先进制造等多学科技术,通过屏蔽资源的异构性和地理分布性,实现不同企业或组织中各类资源的共享,提供协同工作支持环境,以服务方式为用户透明地提供其所需的与制造相关的资源,可满足日益增长的企业间协作的迫切需求。
Many advanced manufacturing modes such as agile virtual enterprise, networked manufacturing, e-manufacturing were developed along with the progress of computer and internet technology and consequent applications in manufacturing, collaborating and resource sharing among enterprises distributed worldwide is growing frequently too. All these efforts aim at optimization deploying of resource and producing higher quality products faster at lower cost. Even existing technologies contribute to resource sharing in some degree, they can't satisfy the requirements such as agility of sharing configuration, supporting of resource kinds, and performance of sharing. While the development of grid technology offer new solutions to these requirements.
    The real and specific problem that underlies the Grid concept is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations. Grid technology improving the performance of networked manufacturing system in resource sharing, cooperation, network security, transparent of using, and so on, which make the base of networked manufacturing system. The term of manufacturing grid (MG) is the applying of grid technologies on manufacturing, which really a cooperation platform and resource sharing system among manufacturing enterprises. In such system, enterprises can obtain resources and services encapsulated in MG like using local resources.
    MG is a cooperation platform and resource sharing system among manufacturing enterprises. Several special problems related to modern manufacturing that must be considered in MG architecture design: How to manage distributed, heterogeneous and autonomy manufacturing resources in a networked-based manufacturing pattern? How to organize manufacturing resources for easily finding and invoking? How to dynamically organize a manufacturing job from manufacturing services? Aimed at solving these problems, a service oriented Manufacturing Grid is presented in the paper, which based on a peer-to-peer structure.
    The resource management and scheduling is much more complicated in MG
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