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Computational grid is based on power grid. It organizes distributed computers as a “virtual supper computer” by wide band digit network. Every computer is called a node, and all the nodes form a “Grid”. The target of grid is to make the users feel the use of grid is as convenient as using power grid. But the resources and user requirements in computational grid are more complex than power grid, and the distributed, autonomous, dynamic of resources make the performance and quality of service very hard to meet the user’s need.
    This paper made many theories study and do many experiments about upgrading the performance and service quality of grid environment, and get good results.
    We make use of the positive feedback, cooperativeness, parallelism and expansibility of ant algorithm which is very suitable to Grid, do some improvement on basic ant algorithm, and design the grid task scheduling method based on ant algorithm. For upgrading the service quality of grid, we use batch schedule and classify the users, tasks and resources in the grid, plan a practical QOS mechanism for Grid. For simulating the complex grid environment, we learn about the widely used grid simulate systems, design and realize an extendable grid simulate system, which is suitable to simulate different resource management and task scheduling methods. We find the application programming in grid environment is very difficult. So, we bring forward a grid application develop environment based on component technology. This environment is very easy to use, and by the proper management of components, the load balancing and fault tolerance of the system is easier.
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