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The law system is an important symbol to weigh civilization. Islamic law is one of the huge impact law systems in the medieval and contemporary time. Bahrain is an Islamic law country, and its legal system is a very special type in the Gulf and the whole Arabic world. It will be useful for us to understand the process of Islamic law in the medieval and modern history better, and see the Gulf's society, politics and modernism, by studying the changes of Bahrain's legal system in the history.
     In the history, Bahrain has been controlled by many countries, and there are different legal system cultures in different periods. Bahrain's legal system appeared in the Safavid Dynasty in the 16th century. Bahrain Twelver Shiite jurists controlled the administration and legal system. The A1 Khalifa arrivaled to Bahrain in 1782. They relied on Maliki sect instead of Twelver Shiite in order to be the major legal thought, and established the Sharia Sunni court, Sharia Shia court, Salifat A1-Goas and Al Majilis Al Urfi. In tribes, Shaikh used the tribal customary law to arbitrate the tribal problems. Shiite and Sunni citizens could go to their own court searching for the justice. At the same time, British colonist came to Bahrain and established the agent court, the joint court, bringing new legal view to Bahrain and making Bahrain step to legal system modernism. After Bahrain independence, the policy of "Arabizing of law" has been published. Islamic law had developed in Bahrain according to Egyptian Code, and employed Egyptians to make new court system; the origin of law has been pluralism; arbitration system has been connected with the world. The modernization type of Bahrain law system has shown pluralism of theory form and cultural orientation.
     In this dissertation, by employing a method of combining narration with argumentation, I conducted a systematic research on the changes and reasons about during the process of Bahrain's four histories on the basis of the lots of documents about countries, and made analysis law system' process during these periods. Finally, I summed up the characters of Bahrain's law system and problems entirely.
    11 吴云贵著:《当代伊斯兰教法》,中国社会科学文献出版社2003年版。
    ⑤ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003.
    ② Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997.
    ③ Lynn Welchman, Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States:a Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy, Amsterdam:Amsterdam University Press,2007.
    ④ Julie Gauthier, Prospects for Democratization in the Oil Monarchies of the Persian Gulf, Thesis of Master, Louisiana State University,2007.
    ⑤ Devin J. Stewart, Islamic Legal Orthodoxy:Twelver Shiite Responses to the Sunni Legal System, Salt Lake: University of Utah Press.1998.
    ⑥ Rula Jurdi Abisaab, Converting Persia:Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire, London:I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd,2004.
    ⑦ Hamid Algar, Religion and State in Iran:The Role of the Ulama in the Qajar Period, Berkeley:University of California Press,1969.
    ⑧ Calder Norman, The Structure of Authority in Imami Shi'i Jurisprudence, Doctoral diss., School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,1980.
    ① Caroline J. Beeson, The Origins of Conflict in the Safawi Religious Institution, Ph.D. diss., Princeton University,1982.
    ② Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, and N.Pourth.ST,1828.
    ④ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007.
    ⑤ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009.
    ⑦ Muhammd T. Sakik, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates:Colonial Past, Present Problems, and Future Prospects, Lexington, Mass:Lexington Books,1972.
    ① Emile A. Nakhleh, Bahrain:Political Development in a Modernizing Society, Lexington, Mass:Lexington Books, 1976.
    ② Rosemarie Said Zahlan, The Making of the Modern Gulf States:Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, Berkshire:Ithaca Press,1998.
    ③ Simon C. Smith, Britain's Revival and Fall in the Gulf:Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States,1950~71, London:Routledge Curzon,2004.
    ④ Fred Haley Lawson, Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy, Boulder:Westview Press,1989.
    ③.R. Cole. "Rival Empires of Trade and Imami Shi'ism in Eastern Arabia,1300-1800" International Journal ofMiddle East Studies, vol.19, no.3,1987, p.178.
    ④ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.17.
    ①有的学者译成卡拉奇。卡拉基在萨法维王朝确立十二伊玛目教派为国教的历史过程中发挥了重要作用,对此众多学者进行了研究和阐述。可参见Rula Jurdi Abisaab, Converting Persia:Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire, London:I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd,2004,pp.15-30;吴冰冰著:《什叶派现代伊斯兰主义的兴起》,中国社会科学出版社2004年版,第57-61页。
    ① Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Shari'ah Law:an Introduction, Trivandrum:Oneworld Publications,2008, p.90.
    ② Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828,p.74.
    ③寡妇是四个月零十夜才能嫁人。See Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828, p.74.
    ④ Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828, p.74.
    ① Syed Ameer Ali, The Personal Law of the Mahommedans, London:W.H.Allen & Co.1880, p.95.
    ② Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828, p.75.
    ④ Duncan B. MacDonald, Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,1903, p.116.
    ⑤ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.3.
    ⑥ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.3.
    ⑧ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.18.
    ①分别为: 楔形文字法、希伯来法、印度法、中华法、伊斯兰法、俄罗斯法。
    ③ See Norman Anderson, Law Reform in the Muslim World, London:The Athlone Press,1976, p.4.此外,中国学者高鸿钧先生认为伊斯兰法是人类法律文化史上“法学家法”的典型。参见高鸿钧著:《伊斯兰法:传统与现代化》,社会科学文献出版社1996年,第104页。
    ⑥ See Sami Zubaida, Law and Power in the Islamic World, New York:St. Martin's Press,2003, p.46.
    ⑦ Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828, p.75.
    ② Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828, p.73.
    ③ Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828,p.76.
    ⑥ Frederick Shoberl, Persia:Containing a Description of the Country with an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customers, Arts, Amusements, and of the Inhabitants, John Grigg, No.9, N.Pourth.ST.1828,p.76.
    ① See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.9.
    ② Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.19.
    ③ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.9.
    ②Faroq Omar, Arabian Gulf in the Islamic World, Dubai,1983, p.336.转引自韩志斌主编:《列国志·巴林》,社会科学文献出版社2009年版,第96页。
    ①关于中东部族研究的著作可参见Colonel S. B. Miles, Country and Tribes of the Persian Gulf, London:Harrison and Sons,1919; Yoav Alon, The Making of Jordan:Tribes, Colonialism and Modern State. London:I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd,2007; Philip S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner, eds., Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, California:University of California Press,1990; Reuven Aharoni,The Pasha's Bedouin:Tribes and State in the Egypt of MehemetAli, 1805-1848, New York:Routledge,2007; Jibrail S. Jabbur, The Bedouins and the Desert:Aspects of Nomadic Life in the Arab East, New York:State University of New York Press,1995.
    ⑤关于英国在海湾地区的政策演变,可参见James On ley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007,pp.43-46.书中详细阐述了英国从1616年到1900年对海湾地区政策的演变过程。
    ①英国政府和巴林哈利法家族之间的关系在学者间引发了广泛的争论。详细情况可参见Mohammed Ghanim Al-Rumaihi, Bahrain:A Study on Social and Political Change since the First World War, London and New York:Bowker Publishing,1976, pp.11-14; T.T. Farah, Protection and Politics in Bahrain,1869~1915, Beirut:American University Press,1985, pp.18-130.
    ② Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.28.
    ③ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.16.
    ①Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.16.
    ② Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.16.
    ③ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.16.
    ④ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.16.①参见[巴勒斯坦]穆斯塔法·穆拉德·代巴额著,北京大学东语系阿拉伯教研室译:《阿拉伯半岛》,北京人民出版社1977年版,第337页。
    ④ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.26.
    ⑤ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.25.
    ① Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.18.
    ② James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press 2007, p.119.
    ③ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.24.
    ① Frank E. Vogel, Islamic law and Legal System:Studies of Saudi Arabia, Leiden; Boston; Koln:Brill,2000, P.80.
    ② Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.17.
    ③ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.17.
    ④ Charles F. Gritzner, ed., Bahrain, Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2002, P.36.
    ③ Weir, Shelagh, A Tribal Order:Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen, Austin:University of Texas Press,2007, p.79.
    ④ Colonel Samuel. Barrett. Miles, Country and Tribes of the Persian Gulf, London:Harrison and Sons,1919, p.421.有必要说明的是,作者米尔斯生于1838年,卒于1914年,曾作为马斯喀特(Muscat)的政治代理人14年(1872-1886),此期间,在波斯湾广泛游历,花尽余生撰写此书,至死方休,书中描写十分细致,涉及面极其广泛,是研究波斯湾部族社会的基本资料,此书被西方学者广泛征引。研究波斯湾的学者J.B.Kelly曾在书中夸赞米尔斯为“敏锐的观察家、古典学者”。笔者细读此书后,也每每感叹作者描写之细微。
    ③ Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, P.14.
    ③ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj: Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, p.43.
    ④ Robert J.Blyth, The Empire of the.Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947, New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2003, p. 15.
    ⑤ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj: Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, p.46.
    ② James Onley, "Britain's Native Agents in Arabia and Persia in the Nineteenth Century," Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, vol.24, no. 1,2004,pp.21-23.
    ③ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.83.
    ④ 1816年, Sadah Anandadas,印度教徒;1819年,阙名,宗教不详;1827年,Asu,印度教徒;1829年,Paman,印度教徒;1829年,Chandu.印度教徒;1833年,Khushal,印度教徒;1834年,Mirza Muhammad Ali Safar,什叶派教徒;1842年6月,职位空缺:1842年秋,Hajji Jasim (a.k.a. Hajji Abu'l Qasim),可能是什叶派教徒;1862年,Hajji Ibrahim bin Muhsin bin Rajab,什叶派教徒;1864年职位空缺;1872年,Hajji Abd al-Nabi Safar,什叶派教徒;1884年,Hajji Ahmad Khan Safar,什叶派教徒;1891年,acting Agents, unidentified Residency Munshis sent from Bushire,宗教不详;1892年,acting Agents, Hajj i Muhammad Amin Bushiri,什叶派教徒;1893年,Agha Muhammad Rahim Safar,什叶派教徒;1900年1月,in charge, Hajji Abbas bin Muhammad bin Fadhil,什叶派教徒;1900年2月,acting Agents, Hajji Abbas bin Muhammad bin Fadhil,什叶派教徒;1900年3月中旬,本地代理人职位取消。See James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, pp.272-273.
    ② Jeffrey R,.Macris, The Politics and Security of the Gulf:Anglo-American Hegemony and Shaping of a Region, London and New York:Routledge,2010, p.14.
    ③ Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.25.
    ④罗纳德·鲁宾逊理论中的“合作(collaboration) "取其本意,意为“和他人共同参与劳作”。他的理论仅仅为解释欧洲人帝国的非欧洲人的统治基础问题。有关此理论的详细介绍可参见James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, pp.71-72.
    ⑤ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.72.
    ① James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.82.
    ③ James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.121.
    ①哈吉·阿卜杜·卜苏凯(HajjiAbd Allah Rajab),自1873年到1889年担任英属印度代理人的职务。1873年6月,他涉入一件谋杀案,被伊萨酋长逮捕。驻扎官助理立即写信给伊萨酋长,正式通告,阿卜杜是受英国保护的人员,应予释放。伊萨酋长最终释放了阿卜杜。但他写信向驻扎官抱怨。驻扎官在回信中明确指出,今后伊萨酋长不能染指涉及英国保护人的诉讼案件。See James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.124.
    ②两个案件都是记录非英国臣民及其家属对英国臣民及家属之间的涉及巨额债务的案件。第一个案件,1889年1月,代理人处理哈利法家族成员和卡提夫商人的案件。第二个案件,1900年2月,代理人处理巴尼那人起诉巴林商人的案件。See James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, p.122.
    ① Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.28.
    ② Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.29.
    ③1900年,巴林海关改革,政治代理人开始建立,替代了本地代理人,本地代理人制度到此终结。有关本地代理人为何取消的原因可参看:James Onley, The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj:Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf, New York:Oxford University Press,2007, pp.213-215.
    ④ See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.31.
    ⑤ See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.32.
    ① See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study; London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.33.
    ② See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.33.
    ③ S. A. Al-Arayyed, Islamic Law as Administered in British India and in Joint British Courts in the Arabian Gulf,1857-1947, Manama:al-Ayam Press,2001, pp.500-511; Article 14 of'The Bahrain Order in Council, 1913', L/P&S/10/248 IOR.
    ④ See Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009.p.116.
    ①Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.134.
    ②Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.135.
    ② Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.137.
    ① Nelida Fuccaro, Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf:Manama since 1800, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009.p.114.
    ② Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.146.
    ① Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147.
    ② Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147.
    ③ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147.
    ④ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147.
    ⑤ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147.
    ① Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.141.
    ② Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.141.
    ③ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.142.
    ④ee Haines, Bahrain Government Courts, December 1951, FO 371/EA 1644/26. See also the sections on Bahrain in W. E. Beckett, Report on a Visit by the Legal Advisor to the Foreign Office to the Persian Gulf States, June 6,1952, FO 371/EA 1642.
    ⑤ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.147,
    ⑥ Nathan J. Brown, The Rule of Law in the Arab World:Courts in Egypt and the Gulf, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.144.
    ①有关欧洲列强领事裁判权在阿拉伯世界实施的情况,国内学者鲜有论述,国外资料很多,可参见Maurits H.Vanden Boogert, The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System:Qadis, Consuls and Beratlis in the 18th Century, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands:Brill Academic Publishers,2005.
    ②治外法权,英文为"Exterritoriality",指“一定的人和房舍虽然处于一国领土之内,但在法律上被认为是处于该国之外,因而不受当地法律的管辖,该原则适用于外国君主、 国家元首、外交使节和其他享有外交特权的人。这些外交特权包括:住所不可侵犯,民事和刑事管辖的豁免,免除受传作证的义务,不受治安规则和条例的约束,免纳地方捐税以及自由信仰宗教等等。该原则在较窄范围内也适用于在另一国领土上的访问军队以及在外国领水内的军舰和公有船舶。”治外法权的享有者一般仅限于一国政治、军事几种人,即元首、外交官、领事等。参见赵晓耕:《试析治外法权与领事裁判权》,《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2005年第38卷第5期,第70页。
    ④ See Jill Crystal. "Criminal Justice in the Middle East" Journal of Criminal Justice 29,2001, p.477.
    ①Philip Dew, ed., Bahrain's Business Environment, London:GMB Publishing Ltd,2008, p.6.
    ③Philip Dew, ed., Bahrain's Business Environment, London:GMB Publishing Ltd,2008, p.6.
    ① Philip Dew, ed., Bahrain's Business Environment, London:GMB Publishing Ltd,2008, p.47.
    ① See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, pp.128-130.
    ② See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:A Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.165.
    ①Charles F. Gritzner, ed., Bahrain, Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers,2002, P.70.
    ②Jill Crystal., "Criminal Justice in the Middle East", Journal of Criminal Justice29.2001, p.474.
    ③ See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.141.
    ② See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.168.
    ④ See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.170.
    ② See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, pp.177-180.
    ① Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, p.77.
    ② See Hassan Ali Radhi, Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain:a Historical and Analytical Study, London:Kluwer Law International,2003, pp.96-97.
    ②这个组织的负责人加达·贾什尔(Ghada Jamshir)阐述其宗旨是:“促进对个人身份法的颁布,调节穆斯林家庭的纠纷。”
    ③ Lynn Welchman, Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States:a Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy, Ramallah:Amsterdam University Press,2007, p.22.
    ④ Lynn Welchman, Women and Muslim Family La ws in Arab States:a Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy, Ramallah:Amsterdam University Press,2007, p.42.
    ①关于中东地区是否存在市民社会,国内外学界意见不一。欧美学者大多认为中东地区不存在市民社会,阿拉伯学者则对此有相反看法。内蒙古民族大学姚大学教授曾撰文指出,应把中东地区的市民社会分成“旧的市民社会”和“新的市民社会”来加以研究。参看姚大学:《论中东市民社会及其特征》,《西亚非洲》2008年第11期,第66页。笔者赞同姚教授提出的观点,本文所说的巴林在十八世纪末就存在市民社会,即属于“旧的市民社会”类型。西北大学中东研究所黄民兴教授在承认中东社会存在公民社会的前提下,分三个历史阶段来对此进行阐述。可参看黄民兴:《中东现代化中的公共领域问题》,《山西师大学报》(社会科学版)2009年第36卷第6期,第104-110页。有关中东地区市民社会的外文研究可参看Augustus R.Norton, eds., Civil society in the Middle East,V.2, Leiden, New York, Koln:Brill Academic Publishers,1996, pp.259-286《中东的市民社会》这本书的第八章‘Civil society the Arabian Gulf由Jill Crystal撰写,在本章中,Jill Crystal详细分析了阿曼、卡塔尔、巴林、阿联酋等国家的市民社会。Augustus R.Norton, eds., Civil society in the Middle East, V.1, Leiden, New York, Koln:Brill Academic Publishers, 1995. Andrea Liverani, Civil Society in Algeria:The Political Functions ofAssociational Life, New York:Routledge, 2008. Wanda Krause, Women in Civil Society:The State, Islamism, and Networks in the UAE, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008.
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